
时间:2022-10-16 18:01:23

Is there an easy way to set a default value for text form field?


21 个解决方案



Can be use during the creation easily with :


->add('myfield', 'text', array(
     'label' => 'Field',
     'data' => 'Default value'



you can set the default value with empty_data


$builder->add('myField', 'number', ['empty_data' => 'Default value'])



I've contemplated this a few times in the past so thought I'd jot down the different ideas I've had / used. Something might be of use, but none are "perfect" Symfony2 solutions.


Constructor In the Entity you can do $this->setBar('default value'); but this is called every time you load the entity (db or not) and is a bit messy. It does however work for every field type as you can create dates or whatever else you need.


If statements within get's I wouldn't, but you could.


return ( ! $this->hasFoo() ) ? 'default' : $this->foo;

Factory / instance. Call a static function / secondary class which provides you a default Entity pre-populated with data. E.g.


function getFactory() {
    $obj = new static();

   return $obj;

Not really ideal given you'll have to maintain this function if you add extra fields, but it does mean you're separating the data setters / default and that which is generated from the db. Similarly you can have multiple getFactories should you want different defaulted data.

如果你添加了额外的字段,你将不得不维护这个函数,但它确实意味着你要分离数据setter /默认值和由db生成的数据。类似地,如果需要不同的默认数据,也可以有多个getfactory。

Extended / Reflection entities Create a extending Entity (e.g. FooCreate extends Foo) which gives you the defaulted data at create time (through the constructor). Similar to the Factory / instance idea just a different approach - I prefer static methods personally.


Set Data before build form In the constructors / service, you know if you have a new entity or if it was populated from the db. It's plausible therefore to call set data on the different fields when you grab a new entity. E.g.


if( ! $entity->isFromDB() ) {
     $entity->setDate( date('Y-m-d');
$form = $this->createForm(...)

Form Events When you create the form you set default data when creating the fields. You override this use PreSetData event listener. The problem with this is that you're duplicating the form workload / duplicating code and making it harder to maintain / understand.

在创建字段时,创建表单时设置默认数据。您可以覆盖这个use PreSetData事件监听器。这样做的问题是,您正在复制表单工作负载/复制代码,使其更难维护/理解。

Extended forms Similar to Form events, but you call the different type depending on if it's a db / new entity. By this I mean you have FooType which defines your edit form, BarType extends FooType this and sets all the data to the fields. In your controller you then simply choose which form type to instigate. This sucks if you have a custom theme though and like events, creates too much maintenance for my liking.

扩展的表单类似于表单事件,但如果是db / new实体,则调用不同类型。我的意思是,你有一个FooType定义了你的编辑表单,BarType扩展了FooType,并将所有数据设置为字段。在您的控制器中,您只需选择要发起的表单类型。如果您有一个定制的主题,并且喜欢事件,这就很糟糕了,因为我喜欢的东西太多了。

Twig You can create your own theme and default the data using the value option too when you do it on a per-field basis. There is nothing stopping you wrapping this into a form theme either should you wish to keep your templates clean and the form reusable. e.g.


form_widget(form.foo, {attr: { value : default } });

JS It'd be trivial to populate the form with a JS function if the fields are empty. You could do something with placeholders for example. This is a bad, bad idea though.


Forms as a service For one of the big form based projects I did, I created a service which generated all the forms, did all the processing etc. This was because the forms were to be used across multiple controllers in multiple environments and whilst the forms were generated / handled in the same way, they were displayed / interacted with differently (e.g. error handling, redirections etc). The beauty of this approach was that you can default data, do everything you need, handle errors generically etc and it's all encapsulated in one place.


Conclusion As I see it, you'll run into the same issue time and time again - where is the defaulted data to live?


