ngFor元素上的Angular 2动画bug

时间:2022-12-03 20:21:08

I recently started to play around Angular 2 and TypeScript. Everything was going smoothly till I hit Angular 2 animations. I know, they are easy, but I'm having a bug and it's really anoying.

我最近开始玩围绕Angular 2和TypeScript。一切顺利,直到我点击Angular 2动画。我知道,它们很容易,但我有一个错误,这真的很烦人。

Here is Plunker to show what's happening:

这是Plunker展示正在发生的事情: = preview

When element is added to the list, the animation will run without any problem. But on removing element from todolist, it will remove all elements and I don't know why. In JS, there are still those elements Angular just don't show them. The animation will run on every element instead of the one without index.


Here is my animation:


    trigger('taskState', [

        state('void', style({
            opacity: 0,
            transform: 'translateX(50px)'
        transition('void => *', [
            animate('0.2s ease-out')
        transition('* => void', [
                transform: 'scale(0)',
                height: 0
            animate('0.2s ease-in-out')

        state('undone', style({ transform: 'scale(1)' })),
        state('done', style({ transform: 'scale(0.975)', opacity: '0.5' })),
        transition('undone <=> done', [
            animate('50ms ease-in-out')


1 个解决方案



This question was solved by the newer versions of Angular. If anyone had the same issue, just update your Angular version.




This question was solved by the newer versions of Angular. If anyone had the same issue, just update your Angular version.
