
时间:2022-10-22 22:57:34

I have this array:


    [1] => animal
    [1-1] => turtle
    [1-1-1] => sea turtle
    [1-1-2] => box turtle
    [1-1-3] => green turtle
    [1-1-3-1] => green turtle with brown tail

and I want some how to convert it into:


    [1-title] => animal
    [1-sons] => array(
            [1-1-title] => turtle
            [1-1-sons] => array(
                    [1-1-1] => sea turtle
                        [1-1-2] => box turtle
                    [1-1-3-title] => green turtle
                    [1-1-3-sons] => array(
                            [1-1-3-title] => green turtle

or maybe you can suggest a better way for organizing the outputted array..


but how to do that?


I know that's not easy task at all, I'm writing a parser that will walk on data and make tree out of them..


Thanks in advance for your help and advices..


5 个解决方案


The easiest way of organizing your data would be in such a way:


array (
  'Animal' =>
  array (
    'Turtle' =>
    array (
      'Sea Turtle',
      'Box Turtle',
      'Green Turtle' =>
      array (
        'Green Turtle With Brown Tail',
      'Common Turtle',

// Or, otherwise written (equivalent to the above)

$animals = array();
$animals['Animal'] = array();
$animals['Animal']['Turtle'] = array();
$animals['Animal']['Turtle'][] = 'Sea Turtle';
$animals['Animal']['Turtle'][] = 'Box Turtle';
$animals['Animal']['Turtle']['Green Turtle'] = array();
$animals['Animal']['Turtle']['Green Turtle'][] = 'Green Turtle With Brown Tail';
$animals['Animal']['Turtle'][] = 'Common Turtle';

Essentially, the name of the animal is the value, unless it has children, then the value is an array and the key is the animal name.


That way, you can easily parse the values by doing the following:



function parse_animals($array, $indent = 0) {
  if(!is_array($array)) return;    // A little safe guard in case.

  foreach($array as $key => $value) {
    echo str_repeat('  ', $indent) . "- ";

    if(is_array($value)) {
      echo $key . "\n";
      parse_animals($value, $indent + 1);
    } else {
      echo $value . "\n";

The above in the console will output the following:


- Animal
  - Turtle
    - Sea Turtle
    - Box Turtle
    - Green Turtle
      - Green Turtle With Brown Tail
    - Common Turtle

EDIT: And here is a version that will output it for a webpage.


function parse_animals_web($array) {
  if(!is_array($array)) return;    // A little safe guard in case.

  foreach($array as $key => $value) {
    echo '<ul>';

    if(is_array($value)) {
      echo '<li>' . htmlentities($key) . "</li>";
    } else {
      echo '<li>' . htmlentities($value) . "</li>";

    echo '</ul>';

The output is:


  • Animal
    • Turtle
    • Sea Turtle
    • Box Turtle
    • Green Turtle
      • Green Turtle With Brown Tail
      • 与棕色尾巴的绿海龟

    • 与棕色尾巴的绿海龟绿海龟

    • Common Turtle
  • 动物龟海龟盒龟绿龟与棕色尾巴共同龟的绿海龟

Maybe you want to get the children of an animal.


function get_children_of($array, $name) {
  foreach($array as $key => $value) {
    if(is_array($value)) {
      if($key === $name) {
        return $value;
      } else {
        return get_children_of($value, $name);

  return array();

Now we can get all the children of the Green Turtle and output them.


$green_turtle = get_children_of($animals, 'Green Turtle');

The output is:


- Green Turtle With Brown Tail

EDIT: Since you say you are stuck with the input array being in that weird format, here is a function that will convert your array into the format I specified above:


function convert_array($array) {
  $new_array = array();

  $keys = array_keys($array);
  foreach($keys as $key) {
    $level = explode('-', $key);
    $cur_level = &$new_array;
    $cur_key = '';

    foreach($level as $o_key) {
      $cur_key = ltrim($cur_key . '-' . $o_key, '-');
      $next_key = $cur_key . '-1';
      $value = $array[$cur_key];
      $has_child = array_key_exists($next_key, $array);

      if($has_child) {
        if(!array_key_exists($value, $cur_level)) {
          $cur_level[$value] = array();
        $cur_level = &$cur_level[$value];
      } else {
        $cur_level[] = $value;

  return $new_array;


That really depends on how/for what you are going to use the resulting tree. Can you perhaps write down more details about that?



