
时间:2022-12-13 23:26:17



#include <QWidget>
#include <QThread>
#include <QImage>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QLabel>
extern "C" {
#pragma comment(lib,"avcodec.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"avformat.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"avutil.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"swscale.lib")

#include "libavutil/avutil.h"
#include "libavformat/avformat.h"
#include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"
#include "libswscale/swscale.h"
#include "libavutil/imgutils.h"
#include "libavutil/opt.h"

QStringList ffGetStreamInfo(QString url);

class QWidegetRender : public QThread

QWidegetRender(QLabel* toRender,QObject *parent=0);

void startRender(QString playUrl);
void stopRender();

public slots:
void onImage();
void onFScreen();
void imageReady();

bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event);
virtual void run();
int create_swsContext(int iFFPixFmt);
int decode_packet(int *got_frame, int cached);
int open_codec_context(int *stream_idx, AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx, enum AVMediaType type);
static int ffInterrupt_callback(void* param);

QLabel* m_Widget;
QPainter* painter;
bool m_bFullSrceen;
bool m_bStop;

AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx ;
AVCodecContext *video_dec_ctx ;
AVStream *video_stream ;
QString src_filename ;
SwsContext* sws_cxt;
uint8_t *video_dst_data[4] ;
int video_dst_linesize[4];
int video_dst_bufsize;
int video_stream_idx ;
AVFrame *frame ;
AVPacket pkt;


