使用Select2获取错误——“error: No Select2 /compat/query”

时间:2022-11-27 19:27:47

I am attempting to use the Select2 library in my site to leverage placecomplete (following it's rather simple configuration steps here), but when I run the code I get a strange error -


Error: No select2/compat/query`

错误:没有select2 /兼容/查询”

I've tried googling it and it really seems like no one else has encountered this?


My code in a nutshell is,


loading the files...


<link href="scripts/Select2/dist/css/select2.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="scripts/Select2/dist/js/select2.min.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/jquery.placecomplete.js">//<![CDATA[//]]></script>

Tagging an input element in my body...


<input id="example123" class="example123" type="text" />

In my document.ready function, calling the following code...



and thats where it throws the error.


Any ideas where Im going wrong, and what this error means?


2 个解决方案



You are running into two issues here, both of which can easily be fixed.


  1. Select2 4.0.0 no longer supports the query option in the slimmed down, standard build. This must be included in the full build (select2.full.js) as it is handled through a backwards compatibility module.

    Select2 4.0.0不再支持精简的标准构建中的查询选项。这必须包含在完整的构建(select2.full.js)中,因为它是通过向后兼容模块处理的。

  2. You are using Placecomplete and it depends on an older version of Select2. It looks like Select2 3.5.2+ can work, but I can tell from the options that it is using, it cannot work with Select2 4.0.0. There is an open ticket about this for Placecomplete.

    您正在使用Placecomplete,它依赖于Select2的旧版本。它看起来像Select2 3.5.2+可以工作,但是我可以从它使用的选项中看出,它不能使用Select2 4.0.0。这里有一张免费的机票。



I've had this when you have two controls on your web page with the same Id - I had a hidden control and a select (the hidden control was first).




You are running into two issues here, both of which can easily be fixed.


  1. Select2 4.0.0 no longer supports the query option in the slimmed down, standard build. This must be included in the full build (select2.full.js) as it is handled through a backwards compatibility module.

    Select2 4.0.0不再支持精简的标准构建中的查询选项。这必须包含在完整的构建(select2.full.js)中,因为它是通过向后兼容模块处理的。

  2. You are using Placecomplete and it depends on an older version of Select2. It looks like Select2 3.5.2+ can work, but I can tell from the options that it is using, it cannot work with Select2 4.0.0. There is an open ticket about this for Placecomplete.

    您正在使用Placecomplete,它依赖于Select2的旧版本。它看起来像Select2 3.5.2+可以工作,但是我可以从它使用的选项中看出,它不能使用Select2 4.0.0。这里有一张免费的机票。



I've had this when you have two controls on your web page with the same Id - I had a hidden control and a select (the hidden control was first).
