
时间:2022-12-01 23:48:42

I'm trying to pass the entered text to the controller using an ajax request. But i'm getting athe error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'value' of null " when I tried to execute JS file..


Here is the HTMLcode:


<form action="">
    <input type="text" class="searchbox1" name="search" placeholder="Search for Brand, Store or an Item..." value="text" />
    <input type="button" class="searchbox_submit1" name="submit" value="text" onClick="javascript:getSearchText();">

Here is the JS code:


function getSearchText() {
    var searchText = document.getElementByName("search").value;
    var theURL = h_url+'search_all/' + deptid + '/' + searchText + '/1';
        url : theURL,
        fail: function(){
        success : function() {

Please help me to fix this.


7 个解决方案



You don't have an element with the id u.That's why the error occurs. Note that the global variable document.getElementById("u").value means you are trying to get the value of input element with name u and its not defined in your code.

你没有id u的元素。这就是错误发生的原因。注意,全局变量document。getelementbyid(“u”)。值意味着您试图获取输入元素的值,并在代码中没有定义名称u。



The problem may where the code is being executed. If you are in the head of a document executing JavaScript, even when you have an element with id="u" in your web page, the code gets executed before the DOM is finished loading, and so none of the HTML really exists yet... You can fix this by moving your code to the end of the page just above the closing html tag. This is one good reason to use jQuery.




I knew that i am too late for this answer, but i hope this will help to other who are facing and who will face.


As you have written h_url is global var like var = h_url; so you can use that variable anywhere in your file.

正如你所写的h_url是全局变量var = h_url;你可以在文件的任何地方使用这个变量。

  • h_url=document.getElementById("u").value; Here h_url contain value of your search box text value whatever user has typed.

    h_url = . getelementbyid(“u”)value;这里h_url包含您的搜索框文本值的值,无论用户键入什么。

  • document.getElementById("u"); This is the identifier of your form field with some specific ID.

    . getelementbyid(“u”);这是表单字段的标识符,带有一些特定的ID。

  • Your Search Field without id


    <input type="text" class="searchbox1" name="search" placeholder="Search for Brand, Store or an Item..." value="text" />

  • Alter Search Field with id


    <input id="u" type="text" class="searchbox1" name="search" placeholder="Search for Brand, Store or an Item..." value="text" />

    <输入id="u" ="text" class="searchbox1" name="search" placeholder=" search for Brand, Store or an Item…" value="text" />。

  • When you click on submit that will try to fetch value from document.getElementById("u").value; which is syntactically right but you haven't define id so that will return null.


  • So, Just make sure while you use form fields first define that ID and do other task letter.


I hope this helps you and never get Cannot set property 'value' of null Error.




The problem is that you haven't got any element with the id u so that you are calling something that doesn't exist.
To fix that you have to add an id to the element.

问题是,您没有带id u的任何元素,因此您调用的是不存在的东西。要解决这个问题,必须向元素添加一个id。

<input id="u" type="text" class="searchbox1" name="search" placeholder="Search for Brand, Store or an Item..." value="text" />

And I've seen too you have added a value for the input, so it means the input is not empty and it will contain text. As result placeholder won't be displayed.


Finally there is a warning that W3Validator will say because of the "/" in the end. :


For the current document, the validator interprets strings like according to legacy rules that break the expectations of most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4 documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If you expect <FOO /> to be interpreted as an XML-compatible "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.

对于当前文档,validator会根据遗留规则解释字符串,这些规则破坏了大多数作者的期望,从而导致验证器的警告和错误消息。这种解释是由HTML 4文档或其他基于sgml的HTML文档触发的。为了避免消息,只需在这种上下文中删除“/”字符。NB:如果您期望 被解释为兼容xml的“自闭”标记,那么您需要使用XHTML或HTML5。

In conclusion it says you have to remove the slash. Simply write this:


<input id="u" type="text" class="searchbox1" name="search" placeholder="Search for Brand, Store or an Item...">



It seems to be this function



You can help yourself using some 'console.log' to see what object is Null.




h_url=document.getElementById("u") is null here

h_url = . getelementbyid(“u”)是零

There is no element exist with id as u




In case anyone landed on this page for a similar issue, I found that this error can happen if your JavaScript is running in the HEAD before your form is ready. Moving your JavaScript to the bottom of the page fixed it for my situation.