  • If you store it at db/doctrine level what happens if you don't want to store the default every time?
  • 如果您将它存储在db/doctrine级别,如果您不希望每次都存储默认值,会发生什么情况呢?
  • If you store it at Entity level what happens if you want to re-use that entity elsewhere without any data in it?
  • 如果您将它存储在实体级别上,如果您想要在其他地方重用该实体而没有任何数据,会发生什么情况呢?
  • If you store it at Entity Level and add a new field, do you want the previous versions to have that default value upon editing? Same goes for the default in the DB...
  • 如果您将其存储在实体级别并添加一个新字段,那么您是否希望在编辑时使用以前的版本具有该默认值?DB的默认值也是一样。
  • If you store it at the form level, is that obvious when you come to maintain the code later?
  • 如果您将其存储在表单级别,那么稍后您来维护代码时是否明显?
  • If it's in the constructor what happens if you use the form in multiple places?
  • 如果是在构造函数中如果你在多个地方使用表单会发生什么?
  • If you push it to JS level then you've gone too far - the data shouldn't be in the view never mind JS (and we're ignoring compatibility, rendering errors etc)
  • 如果你把它推到JS级别,那么你就做得太过了——数据不应该在视图中,而不是JS(我们忽略了兼容性、渲染错误等)
  • The service is great if like me you're using it in multiple places, but it's overkill for a simple add / edit form on one site...
  • 如果你像我一样在多个地方使用它,那么这个服务很好,但是在一个网站上添加/编辑表单就太过了……

To that end, I've approached the problem differently each time. For example, a signup form "newsletter" option is easily (and logically) set in the constructor just before creating the form. When I was building forms collections which were linked together (e.g. which radio buttons in different form types linked together) then I've used Event Listeners. When I've built a more complicated entity (e.g. one which required children or lots of defaulted data) I've used a function (e.g. 'getFactory') to create it element as I need it.


I don't think there is one "right" approach as every time I've had this requirement it's been slightly different.


Good luck! I hope I've given you some food for thought at any rate and didn't ramble too much ;)




If you need to set default value and your form relates to the entity, then you should use following approach:


// buildForm() method
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) {
            'data' => isset($options['data']) ? $options['data']->getMyField() : 'my default value'

Otherwise, myField always will be set to default value, instead of getting value from entity.




You can set the default for related field in your model class (in mapping definition or set the value yourself).


Furthermore, FormBuilder gives you a chance to set initial values with setData() method. Form builder is passed to the createForm() method of your form class.


Also, check this link: http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/forms.html#using-a-form-without-a-class

另外,请检查这个链接:http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/forms.html# usinga-withouta -class。



If your form is bound to an entity, just set the default value on the entity itself using the construct method:


public function __construct()
    $this->field = 'default value';



Approach 1 (from http://www.cranespud.com/blog/dead-simple-default-values-on-symfony2-forms/)


Simply set the default value in your entity, either in the variable declaration or the constructor:


class Entity {
    private $color = '#0000FF';


class Entity {
    private $color;

    public function __construct(){
         $this->color = '#0000FF';

Approach 2 from a comment in the above link, and also Dmitriy's answer (not the accepted one) from How to set default value for form field in Symfony2?


Add the default value to the data attribute when adding the field with the FormBuilder, adapted from Dmitriy's answer.


Note that this assumes that the property will and will only have the value null when it's a new, and not an existing, entity.


public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) {
    $builder->add('color', 'text', array(
            'label' => 'Color:',
            'data' => (isset($options['data']) && $options['data']->getColor() !== null) ? $options['data']->getColor() : '#0000FF'



You can set a default value, e.g. for the form message, like this:


$defaultData = array('message' => 'Type your message here');
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($defaultData)
    ->add('name', 'text')
    ->add('email', 'email')
    ->add('message', 'textarea')
    ->add('send', 'submit')

In case your form is mapped to an Entity, you can go like this (e.g. default username):


$user = new User();
$user->setUsername('John Doe');

$form = $this->createFormBuilder($user)



A general solution for any case/approach, mainly by using a form without a class or when we need access to any services to set the default value:


// src/Form/Extension/DefaultFormTypeExtension.php

class DefaultFormTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        if (null !== $options['default']) {
                function (FormEvent $event) use ($options) {
                    if (null === $event->getData()) {

    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
        $resolver->setDefault('default', null);

    public function getExtendedType()
        return FormType::class;

and register the form extension:


    class: App\Form\Extension\DefaultFormTypeExtension
        - { name: form.type_extension, extended_type: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType }

After that, we can use default option in any form field:


$formBuilder->add('user', null, array('default' => $this->getUser()));
$formBuilder->add('foo', null, array('default' => 'bar'));



->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA, function (FormEvent $event) {
     $form = $event->getForm(); 
     $data = $event->getData(); 

     if ($data == null) {
         $form->add('position', IntegerType::class, array('data' => 0));




Just so I understand the problem.


