EF 5 最佳实践白皮书

时间:2022-12-13 08:34:39

Performance Considerations for Entity Framework 5

By David Obando, Eric Dettinger and others

Published: April 2012

1. Introduction

Object-Relational Mapping frameworks are a convenient way to provide an abstraction for data access in an object-oriented application. For .NET applications, Microsoft's recommended O/RM is the Entity Framework. With any abstraction though, performance can become a concern.

This whitepaper was written to show the performance considerations when developing applications using the Entity Framework, to give developers an idea of the Entity Framework internal algorithms that can affect performance, and to provide tips for investigation and improving performance in their applications that use the Entity Framework. There are a number of good topics on performance already available on the web, and we've also tried pointing to these resources where possible.

Performance is a tricky topic. This whitepaper is intended as a resource to help you make performance related decisions for your applications that use the Entity Framework. We have included some test metrics to demonstrate performance, but these metrics aren't intended as absolute indicators of the performance you will see in your application.

For practical purposes, this document assumes Entity Framework 4 is run under .NET 4.0 and Entity Framework 5 is run under .NET 4.5. Many of the performance improvements made for Entity Framework 5 reside within the core components that ship with .NET 4.5.

2. Cold vs. Warm Query Execution

The very first time any query is made against a given model, the Entity Framework does a lot of work behind the scenes to load and validate the model. We frequently refer to this first query as a "cold" query.  Further queries against an already loaded model are known as "warm" queries, and are much faster.

Let’s take a high-level view of where time is spent when executing a query using Entity Framework, and see where things are improving in Entity Framework 5.

First Query Execution – cold query

EF 5 最佳实践白皮书

Second Query Execution – warm query

EF 5 最佳实践白皮书

There are several ways to reduce the performance cost of both cold and warm queries, and we'll take a look at these in the following section. Specifically, we'll look at reducing the cost of model loading in cold queries by using pre-generated views, which should help alleviate performance pains experienced during view generation. For warm queries, we'll cover query plan caching, no tracking queries, and different query execution options.

2.1 What is View Generation?

In order to understand what view generation is, we must first understand what “Mapping Views” are. Mapping Views are executable representations of the transformations specified in the mapping for each entity set and association. Internally, these mapping views take the shape of CQTs (canonical query trees). There are two types of mapping views:

  • Query views: these represent the canonical transformation necessary to go from the database schema to the conceptual schema.
  • Update views: these represent the canonical transformation necessary to go from the conceptual model to the database schema.

The process of computing these views based on the specification of the mapping is what we call view generation. View generation can either take place dynamically when a model is loaded, or at build time, by using "pre-generated views"; the latter are serialized in the form of Entity SQL statements to a C# or VB file.

When views are generated, they are also validated. From a performance standpoint, the vast majority of the cost of view generation is actually the validation of the views which ensures that the connections between the entities make sense and have the correct cardinality for all the supported operations.

When a query over an entity set is executed, the query is combined with the corresponding query view, and the result of this composition is run through the plan compiler to create the representation of the query that the backing store can understand. For SQL Server, the final result of compilation will be T-SQL SELECT statement. The first time an update over an entity set is performed, the update view is run through a similar process to transform it into DML statements for the target database.

2.2 Factors that affect View Generation performance

The performance of view generation step not only depends on the size of your model but also on how interconnected the model is. If two Entities are connected via an inheritance chain or an Association, they are said to be connected. Similarly if two tables are connected via a foreign key, they are connected. As the number of connected Entities and tables in your schemas increase, the view generation cost increases.

The algorithm that we use to generate and validate views is exponential in the worst case, though we do use some optimizations to improve this. The biggest factors that seem to negatively affect performance are:

  • Model size, referring to the number of entities and the amount of associations between these entities.
  • Model complexity, specifically inheritance involving a large number of types.
  • Using Independent Associations, instead of Foreign Key Associations.

For small, simple models the cost may be small enough to not bother using pre-generated views. As model size and complexity increase, there are several options available to reduce the cost of view generation and validation.

2.3 Using Pre-Generated Views to decrease model load time

2.3.1 How to use Pre-generated views with a model created by EDMGen

When you generate a model with EDMGen, one of the outputs will be a Views file. This is a code file containing Entity SQL snippets for each entity set. To enable pre-generated views, you simply include the file in your project.

If you manually make edits to the schema files for the model, you will need to re-generate the views file. You can do this by running EDMGen with the /mode:ViewGeneration flag.

For further reference, see the "How to: Pre-Generate Views to Improve Query Performance" MSDN topic: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb896240.aspx.

2.3.2 How to use Pre-Generated Views with an EDMX file

You can also use EDMGen to generate views for an EDMX file - the previously referenced MSDN topic describes how to add a pre-build event to do this - but this is complicated and there are some cases where it isn't possible. It's generally easier to use a T4 template to generate the views when your model is in an edmx file.

The ADO.NET team blog has a post that describes how to use a T4 template for view generation ( http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2008/06/20/how-to-use-a-t4-template-for-view-generation.aspx). This post includes a template that can be downloaded and added to your project. The template was written for the first version of Entity Framework. In order to use the template with Visual Studio 2010, you need to modify the XML namespaces in the template's GetConceptualMappingAndStorageReaders method to use the namespaces from Entity Framework 5:

XNamespace edmxns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/11/edmx";
XNamespace csdlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/11/edm";
XNamespace mslns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/11/mapping/cs";
XNamespace ssdlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/11/edm/ssdl";

2.3.3 How to use Pre-Generated Views with a Code First model

also possible to use pre-generated views with a Code First project. The
Entity Framework Power Tools has the ability to generate a views file
for your Code First project. You can find the power tools by searching
Visual Studio Gallery for "Entity Framework Power Tools". At the time this document was written, the power tools are available in a pre-release CTP1.

2.4 Reducing the cost of view generation

pre-generated views moves the cost of view generation from model
loading (run time) to compile time. While this improves startup
performance at runtime, you will still experience the pain of view
generation while you are developing. There are several additional tricks
that can help reduce the cost of view generation, both at compile time
and run time.

2.4.1 Using Foreign Key Associations to reduce view generation cost

have seen a number of cases where switching the associations in the
model from Independent Associations to Foreign Key Associations
dramatically improved the time spent in view generation.

To demonstrate this improvement, we generated two versions of the Navision model by using EDMGen. Note: see
appendix Cfor a description of the Navision model. The Navision model is interesting for this exercise due to its very large amount of entities and relationships between them.

version of this very large model was generated with Foreign Keys
Associations and the other was generated with Independent Associations.
We then timed how long it took to generate the views for each model by
using EDMGen. View generation for the model using Foreign Keys took 104
minutes. It's unknown how long it would have taken to generate the model
that used independent associations. We left the test running for over a
month before the machine was rebooted in our lab to install monthly
updates. How to use Foreign Keys instead of Independent Associations

using EDMGen or the Entity Designer in Visual Studio, you get FKs by
default, and it only takes a single checkbox or command line flag to
switch between FKs and IAs.

If you have a large Code First model,
using Independent Associations will have the same effect on view
generation. You can avoid this impact by including Foreign Key
properties on the classes for your dependent objects, though some
developers will consider this to be polluting their object model. You
can find more information on this subject in

When using Do this
Entity Designer After
adding an association between two entities, make sure you have a
referential constraint. Referential constraints tell the Entity
Framework to use Foreign Keys instead of Independent Associations. For
additional details visit
EDMGen When
using EDMGen to generate your files from the database, your Foreign
Keys will be respected and added to the model as such. For more
information on the different options exposed by EDMGen visit
Code First See the "Relationship Convention" section of the "Code First Conventions" topic in MSDN (
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh161541(v=VS.103).aspx) for information on how to include foreign key properties on dependent objects when using Code First.

