如何在我的网站和我的网站iis 5中查看提琴手的请求

时间:2022-11-11 22:44:23

Hi i have webserver on windows xp iis 5 sp3. I see logs but thre are only url to my site. But i need see all request informations(headers an body) For example I go to GMAIl and i click search rss feed(i add my own rss) And gmail need send request to my own webserver 13:01:05 GET /9.rss 200 (it send request and i saw log). I want to see all info about request Headers Content-type rss Keep-ALive

嗨我在Windows XP iis 5 sp3上有网络服务器。我看到日志,但只是我网站的网址。但我需要看到所有请求信息(标题为正文)例如我去GMAIl我点击搜索rss feed(我添加自己的rss)和gmail需要发送请求到我自己的网络服务器13:01:05 GET / 9.rss 200(它发送请求,我看到了日志)。我想查看有关请求Headers Content-type rss Keep-ALive的所有信息

ETC... body

Fiddler dont see this request i have 2 way(safe it with iis or search a good http debugger


2 个解决方案


Ordinarily Fiddler will show all HTTP traffic going via the Wininet http stack since it tweaks the proxy settings for Wininet when it starts capturing.

通常,Fiddler将显示通过Wininet http栈发送的所有HTTP流量,因为它在Wininet开始捕获时会调整代理设置。

In order to route other requests via Fiddler applications need to be manually directed to the Fiddler.


In a .NET application you would use the .config file. Add the following:-

在.NET应用程序中,您将使用.config文件。添加以下内容: -

    <defaultProxy enabled="true">
        <proxy proxyaddress="" bypassonlocal="False"/>

Just be sure that Fiddler is capturing when this is enabled and set enabled to false before pausing capture or closing fiddler.


For other applications which may be using the WinHTTP stack use the command:-

对于可能使用WinHTTP堆栈的其他应用程序,请使用以下命令: -


to see what the current proxy config is for WinHTTP. (Which is likely none). Then:-

查看WinHTTP的当前代理配置。 (可能没有)。然后:-

proxycfg -u

to point WinHTTP at the same settings used by WinINET after capture has begun. Before capture is stopped use:-

在捕获开始后,以与WinINET相同的设置指向WinHTTP。在捕获停止之前使用: -

proxycfg -d

to restore direct connection (or use proxycfg -h to learn how to restore the original settings).

恢复直接连接(或使用proxycfg -h学习如何恢复原始设置)。


Go to tools -> fillder options -> Connections Tab -> Monitor all connections. Good Luck :D.

转到工具 - >填充选项 - >连接选项卡 - >监控所有连接。祝你好运:D。


Ordinarily Fiddler will show all HTTP traffic going via the Wininet http stack since it tweaks the proxy settings for Wininet when it starts capturing.

通常,Fiddler将显示通过Wininet http栈发送的所有HTTP流量,因为它在Wininet开始捕获时会调整代理设置。

In order to route other requests via Fiddler applications need to be manually directed to the Fiddler.


In a .NET application you would use the .config file. Add the following:-

在.NET应用程序中,您将使用.config文件。添加以下内容: -

    <defaultProxy enabled="true">
        <proxy proxyaddress="" bypassonlocal="False"/>

Just be sure that Fiddler is capturing when this is enabled and set enabled to false before pausing capture or closing fiddler.


For other applications which may be using the WinHTTP stack use the command:-

对于可能使用WinHTTP堆栈的其他应用程序,请使用以下命令: -


to see what the current proxy config is for WinHTTP. (Which is likely none). Then:-

查看WinHTTP的当前代理配置。 (可能没有)。然后:-

proxycfg -u

to point WinHTTP at the same settings used by WinINET after capture has begun. Before capture is stopped use:-

在捕获开始后,以与WinINET相同的设置指向WinHTTP。在捕获停止之前使用: -

proxycfg -d

to restore direct connection (or use proxycfg -h to learn how to restore the original settings).

恢复直接连接(或使用proxycfg -h学习如何恢复原始设置)。


Go to tools -> fillder options -> Connections Tab -> Monitor all connections. Good Luck :D.

转到工具 - >填充选项 - >连接选项卡 - >监控所有连接。祝你好运:D。