
时间:2022-10-25 10:34:46

I have a cron job that runs once a day, that reads a file uploaded to the server, and registers users from that file. The code works fine, but now I added a custom attribute to the customer (lets call it customId), which I also want to set programatically, when registering the users, but the problem is, that it only seems to add the custom attribute to the first user, and the others have that field empty.


Here is my code:


namespace Path\UserRegistration\Cron;

class RegisterUsers
    private $storeManager;
    private $customerFactory;
    private $customerModel;
    private $baseUrl;

    public function __construct(
        \Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface $storeManager, 
        \Magento\Customer\Model\CustomerFactory $customerFactory, 
        \Magento\Customer\Model\Customer $customerModel) 
        $this->storeManager = $storeManager;
        $this->customerFactory = $customerFactory;
        $this->customerModel = $customerModel;
        $this->baseUrl = $this->storeManager->getStore()->getBaseUrl();


    public function register($customId, $email, $password, $name, $websiteId, $storeId) 
        $customer = $this->customerFactory->create();

    public function execute() 
        $handle = fopen($this->baseUrl . "upload/NewUsers.csv", "r");

        if ($handle) {
            $lineNum = 0;

            while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {

                // Ignore first line of csv file
                if ($lineNum > 1) {
                    $lineItems = explode(';', $line);

                    $customId = trim($lineItems[1]);
                    $email = trim($lineItems[4]);
                    $password = trim($lineItems[2]);
                    $name = trim($lineItems[3]);

                    $websiteId = $this->storeManager->getWebsite()->getId() == 0 ? '1' : $this->storeManager->getWebsite()->getId();
                    $storeId = $this->storeManager->getStore()->getId() == 0 ? '1' : $this->storeManager->getStore()->getId();

                    if ($email && $name && $password) {
                        $customerExisting = $this->customerModel->setWebsiteId($storeId)->loadByEmail($email);

                        $customerExists = $customerExisting->getId() ?? false;

                        if ($customerExists === false) {
                            $this->register($customId, $email, $password, $name, $websiteId, $storeId);


The strange thing is, if I call $customer->getCustomId() right after the $customer->save(), i get back the correct value. So it is saved into the db, but then deleted?

奇怪的是,如果我在$ customer-> save()之后调用$ customer-> getCustomId(),我会得到正确的值。所以它被保存到数据库中,但随后被删除了?

I can also manually add the customId to any user I want, and it works fine.


Any help would be appreciated.


2 个解决方案



Change you register function with below one:


public function register($customId, $email, $password, $name, $websiteId, $storeId) 
    $customer = $this->customerFactory->create();

    $customerData = $customer->getDataModel();
    $customerData->setCustomAttribute('custom_id', $customId);
    $customerResource = $this->customerFactory->create();



Try like this, then check you logs, check also that $customId is always available and not empty

尝试这样,然后检查日志,检查$ customId是否始终可用而不是空

public function register($customId, $email, $password, $name, $websiteId, $storeId) 
    $customer = $this->customerFactory->create();
    $customer->setCustomId($customId); // or $customer->setCustomAttribute('custom_id', $customId);
    try {
    }cach (\Exception $e) {



Change you register function with below one:


public function register($customId, $email, $password, $name, $websiteId, $storeId) 
    $customer = $this->customerFactory->create();

    $customerData = $customer->getDataModel();
    $customerData->setCustomAttribute('custom_id', $customId);
    $customerResource = $this->customerFactory->create();



Try like this, then check you logs, check also that $customId is always available and not empty

尝试这样,然后检查日志,检查$ customId是否始终可用而不是空

public function register($customId, $email, $password, $name, $websiteId, $storeId) 
    $customer = $this->customerFactory->create();
    $customer->setCustomId($customId); // or $customer->setCustomAttribute('custom_id', $customId);
    try {
    }cach (\Exception $e) {