#include "qwidegetplay.h"#include <QEvent>#include "qproxyserver.h"#include <QMessageBox>QWidegetRender::QWidegetRender(QLabel* toRender,QObject *parent)	: QThread(parent){	m_bStop = true;	m_bFullSrceen = false;	painter = new QPainter(toRender);	m_Widget = toRender;	 connect(this,SIGNAL(imageReady()),this,SLOT(onImage()),Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);	//connect(m_Widget,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(onFScreen()));	//m_Widget->installEventFilter(this);		}QWidegetRender::~QWidegetRender(){	if (!m_bStop)	{		stopRender();	}	if (painter)	{		delete painter;	}}void QWidegetRender::startRender(QString playUrl){	CRtspCheck rtspCheck;	if (playUrl.isEmpty() || !rtspCheck.openUrl(playUrl))	{		QMessageBox::information(NULL,"warnning",QStringLiteral("该链接无法播放"));		return ;	}	src_filename = playUrl;		if (!m_bStop)	{		stopRender();	}	m_bStop = false;		start();}void QWidegetRender::stopRender(){		disconnect(this,SIGNAL(imageReady()),this,SLOT(onImage())); // 防止wait阻塞主线程时,解码线程imageReady信号得不到处理而阻塞		 m_bStop = true;	if(isRunning() && !wait(10000))	 {		 qDebug()<<"wait render thread failed";	 }     qDebug()<<"wait render thread ok";	 	 connect(this,SIGNAL(imageReady()),this,SLOT(onImage()),Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);	 QPixmap pixBlack(1,1);	 pixBlack.fill(Qt::black);	 m_Widget->setPixmap(pixBlack.scaled(m_Widget->width(),m_Widget->height()));	}bool QWidegetRender::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event){	if (obj == m_Widget && event->type()==QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick)	{		onFScreen();		return true;	}	else	{		return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event);	}}void QWidegetRender::onFScreen(){	if (m_bStop)	{		return;	}	static int flags ;	if (!m_bFullSrceen)	{		flags = m_Widget->windowFlags();		m_Widget->setWindowFlags(Qt::Dialog);		m_Widget->showFullScreen();	}	else	{		m_Widget->setWindowFlags((Qt::WindowFlags)flags);		m_Widget->showNormal();		m_Widget->setGeometry(9,9,431,221);	}	m_bFullSrceen = !m_bFullSrceen;}struct st_dev_streamInfo{	QString width;	QString heigt;};typedef st_dev_streamInfo st_dev_streamInfo;void QWidegetRender::run(){		qDebug()<<"render thread starting";	fmt_ctx = avformat_alloc_context();	video_dec_ctx=NULL ;	video_stream=NULL ;	sws_cxt=NULL;	for (int i =0;i<4;i++)	{		video_dst_data[i]=NULL;		video_dst_linesize[i] = NULL;	}	video_dst_bufsize = 0;	video_stream_idx = 0;	frame = NULL;	AVInputFormat* fmtInput=NULL ;	char deviceBuffer[256] ={0};	int ret = 0, got_frame;	AVDictionary* options = NULL;	//src_filename = "rtsp://";	//src_filename = "rtsp://admin:12345@"; 	QByteArray arr = src_filename.toLatin1();	const char* playUrl = arr.data();	//QStringList wh = ffGetStreamInfo(src_filename);	/* register all formats and codecs */	//av_register_all();		//avformat_network_init();	fmt_ctx->interrupt_callback.callback = QWidegetRender::ffInterrupt_callback;	fmt_ctx->interrupt_callback.opaque = this;	av_dict_set(&options, "rtsp_transport", "tcp", 0);	if (avformat_open_input(&fmt_ctx, playUrl, NULL, &options) < 0) {		fprintf(stderr, "Could not open source file %s\n", src_filename);		goto end;	}	//void ** context ;	//const AVOption* retOpt = av_opt_find2(&fmt_ctx,"udp","",0,AV_OPT_SEARCH_FAKE_OBJ,0);		if (open_codec_context(&video_stream_idx, fmt_ctx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) >= 0) {		video_stream = fmt_ctx->streams[video_stream_idx];		video_dec_ctx = video_stream->codec;	}	/* dump input information to stderr */	av_dump_format(fmt_ctx, 0, playUrl, 0);	if (!video_stream) {		fprintf(stderr, "Could not find  video stream in the input, aborting\n");		ret = 1;		goto end;	}	frame = avcodec_alloc_frame();	if (!frame) {		fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate frame\n");		ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);		goto end;	}	/* initialize packet, set data to NULL, let the demuxer fill it */	av_init_packet(&pkt);	pkt.data = NULL;	pkt.size = 0;	int skipOneFrame = 0;	/* read frames from the file */	while (av_read_frame(fmt_ctx, &pkt) >= 0) {		decode_packet(&got_frame, 0);		av_free_packet(&pkt);		if (m_bStop)		{			qDebug()<<"render play stop, break loop...";			break;		}	}	qDebug()<<"out of loop...";	/* flush cached frames */	pkt.data = NULL;	pkt.size = 0;	do {		qDebug()<<"flush cached frames";		decode_packet(&got_frame, 1);	} while (got_frame);end:	qDebug()<<"play end, free resource...";	if (video_dec_ctx)		avcodec_close(video_dec_ctx);	if(fmt_ctx)	avformat_close_input(&fmt_ctx);	if(frame)	av_free(frame);	if(video_dst_data[0])	av_free(video_dst_data[0]);	if(sws_cxt){	sws_freeContext(sws_cxt);	sws_cxt = NULL;	}	qDebug()<<"render thread exit";	return ;}int QWidegetRender::create_swsContext(int iFFPixFmt){	int ret = 0;	/* allocate image where the decoded image will be put */	ret = av_image_alloc(video_dst_data, video_dst_linesize,		video_dec_ctx->width,video_dec_ctx->height,		(AVPixelFormat)iFFPixFmt, 4);	if (ret < 0) {		fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate raw video buffer\n");		return -1;	}	video_dst_bufsize = ret;	sws_cxt = sws_getContext(video_dec_ctx->width,video_dec_ctx->height,video_dec_ctx->pix_fmt,		video_dec_ctx->width,video_dec_ctx->height,(AVPixelFormat)iFFPixFmt,SWS_BILINEAR,NULL,NULL,NULL);	return 0;}int QWidegetRender::decode_packet(int *got_frame, int cached){	int ret = 0;	if (pkt.stream_index == video_stream_idx) {		/* decode video frame */		ret = avcodec_decode_video2(video_dec_ctx, frame, got_frame, &pkt);		if (ret < 0) {			fprintf(stderr, "Error decoding video frame\n");			return ret;		}		if (*got_frame) {			if(!sws_cxt){				create_swsContext(AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32);			}			sws_scale(sws_cxt, frame->data,frame->linesize,0,video_dec_ctx->height,				video_dst_data,video_dst_linesize);			 emit imageReady();		}	} 	return ret;}int QWidegetRender::open_codec_context(int *stream_idx,	AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx, enum AVMediaType type){	int ret;	AVStream *st;	AVCodecContext *dec_ctx = NULL;	AVCodec *dec = NULL;	ret = av_find_best_stream(fmt_ctx, type, -1, -1, NULL, 0);	if (ret < 0) {		fprintf(stderr, "Could not find %s stream in input file '%s'\n",			av_get_media_type_string(type), src_filename);		return ret;	} else {		*stream_idx = ret;		st = fmt_ctx->streams[*stream_idx];		/* find decoder for the stream */		dec_ctx = st->codec;		dec = avcodec_find_decoder(dec_ctx->codec_id);		if (!dec) {			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find %s codec\n",				av_get_media_type_string(type));			return ret;		}		if ((ret = avcodec_open2(dec_ctx, dec, NULL)) < 0) {			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s codec\n",				av_get_media_type_string(type));			return ret;		}	}	return 0;}void QWidegetRender::onImage(){	//qDebug()<<"onImage()" <<m_Widget->width()<< " " <<m_Widget->height();	QImage image(video_dst_data[0],video_dec_ctx->width,video_dec_ctx->height,QImage::Format_RGB32);	QImage destImage = image.scaled(m_Widget->width(),m_Widget->height(),Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio);	m_Widget->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(destImage));	//m_Widget->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image));}int QWidegetRender::ffInterrupt_callback(void* param){	QWidegetRender* pThis = (QWidegetRender*)param;	if (pThis)	{		if (pThis->m_bStop)		return 1;		else		return 0;	}	return 1;}QStringList ffGetStreamInfo(QString url){	QStringList result;	result<<"0"<<"0";	AVFormatContext* fmt_ctx = NULL;	AVDictionary* options = NULL;	QByteArray arr = url.toLatin1();	const char* playUrl = arr.data();	av_dict_set(&options, "rtsp_transport", "tcp", 0);	if (avformat_open_input(&fmt_ctx, playUrl, NULL, &options) < 0) {		qDebug()<<"avformat_open_input error!";		return result;	}	if (avformat_find_stream_info(fmt_ctx,NULL) < 0)	{		qDebug()<<"avformat_find_stream_info error!";		if(&fmt_ctx)			avformat_close_input(&fmt_ctx);		return result;	}	for (int i = 0; i < fmt_ctx->nb_streams;i++)	{		AVStream* pstream =  fmt_ctx->streams[i];		if (pstream)		{			AVCodecContext* pCodec = pstream->codec;			if (pCodec && pCodec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)			{								QString width;				QString heigt;				width.setNum(pCodec->width);				heigt.setNum(pCodec->height);				result[0] = width;				result[1] = heigt;			}		}	}	if(&fmt_ctx)		avformat_close_input(&fmt_ctx);	return result ;}