
时间:2022-12-08 11:42:55

I'm currently trying to populate an array of of objects of the type Stipulations which is a class which is an


public abstract interface

My method of populating this array is as follows where popStipAttr is a simple switch statement.


    public static Stipulations[] popStipArr(ZASAllocation zasAlloc) 

          //ArrayList<String> s = new ArrayList<String>();
          ArrayList<Stipulations> stipAL  = new ArrayList<Stipulations>();

          for(int i = 0; i < NoStip; i++)

          Stipulations[] StipArr =  (Stipulations[]) stipAL.toArray();
          return StipArr;

However I get the error about casting:


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to [Lc.Stipulations;

What exactly am I doing wrong here I created the arraylist of the same type, why would coverting it to an array of that type throw this?


2 个解决方案



What you are doing in


Stipulations[] StipArr =  (Stipulations[]) stipAL.toArray();

is calling the method on the java.util.List class


Object[] toArray(); 

which is returning you an Object[] which cant be cast to your Stipulations[]
What you want to be calling is the method on java.util.List

这会返回一个Object [],它不能被强制转换为你的规定[]你想要调用的是java.util.List上的方法

<T> T[] toArray(T[] a);

which will return you the array with your type. So try


Stipulations[] StipArr =  stipAL.toArray(new Stipulations[stipAL.size()]);

It is a strange syntax which tends to pollute the code and for this reason and a few others I always try to use Lists where possible and never convert to and from Arrays unless absolutely necessary like an external API not under my control requires it




ArrayList.toArray returns an Object[] (which, as stated in the message, can't be cast to Stipulations[]). ArrayList.toArray(T[] a) however, returns a T[]. Thus, change

ArrayList.toArray返回一个Object [](如消息中所述,不能转换为Stipulations [])。然而,ArrayList.toArray(T [] a)返回T []。因此,改变

Stipulations[] StipArr =  (Stipulations[]) stipAL.toArray();


Stipulations[] StipArr =  (Stipulations[]) stipAL.toArray(new Stipulations[0]);

Oh, right. Just realized what may have caused the confusion. The leading [ in [Ljava.lang.Object; indicates that it is an array. Same for [Lc.Stipulations;. Perhaps that's why you wrote Casting from type object to a class as title :-) Now you know anyway :-)




What you are doing in


Stipulations[] StipArr =  (Stipulations[]) stipAL.toArray();

is calling the method on the java.util.List class


Object[] toArray(); 

which is returning you an Object[] which cant be cast to your Stipulations[]
What you want to be calling is the method on java.util.List

这会返回一个Object [],它不能被强制转换为你的规定[]你想要调用的是java.util.List上的方法

<T> T[] toArray(T[] a);

which will return you the array with your type. So try


Stipulations[] StipArr =  stipAL.toArray(new Stipulations[stipAL.size()]);

It is a strange syntax which tends to pollute the code and for this reason and a few others I always try to use Lists where possible and never convert to and from Arrays unless absolutely necessary like an external API not under my control requires it




ArrayList.toArray returns an Object[] (which, as stated in the message, can't be cast to Stipulations[]). ArrayList.toArray(T[] a) however, returns a T[]. Thus, change

ArrayList.toArray返回一个Object [](如消息中所述,不能转换为Stipulations [])。然而,ArrayList.toArray(T [] a)返回T []。因此,改变

Stipulations[] StipArr =  (Stipulations[]) stipAL.toArray();


Stipulations[] StipArr =  (Stipulations[]) stipAL.toArray(new Stipulations[0]);

Oh, right. Just realized what may have caused the confusion. The leading [ in [Ljava.lang.Object; indicates that it is an array. Same for [Lc.Stipulations;. Perhaps that's why you wrote Casting from type object to a class as title :-) Now you know anyway :-)
