
时间:2023-01-23 18:53:42

is there a way to introduce the concept of 'scope' while trying things out in playground?


Say you want to test a couple of implementations of a class MyClass so you declare it, write some code to test things. You then decide you want to compare that with another version of class MyClass implementation.


Redeclaring MyClass will give a redeclaration error.


So can I have playground treat the first declaration of MyClass and associated code separately from the second without changing the class name or creating multiple playgrounds?



2 个解决方案


It's a bit of a hack, but you can use nested types for this – declare a struct the only purpose of which is to have this kind of scoping:

这有点像黑客,但你可以使用嵌套类型 - 声明一个结构,其唯一目的是具有这种范围:

struct Scope1 {
    class MyClass { }

struct Scope2 {
    class MyClass { }

let x = Scope1.MyClass()
let y = Scope2.MyClass()

// if you want to quickly switch between using 
// one vs the other
typealias MyClass = Scope1.MyClass
let z = MyClass()


No, there isn't. Playground files are order-dependent and run in top-down lexical order.

不,没有。 Playground文件依赖于顺序,并以自上而下的词汇顺序运行。


It's a bit of a hack, but you can use nested types for this – declare a struct the only purpose of which is to have this kind of scoping:

这有点像黑客,但你可以使用嵌套类型 - 声明一个结构,其唯一目的是具有这种范围:

struct Scope1 {
    class MyClass { }

struct Scope2 {
    class MyClass { }

let x = Scope1.MyClass()
let y = Scope2.MyClass()

// if you want to quickly switch between using 
// one vs the other
typealias MyClass = Scope1.MyClass
let z = MyClass()


No, there isn't. Playground files are order-dependent and run in top-down lexical order.

不,没有。 Playground文件依赖于顺序,并以自上而下的词汇顺序运行。