2.4.2 Moving your model to a separate assembly

your model is included directly in your application's project and you
generate views through a pre-build event or a T4 template, view
generation and validation will take place whenever the project is
rebuilt, even if the model wasn't changed. If you move the model to a
separate assembly and reference it from your application's project, you
can make other changes to your application without needing to rebuild
the project containing the model.

Note:  when moving
your model to separate assemblies remember to copy the connection
strings for the model into the application configuration file of the
client project.

2.4.3 Disable validation of an edmx-based model

models are validated at compile time, even if the model is unchanged.
If your model has already been validated, you can suppress validation at
compile time by setting the "Validate on Build" property to false in
the properties window. When you change your mapping or model, you can
temporarily re-enable validation to verify your changes.

2.4.4 Marking a model as read-only

your application is only used for query scenarios, you can mark the
model as read-only by adding a GenerateUpdateViews attribute on the
EntityContainerMapping element in your XML mapping and setting it to
false. Experience has shown generation of update views is more expensive
than generation of query views, so be conscious about this and avoid
generating update views when they aren’t needed.

3 Caching in the Entity Framework

The Entity Framework has the following forms of caching built-in:

  1. Object
    caching – the ObjectStateManager built into an ObjectContext instance
    keeps track in memory of the objects that have been retrieved using that
    instance. This is also known as first-level cache.
  2. Query Plan Caching - reusing the generated store command when a query is executed more than once.
  3. Metadata caching - sharing the metadata for a model across different connections to the same model.

the caches that EF provides out of the box, a special kind of ADO.NET
data provider known as a wrapping provider can also be used to extend
the Entity Framework with a cache for the results retrieved from the
database, also known as second-level caching.

3.1 Object Caching

default when an entity is returned in the results of a query, just
before EF materializes it, the ObjectContext will check if an entity
with the same key has already been loaded into its ObjectStateManager.
If an entity with the same keys is already present EF will include it in
the results of the query. Although EF will still issue the query
against the database, this behavior can bypass much of the cost of
materializing the entity multiple times.

3.1.1 Getting entities from the object cache using DbContext Find

a regular query, the Find method in DbSet (APIs included for the first
time in EF 4.1) will perform a search in memory before even issuing the
query against the database. It’s important to note that two different
ObjectContext instances will have two different ObjectStateManager
instances, meaning that they have separate object caches.

uses the primary key value to attempt to find an entity tracked by the
context. If the entity is not in the context then a query will be
executed and evaluated against the database, and null is returned if the
entity is not found in the context or in the database. Note that Find
also returns entities that have been added to the context but have not
yet been saved to the database.

There is a performance
consideration to be taken when using Find. Invocations to this method by
default will trigger a validation of the object cache in order to
detect changes that are still pending commit to the database. This
process can be very expensive if there are a very large number of
objects in the object cache or in a large object graph being added to
the object cache, but it can also be disabled. In certain cases, you may
perceive over an order of magnitude of difference in calling the Find
method when you disable auto detect changes. Yet a second order of
magnitude is perceived when the object actually is in the cache versus
when the object has to be retrieved from the database. Here is an
example graph with measurements taken using some of our microbenchmarks,
expressed in milliseconds, with a load of 5000 entities:

EF 5 最佳实践白皮书

Example of Find with auto-detect changes disabled:

context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
    var product = context.Products.Find(productId);

What you have to consider when using the Find method is:

  1. If the object is not in the cache the benefits of Find are negated, but the syntax is still simpler than a query by key.
  2. If
    auto detect changes is enabled the cost of the Find method may increase
    by one order of magnitude, or even more depending on the complexity of
    your model and the amount of entities in your object cache.

keep in mind that Find only returns the entity you are looking for and
it does not automatically loads its associated entities if they are not
already in the object cache. If you need to retrieve associated
entities, you can use a query by key with eager loading.

3.1.2 Performance issues when the object cache has many entities

object cache helps to increase the overall responsiveness of the Entity
Framework. However, when the object cache has a very large amount of
entities loaded it may affect certain operations such as Add, Remove,
SaveChanges and more. In particular, operations that trigger a call to
DetectChanges will be negatively affected by very large object caches.
DetectChanges synchronizes the object graph with the object state
manager and its performance will determined directly by the size of the
object graph. For more information about DetectChanges refer to

3.2 Query Plan Caching

first time a query is executed, it goes through the internal plan
compiler to translate the conceptual query into the store command (e.g.
the T-SQL which is executed when run against SQL Server).  If query plan
caching is enabled, the next time the query is executed the store
command is retrieved directly from the query plan cache for execution,
bypassing the plan compiler.

The query plan cache is shared across
ObjectContext instances within the same AppDomain. You don't need to
hold onto an ObjectContext instance to benefit from query plan caching.

3.2.1 Some notes about Query Plan Caching

  • The query plan cache is shared for all query types: Entity SQL, LINQ and CompiledQuery objects.
  • By
    default, query plan caching is enabled for Entity SQL queries, whether
    executed through an EntityCommand or through an ObjectQuery. It is also
    enabled by default for LINQ queries in EF 5.0.
    • Query plan caching can be disabled by setting the EnablePlanCaching property (on EntityCommand or ObjectQuery) to false.
  • For
    parameterized queries, changing the parameter's value will still hit
    the cached query. But changing a parameter's facets (e.g. size,
    precision, or scale) will hit a different entry in the cache.
  • When
    using Entity SQL, the query string is part of the key. Changing the
    query at all will result in different cache entries, even if the queries
    are functionally equivalent. This includes changes to casing or
  • When using LINQ, the query is processed to generate a
    part of the key. Changing the LINQ expression will therefore generate a
    different key.
  • Other technical limitations may apply; see
    Autocompiled Queries for more details.

3.2.2      Cache eviction algorithm

how the internal algorithm works will help you figure out when to
enable or disable query plan caching. The cleanup algorithm is as

  1. Once the cache contains a set number of entries (800), we start a timer that periodically (once-per-minute) sweeps the cache.
  2. During
    cache sweeps, entries are removed from the cache on a LFRU (Least
    frequently – recently used) basis. This algorithm takes both hit count
    and age into account when deciding which entries are ejected.
  3. At the end of each cache sweep, the cache again contains 800 entries.

cache entries are treated equally when determining which entries to
evict. This means the store command for a CompiledQuery has the same
chance of eviction as the store command for an Entity SQL query.

3.2.3       Test Metrics demonstrating query plan caching performance

demonstrate the effect of query plan caching on your application's
performance, we performed a test where we executed a number of Entity
SQL queries against the Navision model. See the appendix for a
description of the Navision model and the types of queries which were
executed. In this test, we first iterate through the list of queries and
execute each one once to add them to the cache (if caching is enabled).
This step is untimed. Next, we iterate through the list a 2nd time to
execute the cached queries.       Test Results

Test Caching Enabled? Results
Enumerating all 18723 queries No Elapsed Seconds=238.14
Yes Elapsed Seconds=240.31
Avoiding sweep (just the first 800 queries, regardless of complexity) No Elapsed Seconds=61.62
Yes Elapsed Seconds=0.84
Just the AggregatingSubtotals queries (178 total - which avoids sweep) No Elapsed Seconds=63.22
Yes Elapsed Seconds=0.41

- when executing lots of distinct queries (for example,  dynamically
created queries), caching doesn't help and the resulting flushing of the
cache can keep the queries that would benefit the most from plan
caching form actually using it.

The AggregatingSubtotals queries
are the most complex of the queries we tested with. As expected, the
more complex the query is, the more benefit you will see from query plan

Because a CompiledQuery is really a LINQ query with its
plan cached, the comparison of a CompiledQuery versus the equivalent
Entity SQL query should have similar results. In fact, if an app has
lots of dynamic Entity SQL queries, filling the cache with queries will
also effectively cause CompiledQueries to “decompile” when they are
flushed from the cache. In this scenario, performance may be improved by
disabling caching on the dynamic queries to prioritize the
CompiledQueries. Better yet, of course, would be to rewrite the app to
use parameterized queries instead of dynamic queries.

