
时间:2022-11-11 22:44:29

Lets say I have two sites www.a.com and www.b.com. There is a newsletter subscription form on site www.a.com and i need to incorporate that submitted information to site www.b.com and information will be name, address,newsletter format and email id of the subscriber. Is there any way to do so. I am using PHP.


Thanks in advance


3 个解决方案


You can use SOAP, AJAX, XMLRPC and other protocols to pass the data between two sites.



On www.a.com in the page that handles the post data you can do something similar to this:


$url = 'www.b.com/sub.php';
$fields = array( 
      'name' => urlencode( $_POST['name'] ),
      'address' => urlencode( $_POST['address'] ),
      'format' => urlencode( $_POST['format'] ),
      'emailid' => urlencode( $_POST['emailid'] )

foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $query .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; }

$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, count( $fields ) );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query );

curl_exec( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );

Then on www.b.com just handle it like a regular POST request.


Credit: http://davidwalsh.name/execute-http-post-php-curl


If you just want the two websites to share informations, you have two kind of possibilities :


  • both have access to the same information at all times
    • for instance, using the same database
    • 例如,使用相同的数据库

    • it is the simplest way, but has drawbacks : the two sites are not independant anymore ; if the DB fails, both sites are down
    • 这是最简单的方法,但也有缺点:两个站点不再独立;如果数据库失败,两个站点都会关闭

  • 例如,两者都可以访问相同的信息,使用相同的数据库,这是最简单的方法,但也有缺点:这两个站点不再是独立的;如果数据库失败,两个站点都会关闭

  • when a modification is done on the data of one website, it is also sent to the other website
    • both sites have a copy of the data (which means if one website is down, the other one can still work)
    • 两个站点都有一份数据副本(这意味着如果一个网站关闭,另一个网站仍可以工作)

    • you need to synchronise the data : when a modification is done on A, A calls a webservice (SOAP, REST, whatever) from B, to tell it "here is the new data for this user" (with some timeout, so that if B is down, A still works)
    • 你需要同步数据:当在A上完成修改时,A从B调用web服务(SOAP,REST,等等),告诉它“这是这个用户的新数据”(有一些超时,所以如果B下来了,A仍然有效)

    • the drawback here is that, one day or another, some data will not be synchronised (because a webservice call has be "lost", or a website has been down for a while) ; so you might need some kind of batch used once per day or week to check the data from both sites.
    • 这里的缺点是,有一天,某些数据将无法同步(因为网络服务呼叫已经“丢失”,或者网站已经停止了一段时间);因此,您可能需要每天或每周使用一次批处理来检查两个站点的数据。

  • 当对一个网站的数据进行修改时,它也被发送到另一个网站,这两个网站都有一个数据副本(这意味着如果一个网站关闭,另一个网站仍然可以工作)你需要同步数据:当对A进行修改时,A从B调用web服务(SOAP,REST,等等),告诉它“这是这个用户的新数据”(有一些超时,所以如果B关闭,A仍然是这里的缺点是,有一天,某些数据将无法同步(因为网络服务电话已“丢失”,或者网站已停机一段时间);因此,您可能需要每天或每周使用一次批处理来检查两个站点的数据。


You can use SOAP, AJAX, XMLRPC and other protocols to pass the data between two sites.



On www.a.com in the page that handles the post data you can do something similar to this:


$url = 'www.b.com/sub.php';
$fields = array( 
      'name' => urlencode( $_POST['name'] ),
      'address' => urlencode( $_POST['address'] ),
      'format' => urlencode( $_POST['format'] ),
      'emailid' => urlencode( $_POST['emailid'] )

foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $query .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; }

$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, count( $fields ) );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query );

curl_exec( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );

Then on www.b.com just handle it like a regular POST request.


Credit: http://davidwalsh.name/execute-http-post-php-curl


If you just want the two websites to share informations, you have two kind of possibilities :


  • both have access to the same information at all times
    • for instance, using the same database
    • 例如,使用相同的数据库

    • it is the simplest way, but has drawbacks : the two sites are not independant anymore ; if the DB fails, both sites are down
    • 这是最简单的方法,但也有缺点:两个站点不再独立;如果数据库失败,两个站点都会关闭

  • 例如,两者都可以访问相同的信息,使用相同的数据库,这是最简单的方法,但也有缺点:这两个站点不再是独立的;如果数据库失败,两个站点都会关闭

  • when a modification is done on the data of one website, it is also sent to the other website
    • both sites have a copy of the data (which means if one website is down, the other one can still work)
    • 两个站点都有一份数据副本(这意味着如果一个网站关闭,另一个网站仍可以工作)

    • you need to synchronise the data : when a modification is done on A, A calls a webservice (SOAP, REST, whatever) from B, to tell it "here is the new data for this user" (with some timeout, so that if B is down, A still works)
    • 你需要同步数据:当在A上完成修改时,A从B调用web服务(SOAP,REST,等等),告诉它“这是这个用户的新数据”(有一些超时,所以如果B下来了,A仍然有效)

    • the drawback here is that, one day or another, some data will not be synchronised (because a webservice call has be "lost", or a website has been down for a while) ; so you might need some kind of batch used once per day or week to check the data from both sites.
    • 这里的缺点是,有一天,某些数据将无法同步(因为网络服务呼叫已经“丢失”,或者网站已经停止了一段时间);因此,您可能需要每天或每周使用一次批处理来检查两个站点的数据。

  • 当对一个网站的数据进行修改时,它也被发送到另一个网站,这两个网站都有一个数据副本(这意味着如果一个网站关闭,另一个网站仍然可以工作)你需要同步数据:当对A进行修改时,A从B调用web服务(SOAP,REST,等等),告诉它“这是这个用户的新数据”(有一些超时,所以如果B关闭,A仍然是这里的缺点是,有一天,某些数据将无法同步(因为网络服务电话已“丢失”,或者网站已停机一段时间);因此,您可能需要每天或每周使用一次批处理来检查两个站点的数据。