
时间:2023-01-13 20:37:08

I have an iPhone application which is currently in the app store. I want to make what is effectively exactly the same application, but which is free of charge and features ads.


My plan was to effectively just copy the project, create a new one and add ads into the code and release as separate app. However, someone mentioned that the best solution would be to add an additional target to the existing application, providing two binaries at run time.


Seems like a good solution to me, however I am a little confused as to how I would go about altering the code to have ads built into the new target, and leaving the original untouched?


3 个解决方案



I followed this tutorial which, although old, was basically the same for xcode 4. I duplicated the target and p-list, making sure I was able to run it with changes and not affect the full version target.

我遵循了这个教程,虽然陈旧,但基本上与xcode 4相同。我复制了目标和p列表,确保我能够通过更改运行它而不影响完整版本目标。

I then duplicated the .xib files that would be different. If you look under the project settings, somewhere you can find a list which allows you to choose which resources are included. Include the lite version's xibs in the the lite version, and the full version's in the full respectively. Then you will be able to edit each without affecting the other.


The icons and images can be changed in the same way. Simply create a lite version icon set or other set of images and include the lite icons in the lite target's resource settings instead of the full version's images.


Also, you'll want to create some preprocessor macros. In the build tab look for them, and crete a macro called LITE_VERSION (or whatever you want, it doesn't really matter) for every preprocessing option - debug, distribution and release.

此外,您还需要创建一些预处理器宏。在构建选项卡中查找它们,并为每个预处理选项 - 调试,分发和发布创建一个名为LITE_VERSION(或任何你想要的,它并不重要)的宏。

That allows you to add differing code in the same .h and .m files. Simply use


// Lite version only code here

to separate the two. You can also use #ifndef LITE_VERSION to add code only to the full version.

将两者分开。您还可以使用#ifndef LITE_VERSION仅将代码添加到完整版本。

That's it! After all of the above steps, you should be able to edit the lite version's .xib files, put code into the lite or full version only, and have separate images and icons for each.




XenElement's answer is correct. But you should see the best practice to do it. You should have an identifier class to check for targets. If you use macros everywhere in the code, it won't seem good for you and other developers as well. In this little blog post you can see how to create that kind of an identifier class and learn some best practices about targets in xcode.




I followed this Just2us: How to create multiple targets for Xcode iPhone Projects tutorial.

我按照这个Just2us:如何为Xcode iPhone Projects教程创建多个目标。

I decided change step-3 with Stu's clue, setting FULL_VERSION explicitly in the paid version.


"To address the concern of not having accidentally LITE_VERSION defined as a macro preprocessor (thus releasing a full version accidentally), I put this little snippet of code in a header file (it just needs to be somewhere in the code base , just make sure that is common to all configurations)":


    #ifndef FULL_VERSION
        #error You probably forgot to specify if this is the Lite or Full version of the app

PS: I wrote the code above right after the #import in AppDelegate.




I followed this tutorial which, although old, was basically the same for xcode 4. I duplicated the target and p-list, making sure I was able to run it with changes and not affect the full version target.

我遵循了这个教程,虽然陈旧,但基本上与xcode 4相同。我复制了目标和p列表,确保我能够通过更改运行它而不影响完整版本目标。

I then duplicated the .xib files that would be different. If you look under the project settings, somewhere you can find a list which allows you to choose which resources are included. Include the lite version's xibs in the the lite version, and the full version's in the full respectively. Then you will be able to edit each without affecting the other.


The icons and images can be changed in the same way. Simply create a lite version icon set or other set of images and include the lite icons in the lite target's resource settings instead of the full version's images.


Also, you'll want to create some preprocessor macros. In the build tab look for them, and crete a macro called LITE_VERSION (or whatever you want, it doesn't really matter) for every preprocessing option - debug, distribution and release.

此外,您还需要创建一些预处理器宏。在构建选项卡中查找它们,并为每个预处理选项 - 调试,分发和发布创建一个名为LITE_VERSION(或任何你想要的,它并不重要)的宏。

That allows you to add differing code in the same .h and .m files. Simply use


// Lite version only code here

to separate the two. You can also use #ifndef LITE_VERSION to add code only to the full version.

将两者分开。您还可以使用#ifndef LITE_VERSION仅将代码添加到完整版本。

That's it! After all of the above steps, you should be able to edit the lite version's .xib files, put code into the lite or full version only, and have separate images and icons for each.




XenElement's answer is correct. But you should see the best practice to do it. You should have an identifier class to check for targets. If you use macros everywhere in the code, it won't seem good for you and other developers as well. In this little blog post you can see how to create that kind of an identifier class and learn some best practices about targets in xcode.




I followed this Just2us: How to create multiple targets for Xcode iPhone Projects tutorial.

我按照这个Just2us:如何为Xcode iPhone Projects教程创建多个目标。

I decided change step-3 with Stu's clue, setting FULL_VERSION explicitly in the paid version.


"To address the concern of not having accidentally LITE_VERSION defined as a macro preprocessor (thus releasing a full version accidentally), I put this little snippet of code in a header file (it just needs to be somewhere in the code base , just make sure that is common to all configurations)":


    #ifndef FULL_VERSION
        #error You probably forgot to specify if this is the Lite or Full version of the app

PS: I wrote the code above right after the #import in AppDelegate.