3.3 Using CompiledQuery to improve performance with LINQ queries

tests indicate that using CompiledQuery can bring a benefit of 7% over
autocompiled LINQ queries; this means that you’ll spend 7% less time
executing code from the Entity Framework stack; it does not mean your
application will be 7% faster. Generally speaking, the cost of writing
and maintaining CompiledQuery objects in EF 5.0 may not be worth the
trouble when compared to the benefits. Your mileage may vary, so
exercise this option if your project requires the extra push.

more information on creating and invoking a CompiledQuery, see the
"Compiled Queries (LINQ to Entities)" topic in the MSDN documentation:

are two considerations you have to take when using a CompiledQuery,
namely the requirement to use static instances and the problems they
have with composability. Here follows an in-depth explanation of these
two considerations.

3.3.1       Use static CompiledQuery instances

compiling a LINQ query is a time-consuming process, we don’t want to do
it every time we need to fetch data from the database. CompiledQuery
instances allow you to compile once and run multiple times, but you have
to be careful and procure to re-use the same CompiledQuery instance
every time instead of compiling it over and over again. The use of
static members to store the CompiledQuery instances becomes necessary;
otherwise you won’t see any benefit.

For example, suppose your page has the following method body to handle displaying the products for the selected category:

// Warning: this is the wrong way of using CompiledQuery
    using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())
        string selectedCategory = this.categoriesList.SelectedValue;

var productsForCategory = CompiledQuery.Compile<NorthwindEntities, string, IQueryable<Product>>(
            (NorthwindEntities nwnd, string category) =>
                nwnd.Products.Where(p => p.Category.CategoryName == category)

this.productsGrid.DataSource = productsForCategory.Invoke(context, selectedCategory).ToList();

this.productsGrid.Visible = true;

this case, you will create a new CompiledQuery instance on the fly
every time the method is called. Instead of seeing performance benefits
by retrieving the store command from the query plan cache, the
CompiledQuery will go through the plan compiler every time a new
instance is created. In fact, you will be polluting your query plan
cache with a new CompiledQuery entry every time the method is called.

you want to create a static instance of the compiled query, so you are
invoking the same compiled query every time the method is called. One
way to so this is by adding the CompiledQuery instance as a member of
your object context.  You can then make things a little cleaner by
accessing the CompiledQuery through a helper method:

public partial class NorthwindEntities : ObjectContext
private static readonly Func<NorthwindEntities, string,
IEnumerable<Product>> productsForCategoryCQ =
            (NorthwindEntities context, string categoryName) =>
                context.Products.Where(p => p.Category.CategoryName == categoryName)

public IEnumerable<Product> GetProductsForCategory(string categoryName)
            return productsForCategoryCQ.Invoke(this, categoryName).ToList();

This helper method would be invoked as follows:

this.productsGrid.DataSource = context.GetProductsForCategory(selectedCategory);

3.3.2       Composing over a CompiledQuery

ability to compose over any LINQ query is extremely useful; to do this,
you simply invoke a method after the IQueryable such as Skip() or Count().
However, doing so essentially returns a new IQueryable object. While
there’s nothing to stop you technically from composing over a
CompiledQuery, doing so will cause the generation of a new IQueryable
object that requires passing through the plan compiler again.

components will make use of composed IQueryable objects to enable
advanced functionality. For example, ASP.NET’s GridView can be
data-bound to an IQueryable object via the SelectMethod property. The
GridView will then compose over this IQueryable object to allow sorting
and paging over the data model. As you can see, using a CompiledQuery
for the GridView would not hit the compiled query but would generate a
new autocompiled query.

The Customer Advisory Team discusses this
in their "Potential Performance Issues with Compiled LINQ Query
Re-Compiles" blog post:

place where you may run into this is when adding progressive filters to
a query. For example, suppose you had a Customers page with several
drop-down lists for optional filters (e.g. Country and OrdersCount). You
can compose these filters over the IQueryable results of a
CompiledQuery, but doing so will result in the new query going through
the plan compiler every time you execute it.

using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())
        IQueryable<Customer> myCustomers = context.InvokeCustomersForEmployee();

if (this.orderCountFilterList.SelectedItem.Value != defaultFilterText)
            int orderCount = int.Parse(orderCountFilterList.SelectedValue);
            myCustomers = myCustomers.Where(c => c.Orders.Count > orderCount);

if (this.countryFilterList.SelectedItem.Value != defaultFilterText)
            myCustomers = myCustomers.Where(c => c.Address.Country == countryFilterList.SelectedValue);

this.customersGrid.DataSource = myCustomers;

To avoid this re-compilation, you can rewrite the CompiledQuery to take the possible filters into account:

private static readonly Func<NorthwindEntities, int, int?, string,
IQueryable<Customer>> customersForEmployeeWithFiltersCQ =
        (NorthwindEntities context, int empId, int? countFilter, string countryFilter) =>
            context.Customers.Where(c => c.Orders.Any(o => o.EmployeeID == empId))
            .Where(c => countFilter.HasValue == false || c.Orders.Count > countFilter)
            .Where(c => countryFilter == null || c.Address.Country == countryFilter)

Which would be invoked in the UI like:

using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())
        int? countFilter = (this.orderCountFilterList.SelectedIndex == 0) ?
            (int?)null :

string countryFilter = (this.countryFilterList.SelectedIndex == 0) ?
            null :

IQueryable<Customer> myCustomers = context.InvokeCustomersForEmployeeWithFilters(
                countFilter, countryFilter);

this.customersGrid.DataSource = myCustomers;

tradeoff here is the generated store command will always have the
filters with the null checks, but these should be fairly simple for the
database server to optimize:

(@p__linq__1 IS NOT NULL) THEN cast(1 as bit) WHEN (@p__linq__1 IS NULL)
THEN cast(0 as bit) END)) OR ([Project3].[C2] > @p__linq__2)) AND
(@p__linq__3 IS NULL OR [Project3].[Country] = @p__linq__4)

3.4 Metadata caching

Entity Framework also supports Metadata caching. This is essentially
caching of type information and type-to-database mapping information
across different connections to the same model. The Metadata cache is
unique per AppDomain.

3.4.1 Metadata Caching algorithm

  1. Metadata information for a model is stored in an ItemCollection for each EntityConnection.
    • As
      a side note, there are different ItemCollection objects for different
      parts of the model, e.g. StoreItemCollections contains the information
      about the database model; ObjectItemCollection contains information
      about the data model; EdmItemCollection contains information about the
      conceptual model.
  2. If two connections use the same connection string, they will share the same ItemCollection instance.
  3. Functionally
    equivalent but textually different connection strings may result in
    different metadata caches. We do tokenize connection strings, so simply
    changing the order of the tokens should result in shared metadata. But
    two connection strings that seem functionally the same may not be
    evaluated as identical after tokenization.
  4. The ItemCollection is
    periodically checked for use. If it is determined that a workspace has
    not been accessed recently, it will be marked for cleanup on the next
    cache sweep.
  5. Merely creating an EntityConnection will cause a
    metadata cache to be created (though the item collections in it will not
    be initialized until the connection is opened). This workspace will
    remain in-memory until the caching algorithm determines it is not “in

The Customer Advisory Team has written a blog post
that describes holding a reference to an ItemCollection in order to
avoid "deprecation" when using large models:

3.4.2 The relationship between Metadata Caching and Query Plan Caching

query plan cache instance lives in the MetadataWorkspace's
ItemCollection of store types. This means that cached store commands
will be used for queries against any ObjectContext instantiated against a
given MetadataWorkspace. It also means that if you have two connections
strings that are slightly different and don't match after tokenizing,
you will have different query plan cache instances.

