
时间:2023-01-13 12:26:41

I'm fairly new to Eclipse and I have been trying to import a Django project I had made separate from Eclipse. It would be most helpful if someone could give me a step-by-step guide on how to import my Django project.


All I was able to find was to import the file hierarchy but that led to either incomplete imports or importing folders I didn't want. Any help would be appreciated.


3 个解决方案



If it is not an Eclipse project, then you have to create a new Eclipse project in the root of the Django project.


Go to File menu, click New > Project.


Select Pydev Django Project, assuming you have added the PyDev and PyDev Django plugins to Eclipse. Click Next.

选择Pydev Django Project,假设您已将PyDev和PyDev Django插件添加到Eclipse。点击下一步。

Give your project a name, then browse to the location where your Django project exists (where your manage.py, settings.py, and url.py is).


Select a Python Grammar to use (anything prior to 3 - there are some issues with 3 and Django).

选择要使用的Python语法(3之前的任何内容 - 3和Django存在一些问题)。

Click Next, and Next again (don't need to reference other projects).


Enter database details and click Finish.


Your Eclipse/Django project is ready to go.

您的Eclipse / Django项目已准备就绪。



This is a moderately painful process, but I have gone through it in Kepler (Eclipse 4.3), with the recent Pydev version.

这是一个中等痛苦的过程,但我已经在Kepler(Eclipse 4.3)中使用了最近的Pydev版本。

Assuming you have the sources somewhere on your system, not in the workspace folder.


  1. Install Pydev (Help > Install New Software...), use http://pydev.org/updates as the source.
  2. 安装Pydev(帮助>安装新软件...),使用http://pydev.org/updates作为源。
  3. Create a new empty Pydev project. Name it how you want, but it can be like your actual application name.
  4. 创建一个新的空Pydev项目。根据需要命名,但它可以像您的实际应用程序名称一样。
  5. File > New > Other... - in Pydev choose "Link sources folder" or similar. Navigate to your sources folder, and select the target project that we just created.
  6. 文件>新建>其他... - 在Pydev中选择“链接源文件夹”或类似文件。导航到sources文件夹,然后选择我们刚刚创建的目标项目。

Now you'll see the files in the tree ("Pydev Package Explorer"), will be able to edit etc, but you can't run this (manage.py runserver) or run unit tests (manage.py test).

现在您将看到树中的文件(“Pydev Package Explorer”),将能够编辑等,但您无法运行此(manage.py runserver)或运行单元测试(manage.py test)。

To do this, right click the project and choose Pydev > Set as Django project (see here: http://pydev.org/manual_adv_django.html)

为此,右键单击该项目并选择Pydev> Set as Django project(请参阅此处:http://pydev.org/manual_adv_django.html)

Now go to properties and configure the settings module, and path to your manage.py.


Caution: this is relative to your project directory in the workspace. Even if you type /path/to/my_django_project/manage.py.


So, I ended up doing this (bash):


$ cd $HOME/workspace/my_django_project
$ ln -s /path/to/my_django_project

and left the configuration as "my_django_project/manage.py" and "settings". (in Windows you could do the same within 1 Volume - using mklink /J)

并将配置保留为“my_django_project / manage.py”和“settings”。 (在Windows中你可以在1卷内做同样的事情 - 使用mklink / J)

Now, it all works like a dream - there is a "Django run configuration" for my project, the files get modified in the working copy checked out outside of workspace, unit test run nicely and all is fine. If I just were able to make Subclipse see my sources as a working copy, I'd be almost like on PyCharm (except for a Django Template syntax-highlighted autocompleting editor, richer code inspections, and the automatic recognition of such sources as a django project).

现在,这一切都像梦一样 - 我的项目有一个“Django运行配置”,文件在工作区外检查的工作副本中被修改,单元测试运行良好,一切都很好。如果我能够让Subclipse看到我的源代码作为工作副本,我几乎就像在PyCharm上一样(除了Django模板语法突出显示的自动完成编辑器,更丰富的代码检查,以及自动识别django等源代码项目)。



i'have tried several solutions but the one that worked fine for me is the following :


1) create a new Django project in eclipse with the same name of the project you want to import


2) verify that the imported project structure match Django structure:




├── [projectname]/

├──[projectname] /

├── [yourappname]/

├──[yourappname] /

│ ├── init.py


│ ├── settings.py


│ ├── urls.py


│ └── wsgi.py


└── manage.py


3) copy the imported project in eclipse workspace to replace the project you just created (since they have the same name) .