You don't have an element with the id u.That's why the error occurs. Note that the global variable document.getElementById("u").value means you are trying to get the value of input element with name u and its not defined in your code.

你没有id u的元素。这就是错误发生的原因。注意,全局变量document。getelementbyid(“u”)。值意味着您试图获取输入元素的值,并在代码中没有定义名称u。



The problem may where the code is being executed. If you are in the head of a document executing JavaScript, even when you have an element with id="u" in your web page, the code gets executed before the DOM is finished loading, and so none of the HTML really exists yet... You can fix this by moving your code to the end of the page just above the closing html tag. This is one good reason to use jQuery.




I knew that i am too late for this answer, but i hope this will help to other who are facing and who will face.


As you have written h_url is global var like var = h_url; so you can use that variable anywhere in your file.

正如你所写的h_url是全局变量var = h_url;你可以在文件的任何地方使用这个变量。

  • h_url=document.getElementById("u").value; Here h_url contain value of your search box text value whatever user has typed.

    h_url = . getelementbyid(“u”)value;这里h_url包含您的搜索框文本值的值,无论用户键入什么。

  • document.getElementById("u"); This is the identifier of your form field with some specific ID.

    . getelementbyid(“u”);这是表单字段的标识符,带有一些特定的ID。

  • Your Search Field without id


    <input type="text" class="searchbox1" name="search" placeholder="Search for Brand, Store or an Item..." value="text" />

  • Alter Search Field with id


    <input id="u" type="text" class="searchbox1" name="search" placeholder="Search for Brand, Store or an Item..." value="text" />

    <输入id="u" ="text" class="searchbox1" name="search" placeholder=" search for Brand, Store or an Item…" value="text" />。

  • When you click on submit that will try to fetch value from document.getElementById("u").value; which is syntactically right but you haven't define id so that will return null.


  • So, Just make sure while you use form fields first define that ID and do other task letter.


I hope this helps you and never get Cannot set property 'value' of null Error.




The problem is that you haven't got any element with the id u so that you are calling something that doesn't exist.
To fix that you have to add an id to the element.

问题是,您没有带id u的任何元素,因此您调用的是不存在的东西。要解决这个问题,必须向元素添加一个id。

<input id="u" type="text" class="searchbox1" name="search" placeholder="Search for Brand, Store or an Item..." value="text" />

And I've seen too you have added a value for the input, so it means the input is not empty and it will contain text. As result placeholder won't be displayed.


Finally there is a warning that W3Validator will say because of the "/" in the end. :


For the current document, the validator interprets strings like according to legacy rules that break the expectations of most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4 documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If you expect <FOO /> to be interpreted as an XML-compatible "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.

对于当前文档,validator会根据遗留规则解释字符串,这些规则破坏了大多数作者的期望,从而导致验证器的警告和错误消息。这种解释是由HTML 4文档或其他基于sgml的HTML文档触发的。为了避免消息,只需在这种上下文中删除“/”字符。NB:如果您期望 被解释为兼容xml的“自闭”标记,那么您需要使用XHTML或HTML5。

In conclusion it says you have to remove the slash. Simply write this:


<input id="u" type="text" class="searchbox1" name="search" placeholder="Search for Brand, Store or an Item...">



It seems to be this function



You can help yourself using some 'console.log' to see what object is Null.




h_url=document.getElementById("u") is null here

h_url = . getelementbyid(“u”)是零

There is no element exist with id as u




In case anyone landed on this page for a similar issue, I found that this error can happen if your JavaScript is running in the HEAD before your form is ready. Moving your JavaScript to the bottom of the page fixed it for my situation.
