
时间:2022-06-01 18:59:41

Some features of the data structure worth mentioning: 1. The functions will NOT all have the same signatures (my main issue) 2. The data structure does not have to be immutable


I'm comfortable with all the main vanilla data structures, my concern is around what "generalized type" is the best umbrella type to represent a function in such a collection of functions. In particular, is their anything better than just boxing them as obj / System.Object?

我对所有主要的vanilla数据结构感到满意,我关心的是“泛化类型”是在这样的函数集合中表示函数的最佳伞类型。特别是,他们的东西比将它们装箱为obj / System.Object更好吗?

When the function is being "packed" into the data structure I will know it's signature. This can be stored in some way and linked to this function such that it can be used to "unpack" the function into the correct form when it is needed.


I am assuming that I can create function signature types and store them in a collection of their own - perhaps this is a bad assumption though? In other words:

我假设我可以创建函数签名类型并将它们存储在自己的集合中 - 也许这是一个不好的假设?换一种说法:

let f1: float-> float
let f2: string->bool->float

Can the typeof(f1) and typeof(f2) be stored in the same data structure. I would think that since they are both of type Type this should be possible


In reply to the comment below by @ildjarn: The expected signatures could be any 1-5 input parameter combinations of the usual suspects like float, string, bool, date and with the result parameter varying equally over float | string | bool.


Taking the above into account, how best can the functions be stored for later retrieval and application (partial or full) and or composition with other functions.



The simplest approach I can come up with is the following:


let f1 x = exp x
let t1 = f1.GetType()
let o1 = box f1 // alternate syntax
let f11 = o1 :?> t1 // ?? FAILS HERE!!!!!
f11 3.0

But I don't know how to downcast from the object back to the function type I had prior to boxing.


2 个解决方案


Build yourself a discriminated union (DU) for the different sigs:


type Function<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd> =
| Unary of ('a -> 'd)
| Binary of ('a -> 'b -> 'd)
| Ternary of ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd)

then make say Function<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd> list to hold your functions. This should work well enough, so long as the signatures are not too heterogeneous. Because you still require to have at most as many different kinds of signatures as you have cases in your DU.


A fully working example might look like this:


open System

type Operator = 
| Parse of (string -> int)
| Unary of (int -> int)
| Binary of (int -> int -> int)
| Print of (int -> unit)

type Data =
| Int of int
| String of string

type StackContent =
| Data of Data
| Operator of Operator

let input = [
    Data (String "3")
    Operator (Parse Int32.Parse)
    Data (String "5")
    Operator (Parse Int32.Parse)
    Operator (Binary (+))
    Operator (Unary (~-))
    Operator (Print (printfn "%d"))]

let eval input =
    let rec eval = function
        | Data d :: inputTail, stack -> eval (inputTail, d::stack)
        | Operator (Parse parse) :: inputTail, String s :: stackTail -> eval (inputTail, Int (parse s) :: stackTail)
        | Operator (Binary (++)) :: inputTail, Int l :: Int r :: stackTail -> eval (inputTail, Int (l ++ r) :: stackTail)
        | Operator (Unary (!)) :: inputTail, Int i :: stackTail -> eval (inputTail, Int !i :: stackTail)
        | Operator (Print print) :: inputTail, Int i :: stackTail ->
            print i
            eval (inputTail, stackTail)
        | [], [] -> ()
        | input, stack -> failwithf "the following thing is not properly typed\nInput: %A\Stack: %A" input stack
    eval (input,[])

eval input


This depends on the context in which you are doing this, but you'll need to wrap the functions and the arguments in some way. You could box them and work with obj values (and then use reflection), you could wrap them in discriminated unions and you could likely do other things.


The discriminated union approach is probably the easiest. You could have a DU for different kinds of values that you support:


type Value =
  | Int of int
  | String of string

A function then takes a list of values and produces a value (you can make it option, because the function might fail if it gets incorrect arguments):


type Function = Value list -> Value option

To define your collection of functions, you can create a list. Each function will pattern match on the input to make sure it is getting the expected values:


let functions = 
  [ ( function 
      | [ Int n; String t ] -> 
          Some(String(sprintf "The %s is %d" t n))
      | _ -> None) ]

Then you can create a list of arguments and call the function:


let arguments = [ Int 42; String "Answer" ]    
functions.[0] arguments

This is really just one of multiple options, but it is the simplest one to start from. The disadvantage is that you need to explicitly unwrap the parameters and wrap the results in Value - but you could probably later automate that using some reflection or type casting.

这实际上只是众多选项中的一种,但它是最简单的选择之一。缺点是您需要显式解包参数并将结果包装在Value中 - 但您可能稍后使用某些反射或类型转换来自动化它。


Build yourself a discriminated union (DU) for the different sigs:


type Function<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd> =
| Unary of ('a -> 'd)
| Binary of ('a -> 'b -> 'd)
| Ternary of ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd)

then make say Function<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd> list to hold your functions. This should work well enough, so long as the signatures are not too heterogeneous. Because you still require to have at most as many different kinds of signatures as you have cases in your DU.


A fully working example might look like this:


open System

type Operator = 
| Parse of (string -> int)
| Unary of (int -> int)
| Binary of (int -> int -> int)
| Print of (int -> unit)

type Data =
| Int of int
| String of string

type StackContent =
| Data of Data
| Operator of Operator

let input = [
    Data (String "3")
    Operator (Parse Int32.Parse)
    Data (String "5")
    Operator (Parse Int32.Parse)
    Operator (Binary (+))
    Operator (Unary (~-))
    Operator (Print (printfn "%d"))]

let eval input =
    let rec eval = function
        | Data d :: inputTail, stack -> eval (inputTail, d::stack)
        | Operator (Parse parse) :: inputTail, String s :: stackTail -> eval (inputTail, Int (parse s) :: stackTail)
        | Operator (Binary (++)) :: inputTail, Int l :: Int r :: stackTail -> eval (inputTail, Int (l ++ r) :: stackTail)
        | Operator (Unary (!)) :: inputTail, Int i :: stackTail -> eval (inputTail, Int !i :: stackTail)
        | Operator (Print print) :: inputTail, Int i :: stackTail ->
            print i
            eval (inputTail, stackTail)
        | [], [] -> ()
        | input, stack -> failwithf "the following thing is not properly typed\nInput: %A\Stack: %A" input stack
    eval (input,[])

eval input


This depends on the context in which you are doing this, but you'll need to wrap the functions and the arguments in some way. You could box them and work with obj values (and then use reflection), you could wrap them in discriminated unions and you could likely do other things.


The discriminated union approach is probably the easiest. You could have a DU for different kinds of values that you support:


type Value =
  | Int of int
  | String of string

A function then takes a list of values and produces a value (you can make it option, because the function might fail if it gets incorrect arguments):


type Function = Value list -> Value option

To define your collection of functions, you can create a list. Each function will pattern match on the input to make sure it is getting the expected values:


let functions = 
  [ ( function 
      | [ Int n; String t ] -> 
          Some(String(sprintf "The %s is %d" t n))
      | _ -> None) ]

Then you can create a list of arguments and call the function:


let arguments = [ Int 42; String "Answer" ]    
functions.[0] arguments

This is really just one of multiple options, but it is the simplest one to start from. The disadvantage is that you need to explicitly unwrap the parameters and wrap the results in Value - but you could probably later automate that using some reflection or type casting.

这实际上只是众多选项中的一种,但它是最简单的选择之一。缺点是您需要显式解包参数并将结果包装在Value中 - 但您可能稍后使用某些反射或类型转换来自动化它。