4) now go to eclipse and right click on the created project -> refresh

4)现在转到eclipse并右键单击创建的项目 - >刷新

5) enjoy




If it is not an Eclipse project, then you have to create a new Eclipse project in the root of the Django project.


Go to File menu, click New > Project.


Select Pydev Django Project, assuming you have added the PyDev and PyDev Django plugins to Eclipse. Click Next.

选择Pydev Django Project,假设您已将PyDev和PyDev Django插件添加到Eclipse。点击下一步。

Give your project a name, then browse to the location where your Django project exists (where your manage.py, settings.py, and url.py is).


Select a Python Grammar to use (anything prior to 3 - there are some issues with 3 and Django).

选择要使用的Python语法(3之前的任何内容 - 3和Django存在一些问题)。

Click Next, and Next again (don't need to reference other projects).


Enter database details and click Finish.


Your Eclipse/Django project is ready to go.

您的Eclipse / Django项目已准备就绪。



This is a moderately painful process, but I have gone through it in Kepler (Eclipse 4.3), with the recent Pydev version.

这是一个中等痛苦的过程,但我已经在Kepler(Eclipse 4.3)中使用了最近的Pydev版本。

Assuming you have the sources somewhere on your system, not in the workspace folder.


  1. Install Pydev (Help > Install New Software...), use http://pydev.org/updates as the source.
  2. 安装Pydev(帮助>安装新软件...),使用http://pydev.org/updates作为源。
  3. Create a new empty Pydev project. Name it how you want, but it can be like your actual application name.
  4. 创建一个新的空Pydev项目。根据需要命名,但它可以像您的实际应用程序名称一样。
  5. File > New > Other... - in Pydev choose "Link sources folder" or similar. Navigate to your sources folder, and select the target project that we just created.
  6. 文件>新建>其他... - 在Pydev中选择“链接源文件夹”或类似文件。导航到sources文件夹,然后选择我们刚刚创建的目标项目。

Now you'll see the files in the tree ("Pydev Package Explorer"), will be able to edit etc, but you can't run this (manage.py runserver) or run unit tests (manage.py test).

现在您将看到树中的文件(“Pydev Package Explorer”),将能够编辑等,但您无法运行此(manage.py runserver)或运行单元测试(manage.py test)。

To do this, right click the project and choose Pydev > Set as Django project (see here: http://pydev.org/manual_adv_django.html)

为此,右键单击该项目并选择Pydev> Set as Django project(请参阅此处:http://pydev.org/manual_adv_django.html)

Now go to properties and configure the settings module, and path to your manage.py.


Caution: this is relative to your project directory in the workspace. Even if you type /path/to/my_django_project/manage.py.


So, I ended up doing this (bash):


$ cd $HOME/workspace/my_django_project
$ ln -s /path/to/my_django_project

and left the configuration as "my_django_project/manage.py" and "settings". (in Windows you could do the same within 1 Volume - using mklink /J)

并将配置保留为“my_django_project / manage.py”和“settings”。 (在Windows中你可以在1卷内做同样的事情 - 使用mklink / J)

Now, it all works like a dream - there is a "Django run configuration" for my project, the files get modified in the working copy checked out outside of workspace, unit test run nicely and all is fine. If I just were able to make Subclipse see my sources as a working copy, I'd be almost like on PyCharm (except for a Django Template syntax-highlighted autocompleting editor, richer code inspections, and the automatic recognition of such sources as a django project).

现在,这一切都像梦一样 - 我的项目有一个“Django运行配置”,文件在工作区外检查的工作副本中被修改,单元测试运行良好,一切都很好。如果我能够让Subclipse看到我的源代码作为工作副本,我几乎就像在PyCharm上一样(除了Django模板语法突出显示的自动完成编辑器,更丰富的代码检查,以及自动识别django等源代码项目)。



i'have tried several solutions but the one that worked fine for me is the following :


1) create a new Django project in eclipse with the same name of the project you want to import


2) verify that the imported project structure match Django structure:




├── [projectname]/

├──[projectname] /

├── [yourappname]/

├──[yourappname] /

│ ├── init.py


│ ├── settings.py


│ ├── urls.py


│ └── wsgi.py


└── manage.py


3) copy the imported project in eclipse workspace to replace the project you just created (since they have the same name) .


4) now go to eclipse and right click on the created project -> refresh

4)现在转到eclipse并右键单击创建的项目 - >刷新

5) enjoy