3.5 Results caching

results caching (also known as "second-level caching"), you keep the
results of queries in a local cache. When issuing a query, you first see
if the results are available locally before you query against the
store. While results caching isn't directly supported by the Entity
Framework, it's possible to add a second level cache by using a wrapping
provider. An example wrapping provider with a second-level cache is
available on CodePlex at

3.5.1 Additional references for results caching with the wrapping provider

4 Autocompiled Queries

a query is issued against a database using Entity Framework, it must go
through a series of steps before actually materializing the results;
one such step is Query Compilation. Entity SQL queries were known to
have good performance as they are automatically cached, so the second or
third time you execute the same query it can skip the plan compiler and
use the cached plan instead.

Entity Framework 5 introduces
automatic caching for LINQ to Entities queries as well. In past editions
of Entity Framework creating a CompiledQuery to speed your performance
was a common practice, as this would make your LINQ to Entities query
cacheable. Since caching is now done automatically without the use of a
CompiledQuery, we call this feature “autocompiled queries”. For more
information about the query plan cache and its mechanics, see
Query Plan Caching.

Entity Framework detects when a query
requires to be recompiled, and does so when the query is invoked even if
it had been compiled before. Common conditions that cause the query to
be recompiled are:

  • Changing the MergeOption associated to
    your query. The cached query will not be used, instead the plan compiler
    will run again and the newly created plan gets cached.
  • Changing the value of ContextOptions.UseCSharpNullComparisonBehavior. You get the same effect as changing the MergeOption.

Other conditions can prevent your query from using the cache. Common examples are:

  • Using IEnumerable<T>.Contains<>(T value)
  • Linking your query to another query that requires to be recompiled.

4.1 Using IEnumerable<T>.Contains<T>(T value)

Framework does not cache queries that invoke
IEnumerable<T>.Contains<T>(T value) against an in-memory
collection, since the values of the collection are considered volatile.
The following example query will not be cached, so it will always be
processed by the plan compiler:

int[] ids = new int[10000];
using (var context = new MyContext())
    var query = context.MyEntities
                    .Where(entity => ids.Contains(entity.Id));

var results = query.ToList();

note that the size of the IEnumerable against which Contains is
executed determines how fast or how slow your query is compiled.
Performance can suffer significantly when using large collections such
as the one shown in the example above.

4.2 Linking to queries that require recompiling

the same example as above, if you have a second query that relies on a
query that needs to be recompiled, your entire second query will also be
recompiled. Here’s an example to illustrate this scenario:

int[] ids = new int[10000];
using (var context = new MyContext())
    var firstQuery = from entity in context.MyEntities
                        where ids.Contains(entity.Id)
                        select entity;

var secondQuery = from entity in context.MyEntities
                        where firstQuery.Any(otherEntity => otherEntity.Id == entity.Id)
                        select entity;

string results = secondQuery.ToList();

example is generic, but it illustrates how linking to firstQuery is
causing secondQuery to be unable to get cached. If firstQuery had not
been a query that requires recompiling, then secondQuery would have been

5 NoTracking Queries

5.1 Disabling change tracking to reduce state management overhead

you are in a read-only scenario and want to avoid the overhead of
loading the objects into the ObjectStateManager, you can issue "No
Tracking" queries.  Change tracking can be disabled at the query level.

though that by disabling change tracking you are effectively turning
off the object cache. When you query for an entity, we can't skip
materialization by pulling the previously-materialized query results
from the ObjectStateManager. If you are repeatedly querying for the same
entities on the same context, you might actually see a performance
benefit from enabling change tracking.

When querying using
ObjectContext, ObjectQuery and ObjectSet instances will remember a
MergeOption once it is set, and queries that are composed on them will
inherit the effective MergeOption of the parent query. When using
DbContext, tracking can be disabled by calling the AsNoTracking()
modifier on the DbSet.

5.1.1 Disabling change tracking for a query when using DbContext

can switch the mode of a query to NoTracking by chaining a call to the
AsNoTracking() method in the query. Unlike ObjectQuery, the DbSet and
DbQuery classes in the DbContext API don’t have a mutable property for
the MergeOption.

var productsForCategory = from p in context.Products.AsNoTracking()
                                where p.Category.CategoryName == selectedCategory
                                select p;

5.1.2 Disabling change tracking at the query level using ObjectContext

var productsForCategory = from p in context.Products
                                where p.Category.CategoryName == selectedCategory
                                select p;

((ObjectQuery)productsForCategory).MergeOption = MergeOption.NoTracking;

5.1.3 Disabling change tracking for an entire entity set using ObjectContext

context.Products.MergeOption = MergeOption.NoTracking;

var productsForCategory = from p in context.Products
                                where p.Category.CategoryName == selectedCategory
                                select p;

5.2 Test Metrics demonstrating the performance benefit of NoTracking queries

this test we look at the cost of filling the ObjectStateManager by
comparing Tracking to NoTracking queries for the Navision model. See the
appendix for a description of the Navision model and the types of
queries which were executed. In this test, we iterate through the list
of queries and execute each one once. We ran two variations of the test,
once with NoTracking queries and once with the default merge option of
"AppendOnly". We ran each variation 3 times and take the mean value of
the runs. Between the tests we clear the query cache on the SQL Server
and shrink the tempdb by running the following commands:

  3. DBCC SHRINKDATABASE (tempdb, 0)

Test Results:

Variation Average Results (over 3 runs)
NoTracking Queries Elapsed Seconds=315.63, Working Set=588997973
AppendOnly Queries Elapsed Seconds=335.43, Working Set=629760000

In these tests, filling the ObjectStateManager takes 6% longer, and 6% more memory.

6 Query Execution Options

Framework offers several different ways to query. We'll take a look at
the following options, compare the pros and cons of each, and examine
their performance characteristics:

  • LINQ to Entities.
  • No Tracking LINQ to Entities.
  • Entity SQL over an ObjectQuery.
  • Entity SQL over an EntityCommand.
  • ExecuteStoreQuery.
  • SqlQuery.
  • CompiledQuery.

6.1       LINQ to Entities queries

var q = context.Products.Where(p => p.Category.CategoryName == "Beverages");


  • Suitable for CUD operations.
  • Fully materialized objects.
  • Simplest to write with syntax built into the programming language.
  • Good performance.


  • Certain technical restrictions, such as:
    • Patterns
      using DefaultIfEmpty for OUTER JOIN queries result in more complex
      queries than simple OUTER JOIN statements in Entity SQL.
    • You still can’t use LIKE with general pattern matching.

6.2       No Tracking LINQ to Entities queries

context.Products.MergeOption = MergeOption.NoTracking;
var q = context.Products.Where(p => p.Category.CategoryName == "Beverages");


  • Improved performance over regular LINQ queries.
  • Fully materialized objects.
  • Simplest to write with syntax built into the programming language.


  • Not suitable for CUD operations.
  • Certain technical restrictions, such as:
    • Patterns
      using DefaultIfEmpty for OUTER JOIN queries result in more complex
      queries than simple OUTER JOIN statements in Entity SQL.
    • You still can’t use LIKE with general pattern matching.

6.3       Entity SQL over an ObjectQuery

ObjectQuery<Product> products = context.Products.Where("it.Category.CategoryName = 'Beverages'");


  • Suitable for CUD operations.
  • Fully materialized objects.
  • Supports query plan caching.


  • Involves textual query strings which are more prone to user error than query constructs built into the language.

6.4       Entity SQL over an Entity Command

EntityCommand cmd = eConn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "Select p From NorthwindEntities.Products As p Where p.Category.CategoryName = 'Beverages'";

using (EntityDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess))
    while (reader.Read())
        // manually 'materialize' the product


  • Supports query plan caching.


