设计模式之设计原则 C#

时间:2021-09-23 04:28:38


这些“秩序”遵循SOLID architecture principles。这组面向东西的设计原则,通过实践总结为

1),SRP(Single Responsibility Principle):单一责任原则;

A class should take care of only one responsibility.单个类有且仅有一个本能机能。

2),OCP(Open Closed Principle):开放关闭原则;

Extension should be preferred over modification.对扩展是开放的,对改削是封装的。

3),LSP(Liskov Substitution Principle):里氏替换原则;

objects seamlessly(无缝地) during runtime polymorphism(多态,多态性).子类和父类有不异的行为和状态。

4),ISP(Interface Segregation Principle):接口疏散原则;

Client should not be  forced to use a interface if it does not need it.接口疏散法则旨在使用多个特定成果


5),DIP(Dependency Inversion Principle): 依赖颠倒原则;

High level modules should not depend on low level modules but should depend on abstraction.容器是法则,东西只关心本身完成的部分。