Try this:

$array = array(
    '1' => 'animal',
    '1-1' => 'turtle',
    '1-1-1' => 'sea turtle',
    '1-1-2' => 'box turtle',
    '1-1-3' => 'green turtle',
    '1-1-3-1' => 'green turtle with brown tail'
$tree = array();
foreach ($array as $path => $val) {
    $segments = explode('-', $path);
    $last = array_pop($segments);
    $tmp = &$tree;
    $path = '';
    foreach ($segments as $segment) {
        $path .= $segment.'-';
        if (!isset($tmp[$path.'sons'])) {
            $tmp[$path.'sons'] = array();
        $tmp = &$tmp[$path.'sons'];
    $tmp[$path.$last.'-title'] = $val;

But your data structure doesn’t make much sense.



What you are trying to achieve is some kind of a nested set and therefore the easiest way to implement it would be to save the parent id in the children's entry:


// the tree
0 => array(parent => NULL, name => turtle),
1 => array(parent => 0, name => green turtle),
2 => array(parent => 0, name => blue turtle),
3 => array(parent => 1, name => green turtle with yellow nose)

You can walk through this hierarchy using a simple recursive function.


If you use objects instead of associative arrays you even get some performance increase.



$result = array();
foreach ($array as $position => $text) {
    $p = explode('-', $position); 
    putIntoTree($result, $p, $text);

function putIntoTree( &$tree, $posInfo, $item ) {
    $index = array_shift($posInfo) - 1;

    if (!count($posInfo)) {
        $tree[$index]['name'] = $item;
    } else {         
        if (!isset($tree[$index]['children'])) {
            $tree[$index]['children'] = array();
        putIntoTree($tree[$index]['children'], $posInfo, $item);

Results in this, which seems a reasonable way to hold the data.


    [0] => Array
            [name] => animal
            [children] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [name] => turtle
                            [children] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [name] => sea turtle

                                    [1] => Array
                                            [name] => box turtle

                                    [2] => Array
                                            [name] => green turtle
                                            [children] => Array
                                                    [0] => Array
                                                            [name] => green turtle with brown tail


The easiest way of organizing your data would be in such a way:


array (
  'Animal' =>
  array (
    'Turtle' =>
    array (
      'Sea Turtle',
      'Box Turtle',
      'Green Turtle' =>
      array (
        'Green Turtle With Brown Tail',
      'Common Turtle',

// Or, otherwise written (equivalent to the above)

$animals = array();
$animals['Animal'] = array();
$animals['Animal']['Turtle'] = array();
$animals['Animal']['Turtle'][] = 'Sea Turtle';
$animals['Animal']['Turtle'][] = 'Box Turtle';
$animals['Animal']['Turtle']['Green Turtle'] = array();
$animals['Animal']['Turtle']['Green Turtle'][] = 'Green Turtle With Brown Tail';
$animals['Animal']['Turtle'][] = 'Common Turtle';

Essentially, the name of the animal is the value, unless it has children, then the value is an array and the key is the animal name.


That way, you can easily parse the values by doing the following:



function parse_animals($array, $indent = 0) {
  if(!is_array($array)) return;    // A little safe guard in case.

  foreach($array as $key => $value) {
    echo str_repeat('  ', $indent) . "- ";

    if(is_array($value)) {
      echo $key . "\n";
      parse_animals($value, $indent + 1);
    } else {
      echo $value . "\n";

The above in the console will output the following:


- Animal
  - Turtle
    - Sea Turtle
    - Box Turtle
    - Green Turtle
      - Green Turtle With Brown Tail
    - Common Turtle

EDIT: And here is a version that will output it for a webpage.


function parse_animals_web($array) {
  if(!is_array($array)) return;    // A little safe guard in case.