  • Involves textual query strings which are more prone to user error than query constructs built into the language.
  • Not suitable for CUD operations.
  • Results are not automatically materialized, and must be read from the data reader.

6.5       SqlQuery and ExecuteStoreQuery

SqlQuery on Database:

// use this to obtain entities and not track them
var q1 = context.Database.SqlQuery<Product>("select * from products");

SqlQuery on DbSet:

// use this to obtain entities and have them tracked
var q2 = context.Products.SqlQuery("select * from products");


ObjectResult<Product> beverages = context.ExecuteStoreQuery<Product>(
SELECT        P.ProductID, P.ProductName, P.SupplierID, P.CategoryID,
P.QuantityPerUnit, P.UnitPrice, P.UnitsInStock, P.UnitsOnOrder,
P.ReorderLevel, P.Discontinued, P.DiscontinuedDate
       FROM            Products AS P INNER JOIN Categories AS C ON P.CategoryID = C.CategoryID
       WHERE        (C.CategoryName = 'Beverages')"


  • Generally fastest performance since plan compiler is bypassed.
  • Fully materialized objects.
  • Suitable for CUD operations when used from the DbSet.


  • Query is textual and error prone.
  • Query is tied to a specific backend by using store semantics instead of conceptual semantics.
  • When inheritance is present, handcrafted query needs to account for mapping conditions for the type requested.

6.6       CompiledQuery

static readonly Func<NorthwindEntities, string,
IQueryable<Product>> productsForCategoryCQ =
    (NorthwindEntities context, string categoryName) =>
        context.Products.Where(p => p.Category.CategoryName == categoryName)

var q = context.InvokeProductsForCategoryCQ("Beverages");


  • Provides up to a 7% performance improvement over regular LINQ queries.
  • Fully materialized objects.
  • Suitable for CUD operations.


  • Increased complexity and programming overhead.
  • The performance improvement is lost when composing on top of a compiled query.
  • Some LINQ queries can't be written as a CompiledQuery - for example, projections of anonymous types.

6.7       Performance Comparison of different query options

compare the performance of the different query options, we created 5
separate test variations where we use a different query option to select
all products whose category name is "Beverages". Each iteration
includes the cost of creating the context, and the cost of materializing
all returned entities. 10 iterations are run untimed before taking the
sum of 1000 timed iterations. The results shown are the median run taken
from 5 runs of each test. For more information, see
Appendix B which includes the code for the test.

EF 5 最佳实践白皮书

for completeness, we included a variation where we execute an Entity
SQL query on an EntityCommand. However, because results are not
materialized for such queries, the comparison isn't necessarily
apples-to-apples. The test includes a close approximation to
materializing to try making the comparison fairer.

microbenchmarks were also put to the test, where the context creation
was not timed. We measured querying 5000 times for a set of non-cached
entities in a controlled environment. These numbers are to be taken with
a warning: they do not reflect actual numbers produced by an
application, but instead they are a very accurate measurement of how
much of a performance difference there is when different querying
options are compared apples-to-apples. Numbers that are close enough can
be considered equal for practical purposes, all times in milliseconds:

EF 5 最佳实践白皮书

7 Design time performance considerations

7.1       Inheritance Strategies

performance consideration when using the Entity Framework is the
inheritance strategy you use. Entity Framework supports 3 basic types of
inheritance and their combinations:

  • Table per Hierarchy
    (TPH) – where each inheritance set maps to a table with a discriminator
    column to indicate which particular type in the hierarchy is being
    represented in the row.
  • Table per Type (TPT) – where each type
    has its own table in the database; the child tables only define the
    columns that the parent table doesn’t contain.
  • Table per Class
    (TPC) – where each type has its own full table in the database; the
    child tables define all their fields, including those defined in parent

If your model uses TPT inheritance, the queries which
are generated will be more complex than those that are generated with
the other inheritance strategies, which may result on longer execution
times on the store.  It will generally take longer to generate queries
over a TPT model, and to materialize the resulting objects.

See the "Performance Considerations when using TPT (Table per Type) Inheritance in the Entity Framework" MSDN blog post:

7.1.1       Avoiding TPT in Model First or Code First applications

you create a model over an existing database that has a TPT schema, you
don't have many options. But when creating an application using Model
First or Code First, you should avoid TPT inheritance for performance

When you use Model First in the Entity Designer Wizard,
you will get TPT for any inheritance in your model. If you want to
switch to a TPH inheritance strategy with Model First, you can use the
"Entity Designer Database Generation Power Pack" available from the
Visual Studio Gallery (

using Code First to configure the mapping of a model with inheritance,
EF will use TPH by default, i.e. all entities in the inheritance
hierarchy will be mapped to the same table. See the "Mapping with the
Fluent API" section of the "Code First in the ADO.NET Entity Framework
4.1" article in MSDN Magazine (
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/hh126815.aspx) for more details.

7.2       Upgrading to EF5 to improve model generation time

Server specific improvement to the algorithm that generates the
store-layer (SSDL) of the model is available in EF5 and as an update to
EF4 when Dev10 SP1 is installed. The following test results demonstrate
the improvement when generating a very big model, in this case the
Navision model. See
appendix C for more details about it.

Configuration Duration Breakdown of percentage for each stage of model generation

Visual Studio 2010.

Model with 1005 entity sets and 4227 association sets.

Elapsed Seconds=16835.08 (4:40:35)

SSDL Generation: 2 hr 27 min

Mapping Generation: < 1 min

CSDL Generation: < 1 min

ObjectLayer Generation: < 1 min

View Generation: 2hr 14min

Visual Studio 2010 SP1.

Model with 1005 entity sets and 4227 association sets.

Elapsed Seconds=6813.18 (1:53:33)

SSDL Generation: < 1 min

Mapping Generation: < 1 min

CSDL Generation: < 1 min

ObjectLayer Generation: < 1 min

View Generation: 1hr 53min

worth noting that when generating the SSDL, the load is almost entirely
spent on the SQL Server, while the client development machine is
waiting idle for results to come back from the server. DBAs should
particularly appreciate this improvement. It's also worth noting that
essentially the entire cost of model generation takes place in View
Generation now.

7.3       Splitting Large Models with Database First and Model First

model size increases, the designer surface becomes cluttered and
difficult to use. We typically consider a model with more than 300
entities to be too large to effectively use the designer. The following
blog post written by one of our development leads, Srikanth Mandadi,
describes several options for splitting large models:

The post was written for the first version of the Entity Framework, but the steps still apply.

7.4       Performance considerations with the Entity Data Source Control

seen cases in multi-threaded performance and stress tests where the
performance of a web application using the EntityDataSource Control
deteriorates significantly. The underlying cause is that the
EntityDataSource repeatedly calls MetadataWorkspace.LoadFromAssembly on
the assemblies referenced by the Web application to discover the types
to be used as entities.

The solution is to set the ContextTypeName
of the EntityDataSource to the type name of your derived ObjectContext
class. This turns off the mechanism that scans all referenced assemblies
for entity types.

Setting the ContextTypeName field also prevents
a functional problem where the EntityDataSource in .NET 4.0 throws a
ReflectionTypeLoadException when it can't load a type from an assembly
via reflection. This issue has been fixed in .NET 4.5.

7.5       POCO entities and change tracking proxies

Entity Framework enables you to use custom data classes together with
your data model without making any modifications to the data classes
themselves. This means that you can use "plain-old" CLR objects (POCO),
such as existing domain objects, with your data model. These POCO data
classes (also known as persistence-ignorant objects), which are mapped
to entities that are defined in a data model, support most of the same
query, insert, update, and delete behaviors as entity types that are
generated by the Entity Data Model tools.

