
时间:2022-10-30 14:45:06

I have been using annotations on my Spring Boot project, and they are black boxes to me. Unfortunately, I ran into an issue with the annotations and had no idea how to track down the issue. I was using the @PageableDefault annotation on my controller method with the @RepositoryRestController annotation at the class level, which resulted in my Pageable object to be null under Spring Boot 1.4.1. If I used @Controller, my pageable object would be populated correct. This ended up being a bug DATAREST-906 in Spring Data Rest and fixed in Spring Boot 1.4.2.

我一直在Spring Boot项目上使用注释,它们对我来说都是黑盒子。不幸的是,我遇到了注释的问题,并且不知道如何追踪问题。我在我的控制器方法上使用@PageableDefault注释,在类级别使用@RepositoryRestController注释,这导致我的Pageable对象在Spring Boot 1.4.1下为null。如果我使用@Controller,我的可分页对象将被填充正确。这最终成为Spring Data Rest中的一个错误DATAREST-906,并在Spring Boot 1.4.2中得到修复。

As a use case above what should I have done to debug this issue? Where should I have put my breakpoint to go down the rabbit hole?


1 个解决方案



You need to find the code that actually checks for the annotation and executes some logic based on it. This could theoretically happen in several places. If you search for occurrences of WhateverAnnotation.class in the source code you can find those places. You can also put breakpoints there, if you've linked the source properly in your IDE.




You need to find the code that actually checks for the annotation and executes some logic based on it. This could theoretically happen in several places. If you search for occurrences of WhateverAnnotation.class in the source code you can find those places. You can also put breakpoints there, if you've linked the source properly in your IDE.