  foreach($array as $key => $value) {
    echo '<ul>';

    if(is_array($value)) {
      echo '<li>' . htmlentities($key) . "</li>";
    } else {
      echo '<li>' . htmlentities($value) . "</li>";

    echo '</ul>';

The output is:


  • Animal
    • Turtle
    • Sea Turtle
    • Box Turtle
    • Green Turtle
      • Green Turtle With Brown Tail
      • 与棕色尾巴的绿海龟

    • 与棕色尾巴的绿海龟绿海龟

    • Common Turtle
  • 动物龟海龟盒龟绿龟与棕色尾巴共同龟的绿海龟

Maybe you want to get the children of an animal.


function get_children_of($array, $name) {
  foreach($array as $key => $value) {
    if(is_array($value)) {
      if($key === $name) {
        return $value;
      } else {
        return get_children_of($value, $name);

  return array();

Now we can get all the children of the Green Turtle and output them.


$green_turtle = get_children_of($animals, 'Green Turtle');

The output is:


- Green Turtle With Brown Tail

EDIT: Since you say you are stuck with the input array being in that weird format, here is a function that will convert your array into the format I specified above:


function convert_array($array) {
  $new_array = array();

  $keys = array_keys($array);
  foreach($keys as $key) {
    $level = explode('-', $key);
    $cur_level = &$new_array;
    $cur_key = '';

    foreach($level as $o_key) {
      $cur_key = ltrim($cur_key . '-' . $o_key, '-');
      $next_key = $cur_key . '-1';
      $value = $array[$cur_key];
      $has_child = array_key_exists($next_key, $array);

      if($has_child) {
        if(!array_key_exists($value, $cur_level)) {
          $cur_level[$value] = array();
        $cur_level = &$cur_level[$value];
      } else {
        $cur_level[] = $value;

  return $new_array;


That really depends on how/for what you are going to use the resulting tree. Can you perhaps write down more details about that?



Try this:

$array = array(
    '1' => 'animal',
    '1-1' => 'turtle',
    '1-1-1' => 'sea turtle',
    '1-1-2' => 'box turtle',
    '1-1-3' => 'green turtle',
    '1-1-3-1' => 'green turtle with brown tail'
$tree = array();
foreach ($array as $path => $val) {
    $segments = explode('-', $path);
    $last = array_pop($segments);
    $tmp = &$tree;
    $path = '';
    foreach ($segments as $segment) {
        $path .= $segment.'-';
        if (!isset($tmp[$path.'sons'])) {
            $tmp[$path.'sons'] = array();
        $tmp = &$tmp[$path.'sons'];
    $tmp[$path.$last.'-title'] = $val;

But your data structure doesn’t make much sense.



What you are trying to achieve is some kind of a nested set and therefore the easiest way to implement it would be to save the parent id in the children's entry:


// the tree
0 => array(parent => NULL, name => turtle),
1 => array(parent => 0, name => green turtle),
2 => array(parent => 0, name => blue turtle),
3 => array(parent => 1, name => green turtle with yellow nose)

You can walk through this hierarchy using a simple recursive function.


If you use objects instead of associative arrays you even get some performance increase.



$result = array();
foreach ($array as $position => $text) {
    $p = explode('-', $position); 
    putIntoTree($result, $p, $text);

function putIntoTree( &$tree, $posInfo, $item ) {
    $index = array_shift($posInfo) - 1;

    if (!count($posInfo)) {
        $tree[$index]['name'] = $item;
    } else {         
        if (!isset($tree[$index]['children'])) {
            $tree[$index]['children'] = array();
        putIntoTree($tree[$index]['children'], $posInfo, $item);

Results in this, which seems a reasonable way to hold the data.


    [0] => Array
            [name] => animal
            [children] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [name] => turtle
                            [children] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [name] => sea turtle

                                    [1] => Array
                                            [name] => box turtle

                                    [2] => Array
                                            [name] => green turtle
                                            [children] => Array
                                                    [0] => Array
                                                            [name] => green turtle with brown tail