Entity Framework can
also create proxy classes derived from your POCO types, which are used
when you want to enable features such as lazy loading and automatic
change tracking on POCO entities. Your POCO classes must meet certain
requirements to allow Entity Framework to use proxies, as described

tracking proxies will notify the object state manager each time any of
the properties of your entities has its value changed, so Entity
Framework knows the actual state of your entities all the time. This is
done by adding notification events to the body of the setter methods of
your properties, and having the object state manager processing such
events. Note that creating a proxy entity will typically be more
expensive than creating a non-proxy POCO entity due to the added set of
events created by Entity Framework.

When a POCO entity does not
have a change tracking proxy, changes are found by comparing the
contents of your entities against a copy of a previous saved state. This
deep comparison will become a lengthy process when you have many
entities in your context, or when your entities have a very large amount
of properties, even if none of them changed since the last comparison
took place.

In summary: you’ll pay a performance hit when creating
the change tracking proxy, but change tracking will help you speed up
the change detection process when your entities have many properties or
when you have many entities in your model. For entities with a small
number of properties where the amount of entities doesn’t grow too much,
having change tracking proxies may not be of much benefit.

8 Loading Related Entities

8.1 Lazy Loading vs. Eager Loading

Entity Framework offers several different ways to load the entities
that are related to your target entity. For example, when you query for
Products, there are different ways that the related Orders will be
loaded into the Object State Manager. From a performance standpoint, the
biggest question to consider when loading related entities will be
whether to use Lazy Loading or Eager Loading.

When using Eager
Loading, the related entities are loaded along with your target entity
set. You use an Include statement in your query to indicate which
related entities you want to bring in.

When using Lazy Loading,
your initial query only brings in the target entity set. But whenever
you access a navigation property, another query is issued against the
store to load the related entity.

Once an entity has been loaded,
any further queries for the entity will load it directly from the Object
State Manager, whether you are using lazy loading or eager loading.

8.2 How to choose between Lazy Loading and Eager Loading

important thing is that you understand the difference between Lazy
Loading and Eager Loading so that you can make the correct choice for
your application. This will help you evaluate the tradeoff between
multiple requests against the database versus a single request that may
contain a large payload. It may be appropriate to use eager loading in
some parts of your application and lazy loading in other parts.

an example of what's happening under the hood, suppose you want to
query for the customers who live in the UK and their order count.

Using Eager Loading

using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())
    var ukCustomers = context.Customers.Include(c => c.Orders).Where(c => c.Address.Country == "UK");
    var chosenCustomer = AskUserToPickCustomer(ukCustomers);
    Console.WriteLine("Customer Id: {0} has {1} orders", customer.CustomerID, customer.Orders.Count);

Using Lazy Loading

using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())
    context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;

//Notice that the Include method call is missing in the query
    var ukCustomers = context.Customers.Where(c => c.Address.Country == "UK");

var chosenCustomer = AskUserToPickCustomer(ukCustomers);
    Console.WriteLine("Customer Id: {0} has {1} orders", customer.CustomerID, customer.Orders.Count);

When using eager loading, you'll issue a single query that returns all customers and all orders. The store command looks like:

[Project1].[C1] AS [C1],
[Project1].[CustomerID] AS [CustomerID],
[Project1].[CompanyName] AS [CompanyName],
[Project1].[ContactName] AS [ContactName],
[Project1].[ContactTitle] AS [ContactTitle],
[Project1].[Address] AS [Address],
[Project1].[City] AS [City],
[Project1].[Region] AS [Region],
[Project1].[PostalCode] AS [PostalCode],
[Project1].[Country] AS [Country],
[Project1].[Phone] AS [Phone],
[Project1].[Fax] AS [Fax],
[Project1].[C2] AS [C2],
[Project1].[OrderID] AS [OrderID],
[Project1].[CustomerID1] AS [CustomerID1],
[Project1].[EmployeeID] AS [EmployeeID],
[Project1].[OrderDate] AS [OrderDate],
[Project1].[RequiredDate] AS [RequiredDate],
[Project1].[ShippedDate] AS [ShippedDate],
[Project1].[ShipVia] AS [ShipVia],
[Project1].[Freight] AS [Freight],
[Project1].[ShipName] AS [ShipName],
[Project1].[ShipAddress] AS [ShipAddress],
[Project1].[ShipCity] AS [ShipCity],
[Project1].[ShipRegion] AS [ShipRegion],
[Project1].[ShipPostalCode] AS [ShipPostalCode],
[Project1].[ShipCountry] AS [ShipCountry]
      [Extent1].[CustomerID] AS [CustomerID],
       [Extent1].[CompanyName] AS [CompanyName],
       [Extent1].[ContactName] AS [ContactName],
       [Extent1].[ContactTitle] AS [ContactTitle],
       [Extent1].[Address] AS [Address],
       [Extent1].[City] AS [City],
       [Extent1].[Region] AS [Region],
       [Extent1].[PostalCode] AS [PostalCode],
       [Extent1].[Country] AS [Country],
       [Extent1].[Phone] AS [Phone],
       [Extent1].[Fax] AS [Fax],
      1 AS [C1],
       [Extent2].[OrderID] AS [OrderID],
       [Extent2].[CustomerID] AS [CustomerID1],
       [Extent2].[EmployeeID] AS [EmployeeID],
       [Extent2].[OrderDate] AS [OrderDate],
       [Extent2].[RequiredDate] AS [RequiredDate],
       [Extent2].[ShippedDate] AS [ShippedDate],
       [Extent2].[ShipVia] AS [ShipVia],
       [Extent2].[Freight] AS [Freight],
       [Extent2].[ShipName] AS [ShipName],
       [Extent2].[ShipAddress] AS [ShipAddress],
       [Extent2].[ShipCity] AS [ShipCity],
       [Extent2].[ShipRegion] AS [ShipRegion],
       [Extent2].[ShipPostalCode] AS [ShipPostalCode],
       [Extent2].[ShipCountry] AS [ShipCountry],
      CASE WHEN ([Extent2].[OrderID] IS NULL) THEN CAST(NULL AS int) ELSE 1 END AS [C2]
      FROM  [dbo].[Customers] AS [Extent1]
      LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Orders] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[CustomerID] = [Extent2].[CustomerID]
      WHERE N'UK' = [Extent1].[Country]
)  AS [Project1]
ORDER BY [Project1].[CustomerID] ASC, [Project1].[C2] ASC

When using lazy loading, you'll issue the following query initially:

[Extent1].[CustomerID] AS [CustomerID],
[Extent1].[CompanyName] AS [CompanyName],
[Extent1].[ContactName] AS [ContactName],
[Extent1].[ContactTitle] AS [ContactTitle],
[Extent1].[Address] AS [Address],
[Extent1].[City] AS [City],
[Extent1].[Region] AS [Region],
[Extent1].[PostalCode] AS [PostalCode],
[Extent1].[Country] AS [Country],
[Extent1].[Phone] AS [Phone],
[Extent1].[Fax] AS [Fax]
FROM [dbo].[Customers] AS [Extent1]
WHERE N'UK' = [Extent1].[Country]

each time you access the Orders navigation property of a customer
another query like the following is issued against the store:

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT
[Extent1].[OrderID] AS [OrderID],
[Extent1].[CustomerID] AS [CustomerID],
[Extent1].[EmployeeID] AS [EmployeeID],
[Extent1].[OrderDate] AS [OrderDate],
[Extent1].[RequiredDate] AS [RequiredDate],
[Extent1].[ShippedDate] AS [ShippedDate],
[Extent1].[ShipVia] AS [ShipVia],
[Extent1].[Freight] AS [Freight],
[Extent1].[ShipName] AS [ShipName],
[Extent1].[ShipAddress] AS [ShipAddress],
[Extent1].[ShipCity] AS [ShipCity],
[Extent1].[ShipRegion] AS [ShipRegion],
[Extent1].[ShipPostalCode] AS [ShipPostalCode],
[Extent1].[ShipCountry] AS [ShipCountry]
FROM [dbo].[Orders] AS [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[CustomerID] = @EntityKeyValue1',N'@EntityKeyValue1 nchar(5)',@EntityKeyValue1=N'AROUT'

