
时间:2023-01-15 15:13:15

In an objective-c class that can be initialized through different init... methods, it is common sense to collect initialization code that is common to all initializers into one common method that is called from the other init* methods (or also sometimes from awakeFromNib).


Is there a convention for how this method should be named? initializer? initCommon? ...?


4 个解决方案



According to Apple, initializer methods should always begin with the word 'init,' followed by name components that describe the arguments. If a class has more than one initializer, the methods should be chained together so that only one of them is doing all the work, and the others should simply provide default values for the missing arguments.


So for example, a Person class might have the following init... methods:


- (id)init
    return [self initWithFirstName:nil

- (id)initWithFirstName:(NSString *)firstName
               lastName:(NSString *)lastName
    return [self initWithFirstName:firstName

- (id)initWithFirstName:(NSString *)firstName
               lastName:(NSString *)lastName
                    age:(NSNumber *)age
    [super init];

    self.firstName = firstName;
    self.lastName = lastName;
    self.age = age;

    return self;



As @dreamlax points out, Apple's documentation recommends (and when compiling with ARC, the compiler requires) reassigning self with the return value from the call to [super init].

正如@dreamlax所指出的,苹果的文档建议(当使用ARC编译时,编译器需要)用调用[super init]的返回值重新分配self。

The docs also recommend checking for nil before performing any further initialization That's because if the call to [super init] returns nil, self would already have been deallocated by the time the call returns, so there would no longer be an instance to initialize.

文档还建议在执行任何进一步的初始化之前检查nil,因为如果对[super init]的调用返回nil,那么在调用返回时self就已经被释放了,所以不再需要初始化实例。

Apple's documentation also suggests avoiding calls to accessor methods in init... methods; instead, they recommend directly setting the instance variables. So the initWithFirstName:lastName:age: method shown above should ideally be written in a manner similar to the following example:


- (id)initWithFirstName:(NSString *)firstName
               lastName:(NSString *)lastName
                    age:(NSNumber *)age
    self = [super init];

    if (self == nil) return nil;

    _firstName = [firstName copy];
    _self.lastName = [lastName copy];
    _age = [age copy];

    return self;



This method is called the "designated initializer". Apple has some pretty good documentation on it, to summarize, though:


  1. The designated initializer should be well documented, anyone who subclasses your code needs to know which initializer they need to call using [super init...]
  2. 指定的初始化器应该有详细的文档说明,任何子类化您的代码的人都需要知道他们需要使用[super init…]调用哪个初始化器。
  3. The designated initializer is usually the initializer with the most arguments... not always, though, so be careful.
  4. 指定的初始化器通常是具有最多参数的初始化器……但并非总是如此,所以要小心。
  5. Only invoke [super init] from within the designated initializer, all other init methods should somehow call that initializer.
  6. 只有在指定的初始化器中调用[super init],所有其他的初始化方法都应该以某种方式调用该初始化器。



It sounds like you are describing the designated initializer. It does not have a special naming convention that is different from other initializers. Typically, initializers start with "init".




I typically initialize everything from the basic - (id)init method, and call that one from the other init methods:

我通常从基本的- (id)init方法初始化所有内容,并从其他init方法调用该方法:

- (id)init
    if( self = [super init] )
        myValue = 0.0f;
        myOtherValue = 0.0f;
    return self;

- (id)initWithValue:(float)value
    if( self = [self init] ) // Calling the other init method (not [super init])
        myValue = value;
    return self;



According to Apple, initializer methods should always begin with the word 'init,' followed by name components that describe the arguments. If a class has more than one initializer, the methods should be chained together so that only one of them is doing all the work, and the others should simply provide default values for the missing arguments.


So for example, a Person class might have the following init... methods:


- (id)init
    return [self initWithFirstName:nil

- (id)initWithFirstName:(NSString *)firstName
               lastName:(NSString *)lastName
    return [self initWithFirstName:firstName

- (id)initWithFirstName:(NSString *)firstName
               lastName:(NSString *)lastName
                    age:(NSNumber *)age
    [super init];

    self.firstName = firstName;
    self.lastName = lastName;
    self.age = age;

    return self;



As @dreamlax points out, Apple's documentation recommends (and when compiling with ARC, the compiler requires) reassigning self with the return value from the call to [super init].

正如@dreamlax所指出的,苹果的文档建议(当使用ARC编译时,编译器需要)用调用[super init]的返回值重新分配self。

The docs also recommend checking for nil before performing any further initialization That's because if the call to [super init] returns nil, self would already have been deallocated by the time the call returns, so there would no longer be an instance to initialize.

文档还建议在执行任何进一步的初始化之前检查nil,因为如果对[super init]的调用返回nil,那么在调用返回时self就已经被释放了,所以不再需要初始化实例。

Apple's documentation also suggests avoiding calls to accessor methods in init... methods; instead, they recommend directly setting the instance variables. So the initWithFirstName:lastName:age: method shown above should ideally be written in a manner similar to the following example:


- (id)initWithFirstName:(NSString *)firstName
               lastName:(NSString *)lastName
                    age:(NSNumber *)age
    self = [super init];

    if (self == nil) return nil;

    _firstName = [firstName copy];
    _self.lastName = [lastName copy];
    _age = [age copy];

    return self;



This method is called the "designated initializer". Apple has some pretty good documentation on it, to summarize, though:


  1. The designated initializer should be well documented, anyone who subclasses your code needs to know which initializer they need to call using [super init...]
  2. 指定的初始化器应该有详细的文档说明,任何子类化您的代码的人都需要知道他们需要使用[super init…]调用哪个初始化器。
  3. The designated initializer is usually the initializer with the most arguments... not always, though, so be careful.
  4. 指定的初始化器通常是具有最多参数的初始化器……但并非总是如此,所以要小心。
  5. Only invoke [super init] from within the designated initializer, all other init methods should somehow call that initializer.
  6. 只有在指定的初始化器中调用[super init],所有其他的初始化方法都应该以某种方式调用该初始化器。



It sounds like you are describing the designated initializer. It does not have a special naming convention that is different from other initializers. Typically, initializers start with "init".




I typically initialize everything from the basic - (id)init method, and call that one from the other init methods:

我通常从基本的- (id)init方法初始化所有内容,并从其他init方法调用该方法:

- (id)init
    if( self = [super init] )
        myValue = 0.0f;
        myOtherValue = 0.0f;
    return self;

- (id)initWithValue:(float)value
    if( self = [self init] ) // Calling the other init method (not [super init])
        myValue = value;
    return self;