
时间:2022-11-30 13:53:00

Here is my code in a rails view:


<div class="lists">
  <h1>Your Todo Lists</h1>
  <div class="incomplete-list">
    <p>This is the incomplete list</p>
    <% @incomplete_list.items.each do |item| %>
    <div class="incomplete-item">
      <%= form_for :item, url: item_path(item), method: :post, html: { class: "item-box" } do |f|%>
        <%= f.label item.title %>
        <%= f.check_box item.id %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>

  <div class="complete-list">
    <p>This is the completed list</p>
    <% @complete_list.items.each do |item| %>
    <div class="complete-item">
      <%= form_for :item, url: item_path(item), method: :post, html: { class: "item-box" } do |f|%>
        <%= f.label item.title %>
        <%= f.check_box item.id %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>

  $(document).ready(function() {
    var changeDom = function(itemRow) {
      var parentList = itemRow.parent()
      // I am so dumb, you can't remove an itemRow first and then ask for its parent. You dumb dumb. It's [] if you
      // ask for the parent after you remove it. So you need to set it first with var parent =
      if (parentList.attr("class") === "incomplete-list") {
      else {

    var itemLists = $(".lists")
    itemLists.find(":checkbox").on("change", function(box){
      var box = $(this)
      var item_number = parseInt(box[0].name.match(/[^[\]]+(?=])/g)[0])
      $.ajax( { type: "PUT",
          url: "items/" + item_number,
          data: { id: item_number },
          success: function(text) {

It works the first time. I render this page with incomplete-items and complete-items. But after I click them and after they jump from one list to the other...they lose their listeners and no longer work. What does one do?


Also how do I get it so when an incomplete box is checked, it is checked in the other list and when a checked box is in the complete-list, it becomes unchecked in the other.


2 个解决方案


If you remove a dom element, then yes, it's listeners will be removed too.


There are two things you could do:


  1. Your changeDom function could be modified so it doesn't remove the element, but rather it should move the element from one list to another. If you move the element, then the listeners will still be bound.


    Look at the detach method in jQuery, as a way to move an element, but keep it's listeners bound



  2. But a better approach, which is more efficent, is to not actually bind the events to each checkbox / row in your list.


    Instead, use event delegation to bind a click event at a higher level. Which is more efficent, as you are not having to create listeners for each checkbox. Instead there is just one listener for the entire list - but it will still respond to clicks for each checkbox.

    相反,使用事件委派来绑定更高级别的单击事件。哪个更有效,因为您不必为每个复选框创建侦听器。相反,整个列表只有一个监听器 - 但它仍然会响应每个复选框的点击次数。

    $(".lists").on("change", ":checkboxes", function() {
       // do stuff

    Because you are listening for events at a higher level, it won't matter if you move the checkbox elements around - no event listeners will be disrupted.

    因为您正在侦听更高级别的事件,所以如果移动复选框元素也无关紧要 - 没有事件侦听器会被中断。

    Here is some documentation on event delegation:




The problem is the use of .remove() which will remove the attached event handlers and data


In addition to the elements themselves, all bound events and jQuery data associated with the elements are removed


In your case since the element is added to one or another element after the remove, there is no need to call remove() you can just append it to the target element


var changeDom = function (itemRow) {
    var parentList = itemRow.parent()
    if (parentList.attr("class") === "incomplete-list") {
    } else {

If you still want to follow the same flow, use detach()


var changeDom = function (itemRow) {
    var parentList = itemRow.parent()
    if (parentList.hasClass("incomplete-list")) {
    } else {


If you remove a dom element, then yes, it's listeners will be removed too.


There are two things you could do:


  1. Your changeDom function could be modified so it doesn't remove the element, but rather it should move the element from one list to another. If you move the element, then the listeners will still be bound.


    Look at the detach method in jQuery, as a way to move an element, but keep it's listeners bound



  2. But a better approach, which is more efficent, is to not actually bind the events to each checkbox / row in your list.


    Instead, use event delegation to bind a click event at a higher level. Which is more efficent, as you are not having to create listeners for each checkbox. Instead there is just one listener for the entire list - but it will still respond to clicks for each checkbox.

    相反,使用事件委派来绑定更高级别的单击事件。哪个更有效,因为您不必为每个复选框创建侦听器。相反,整个列表只有一个监听器 - 但它仍然会响应每个复选框的点击次数。

    $(".lists").on("change", ":checkboxes", function() {
       // do stuff

    Because you are listening for events at a higher level, it won't matter if you move the checkbox elements around - no event listeners will be disrupted.

    因为您正在侦听更高级别的事件,所以如果移动复选框元素也无关紧要 - 没有事件侦听器会被中断。

    Here is some documentation on event delegation:




The problem is the use of .remove() which will remove the attached event handlers and data


In addition to the elements themselves, all bound events and jQuery data associated with the elements are removed


In your case since the element is added to one or another element after the remove, there is no need to call remove() you can just append it to the target element


var changeDom = function (itemRow) {
    var parentList = itemRow.parent()
    if (parentList.attr("class") === "incomplete-list") {
    } else {

If you still want to follow the same flow, use detach()


var changeDom = function (itemRow) {
    var parentList = itemRow.parent()
    if (parentList.hasClass("incomplete-list")) {
    } else {