For more information, see the "Loading Related Objects" MSDN article:

8.2.1 Lazy Loading versus Eager Loading cheat sheet

no such thing as a one-size-fits-all to choosing eager loading versus
lazy loading. Try first to understand the differences between both
strategies so you can do a well informed decision; also, consider if
your code fits to any of the following scenarios:

Scenario   Our Suggestion
Do you need to access many navigation properties from the fetched entities? No Both
options will probably do. However, if the payload your query is
bringing is not too big, you may experience performance benefits by
using Eager loading as it’ll require less network round trips to
materialize your objects.
Yes If
you need to access many navigation properties from the entities, you’d
do that by using multiple include statements in your query with Eager
loading. The more entities you include, the bigger the payload your
query will return. Once you include three or more entities into your
query, consider switching to Lazy loading.
Do you know exactly what data will be needed at run time? No Lazy loading will be better for you. Otherwise, you may end up querying for data that you will not need.
Yes Eager
loading is probably your best bet; it will help loading entire sets
faster. If your query requires fetching a very large amount of data, and
this becomes too slow, then try Lazy loading instead.
Is your code executing far from your database? (increased network latency) No When
the network latency is not an issue, using Lazy loading may simplify
your code. Remember that the topology of your application may change, so
don’t take database proximity for granted.
Yes When
the network is a problem, only you can decide what fits better for your
scenario. Typically Eager loading will be better because it requires
fewer round trips.

8.2.2       Performance concerns with multiple Includes

we hear performance questions that involve server response time
problems, the source of the issue is frequently queries with multiple
Include statements. While including related entities in a query is
powerful, it's important to understand what's happening under the

It takes a relatively long time for a query with multiple
Include statements in it to go through our internal plan compiler to
produce the store command. The majority of this time is spent trying to
optimize the resulting query. The generated store command will contain
an Outer Join or Union for each Include, depending on your mapping.
Queries like this will bring in large connected graphs from your
database in a single payload, which will acerbate any bandwidth issues,
especially when there is a lot of redundancy in the payload (i.e. with
multiple levels of Include to traverse associations in the one-to-many

You can check for cases where your queries are
returning excessively large payloads by accessing the underlying TSQL
for the query by using ToTraceString and executing the store command in
SQL Server Management Studio to see the payload size. In such cases you
can try to reduce the number of Include statements in your query to just
bring in the data you need. Or you may be able to break your query into
a smaller sequence of subqueries, for example:

Before breaking the query:

using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())
    var customers = from c in context.Customers.Include(c => c.Orders)
                    where c.LastName.StartsWith(lastNameParameter)
                    select c;

foreach (Customer customer in customers)

After breaking the query:

using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())
    var orders = from o in context.Orders
                 where o.Customer.LastName.StartsWith(lastNameParameter)
                 select o;


var customers = from c in context.Customers
                    where c.LastName.StartsWith(lastNameParameter)
                    select c;

foreach (Customer customer in customers)

will work only on tracked queries, as we are making use of the ability
the context has to perform identity resolution and association fixup

As with lazy loading, the tradeoff will be more
queries for smaller payloads. You can also use projections of individual
properties to explicitly select only the data you need from each
entity, but you will not be loading entities in this case, and updates
will not be supported.

8.2.3       Lazy Loading of Properties

Framework currently doesn’t support lazy loading of scalar or complex
properties. However, in cases where you have a table that includes a
large object such as a BLOB, you can use table splitting to separate the
large properties into a separate entity. For example, suppose you have a
Product table that includes a varbinary photo column. If you don't
frequently need to access this property in your queries, you can use
table splitting to bring in only the parts of the entity that you
normally need. The entity representing the product photo will only be
loaded when you explicitly need it.

A good resource that shows how to enable table splitting is Gil Fink's "Table Splitting in Entity Framework" blog post:

9 Investigating Performance

9.1 Using the Visual Studio Profiler

you are having performance issues with the Entity Framework, you can
use a profiler like the one built into Visual Studio to see where your
application is spending its time. This is the tool we used to generate
the pie charts in the “Exploring the Performance of the ADO.NET Entity
Framework - Part 1” blog post (
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2008/02/04/exploring-the-performance-of-the-ado-net-entity-framework-part-1.aspx) that show where Entity Framework spends its time during cold and warm queries.

"Profiling Entity Framework using the Visual Studio 2010 Profiler" blog
post written by the Data and Modeling Customer Advisory Team shows a
real-world example of how they used the profiler to investigate a
performance problem. 
This post was written for a windows application. If you need to profile
a web application, the VSPerfCmd tool may work better than working from
Visual Studio.

9.2 Application/Database profiling

like the profiler built into Visual Studio tell you where your
application is spending time.  Another type of profiler is available
that performs dynamic analysis of your running application, either in
production or pre-production depending on needs, and looks for common
pitfalls and anti-patterns of database access.

Two commercially available profilers are the Entity Framework Profiler (
http://efprof.com) and ORMProfiler (http://ormprofiler.com).

your application is an MVC application using Code First, you can use
StackExchange's MiniProfiler. Scott Hanselman describes this tool in his
blog at:

more information on profiling your application's database activity, see
Julie Lerman's MSDN Magazine article titled "Profiling Database
Activity in the Entity Framework":

10 Appendix

10.1 A. Test Environments

10.1.1 Environment 1

environment uses a 2-machine setup with the database on a separate
machine from the client application. Machines are in the same rack, so
network latency is relatively low, but more realistic than a
single-machine environment. App Server Software Environment
  • OS Name: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1.
  • Visual Studio 2010 – Ultimate.
  • Visual Studio 2010 SP1 (only for some comparisons). Hardware Environment
  • Dual Processor:     Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5520  @ 2.27GHz, 2261 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s).
  • 24 GB Ram.
  • 136 GB SCSI drive split into 4 partitions. DB server Software Environment
  • OS Name: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1.
  • SQL Server 2008 R2. Hardware Environment
  • Single Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5520  @ 2.27GHz, 2261 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s).
  • 8 GB Ram.
  • 465 GB ATA drive split into 4 partitions. Test Metrics collected in this environment

  • View Generation.
  • Query Plan Caching.
  • Disabling Change Tracking.
  • Upgrading to Dev10 SP1 and Dev11 to improve model generation time.

10.1.2 Environment 2

This environment uses a single workstation. Both the client application and the database are on the same machine. Environment

  • OS Name: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1.
  • SQL Server 2008 R2. Hardware Environment

  • Single Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5520  @ 2.27GHz, 2261 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s).
  • 8 GB Ram.
  • 465 GB ATA drive split into 4 partitions. Test Metrics collected in this environment

  • Query Execution Comparison.

10.2 B. Query performance comparison tests

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.EntityClient;
using System.Data.Objects;
using System.Linq;
using NavisionDbContext;
using NavisionObjectContext;
using PerfBVTHarness;
namespace NavisionObjectContext
    public partial class NorthwindEntities : ObjectContext
private static readonly Func<NorthwindEntities, string,
IQueryable<Product>> productsForCategoryCQ =
            (NorthwindEntities context, string categoryName) =>
                context.Products.Where(p => p.Category.CategoryName == categoryName)
        public IQueryable<Product> InvokeProductsForCategoryCQ(string categoryName)
            return productsForCategoryCQ(this, categoryName);
namespace QueryComparison
    public class QueryTypePerfComparison
private static string entityConnectionStr =
connection string='data source=.\sqlexpress;initial
            Description = "Query for beverages and materialize results",
            WarmupIterations = 10,
            TestIterations = 1000)]
        public void LINQIncludingContextCreation()
            using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())
                var q = context.Products.Where(p => p.Category.CategoryName == "Beverages");
            Description = "Query for beverages and materialize results - NoTracking",
            WarmupIterations = 10,
            TestIterations = 1000)]
        public void LINQNoTracking()
            using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())
                context.Products.MergeOption = MergeOption.NoTracking;
                var q = context.Products.Where(p => p.Category.CategoryName == "Beverages");
            Description = "Query for beverages and materialize results using a CompiledQuery",
            WarmupIterations = 10,
            TestIterations = 1000)]
        public void CompiledQuery()
            using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())
                var q = context.InvokeProductsForCategoryCQ("Beverages");
            Description = "Query for beverages and materialize results using an ObjectQuery",
            WarmupIterations = 10,
            TestIterations = 1000)]
        public void ObjectQuery()
            using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())
                ObjectQuery<Product> products = context.Products.Where("it.Category.CategoryName = 'Beverages'");
            Description = "Query for beverages on an EntityCommand and materialize results by reading from a DataReader",
            WarmupIterations = 10,
            TestIterations = 1000)]
        public void EntityCommand()
            using (EntityConnection eConn = new EntityConnection(entityConnectionStr))
                EntityCommand cmd = eConn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = "Select p From NorthwindEntities.Products As p Where p.Category.CategoryName = 'Beverages'";
                using (EntityDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess))
                    List<Product> productsList = new List<Product>();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        DbDataRecord record = (DbDataRecord)reader.GetValue(0);
// 'materialize' the product by accessing each field and value. Because
we are materializing products, we won't have any nested data readers or
                        int fieldCount = record.FieldCount;
                        // Treat all products as Product, even if they are the subtype DiscontinuedProduct.
                        Product product = new Product();
                        product.ProductID = record.GetInt32(0);
                        product.ProductName = record.GetString(1);
                        product.QuantityPerUnit = record.GetString(2);
                        product.UnitPrice = record.GetDecimal(3);
                        product.UnitsInStock = record.GetInt16(4);
                        product.UnitsOnOrder = record.GetInt16(5);
                        product.ReorderLevel = record.GetInt16(6);
            Description = "Query for beverages using ExecuteStoreQuery",
            WarmupIterations = 10,
            TestIterations = 1000)]
        public void ExecuteStoreQuery()
            using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())
                ObjectResult<Product> beverages = context.ExecuteStoreQuery<Product>(
SELECT        P.ProductID, P.ProductName, P.SupplierID, P.CategoryID,
P.QuantityPerUnit, P.UnitPrice, P.UnitsInStock, P.UnitsOnOrder,
P.ReorderLevel, P.Discontinued
       FROM            Products AS P INNER JOIN Categories AS C ON P.CategoryID = C.CategoryID
       WHERE        (C.CategoryName = 'Beverages')"
            Description = "Query for beverages using SqlQuery on Database",
            WarmupIterations = 10,
            TestIterations = 1000)]
        public void ExecuteStoreQuery()
            using (DbContextNorthwindEntities context = new DbContextNorthwindEntities())
                IEnumerable<NavisionDbContext.Product> beverages = context.Database.SqlQuery<Product>(
SELECT        P.ProductID, P.ProductName, P.SupplierID, P.CategoryID,
P.QuantityPerUnit, P.UnitPrice, P.UnitsInStock, P.UnitsOnOrder,
P.ReorderLevel, P.Discontinued
       FROM            Products AS P INNER JOIN Categories AS C ON P.CategoryID = C.CategoryID
       WHERE        (C.CategoryName = 'Beverages')"
            Description = "Query for beverages using SqlQuery on Database",
            WarmupIterations = 10,
            TestIterations = 1000)]
        public void ExecuteStoreQuery()
            using (DbContextNorthwindEntities context = new DbContextNorthwindEntities())
                DbSqlQuery<NavisionDbContext.Product> beverages = context.Products.SqlQuery (
SELECT        P.ProductID, P.ProductName, P.SupplierID, P.CategoryID,
P.QuantityPerUnit, P.UnitPrice, P.UnitsInStock, P.UnitsOnOrder,
P.ReorderLevel, P.Discontinued
       FROM            Products AS P INNER JOIN Categories AS C ON P.CategoryID = C.CategoryID
       WHERE        (C.CategoryName = 'Beverages')"
            Description = "Query for beverages and materialize results",
            WarmupIterations = 10,
            TestIterations = 1000)]
        public void LINQIncludingContextCreationDbContext()
            using (DbContextNorthwindEntities context = new DbContextNorthwindEntities())
                var q = context.Products.Where(p => p.Category.CategoryName == "Beverages");
            Description = "Query for beverages and materialize results - NoTracking",
            WarmupIterations = 10,
            TestIterations = 1000)]
        public void LINQNoTrackingDbContext ()
            using (DbContextNorthwindEntities context = new DbContextNorthwindEntities())
                var q = context.Products.AsNoTracking().Where(p => p.Category.CategoryName == "Beverages");

10.3 C. Navision Model

Navision database is a large database used to demo Microsoft Dynamics –
NAV. The generated conceptual model contains 1005 entity sets and 4227
association sets. The model used in the test is “flat” – no inheritance
has been added to it.

10.3.1 Queries used for Navision tests

The queries list used with the Navision model contains 3 categories of Entity SQL queries: Lookup

A simple lookup query with no aggregations

  • Count: 16232
  • Example:

<Query complexity="Lookup">
    <CommandText>Select value distinct top(4) e.Idle_Time From NavisionFKContext.Session as e</CommandText>
  </Query> SingleAggregating

A normal BI query with multiple aggregations, but no subtotals (single query)

  • Count: 2313
  • Example:

<Query complexity="SingleAggregating">

Where MDF_SessionLogin_Time_Max() is defined in the model as:

<Function Name="MDF_SessionLogin_Time_Max" ReturnType="Collection(DateTime)">
    <DefiningExpression>SELECT VALUE Edm.Min(E.Login_Time) FROM NavisionFKContext.Session as E</DefiningExpression>
  </Function> AggregatingSubtotals

A BI query with aggregations and subtotals (via union all)

  • Count: 178
  • Example:
  <Query complexity="AggregatingSubtotals">
using NavisionFK;
function AmountConsumed(entities Collection([CRONUS_International_Ltd__Zone])) as
    Edm.Sum(select value N.Block_Movement FROM entities as E, E.CRONUS_International_Ltd__Bin as N)
function AmountConsumed(P1 Edm.Int32) as
    AmountConsumed(select value e from NavisionFKContext.CRONUS_International_Ltd__Zone as e where e.Zone_Ranking = P1)
    select top(10) Zone_Ranking, Cross_Dock_Bin_Zone, AmountConsumed(GroupPartition(E))
    from NavisionFKContext.CRONUS_International_Ltd__Zone as E
    where AmountConsumed(E.Zone_Ranking) > @MinAmountConsumed
    group by E.Zone_Ranking, E.Cross_Dock_Bin_Zone
union all
    select top(10) Zone_Ranking, Cast(null as Edm.Byte) as P2, AmountConsumed(GroupPartition(E))
    from NavisionFKContext.CRONUS_International_Ltd__Zone as E
    where AmountConsumed(E.Zone_Ranking) > @MinAmountConsumed
    group by E.Zone_Ranking
union all
    Row(Cast(null as Edm.Int32) as P1, Cast(null as Edm.Byte) as P2, AmountConsumed(select value E
NavisionFKContext.CRONUS_International_Ltd__Zone as E
where AmountConsumed(E.Zone_Ranking) > @MinAmountConsumed))
      <Parameter Name="MinAmountConsumed" DbType="Int32" Value="10000" />

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