You want to adjust the way the form is built based on data in your entity. If the entity is being created then use some default value. If the entity is existing use the database value.


Personally, I think @MolecularMans's solution is the way to go. I would actually set the default values in the constructor or in the property statement. But you don't seem to like that approach.

就我个人而言,我认为@ ularmans的解决方案是可行的。实际上,我将在构造函数或属性语句中设置默认值。但你似乎不喜欢这种方式。

Instead you can follow this: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/form/dynamic_form_modification.html


You hang a listener on your form type and you can then examine your entity and adjust the builder->add statements accordingly based on havine a new or existing entity. You still need to specify your default values somewhere though you could just code them in your listener. Or pass them into the form type.


Seems like a lot of work though. Better to just pass the entity to the form with it's default values already set.




If you're using a FormBuilder in symfony 2.7 to generate the form, you can also pass the initial data to the createFormBuilder method of the Controler

如果您使用symfony 2.7中的FormBuilder生成表单,您也可以将初始数据传递给Controler的createFormBuilder方法。

$values = array(
    'name' => "Bob"

$formBuilder = $this->createFormBuilder($values);
$formBuilder->add('name', 'text');



My solution:


$defaultvalue = $options['data']->getMyField();
$builder->add('myField', 'number', array(
            'data' => !empty($defaultvalue) ? $options['data']->getMyField() : 0
        )) ;



Often, for init default values of form i use fixtures. Of cause this way is not easiest, but very comfortable.




class LoadSurgeonPlanData implements FixtureInterface
    public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
        $surgeonPlan = new SurgeonPlan();

        $surgeonPlan->setName('Free trial');


Yet, symfony type field have the option data.




$builder->add('token', 'hidden', array(
    'data' => 'abcdef',



There is a very simple way, you can set defaults as here :


$defaults = array('sortby' => $sortby,'category' => $category,'page' => 1);

$form = $this->formfactory->createBuilder('form', $defaults)



If you set 'data' in your creation form, this value will be not modified when edit your entity.


My solution is :


public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) {
    // In my example, data is an associated array
    $data = $builder->getData();

    $builder->add('myfield', 'text', array(
     'label' => 'Field',
     'data' => array_key_exits('myfield', $data) ? $data['myfield'] : 'Default value',





Don't use:


'data' => 'Default value'

Read here: https://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/forms/types/form.html#data


"The data option always overrides the value taken from the domain data (object) when rendering. This means the object value is also overriden when the form edits an already persisted object, causing it to lose its persisted value when the form is submitted."


Use the following:


Lets say, for this example, you have an Entity Foo, and there is a field "active" (in this example is CheckBoxType, but process is the same to every other type), which you want to be checked by default


In your FooFormType class add:


use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvents;
public function buildForm( FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options )

    $builder->add('active', CheckboxType::class, array(
        'label' => 'Active',

        function(FormEvent $event){                 
            $foo = $event->getData();
            // Set Active to true (checked) if form is "create new" ($foo->active = null)
            if(is_null($foo->getActive())) $data->setActive(true);
public function configureOptions( OptionsResolver $resolver )
        'data_class' => 'AppBundle:Foo',



Default values are set by configuring corresponding entity. Before binding the entity to form set its color field to "#0000FF":


// controller action
$project = new Project();
$form = $this->createForm(new ProjectType(), $project);



If that field is bound to an entity (is a property of that entity) you can just set a default value for it.


An example:


public function getMyField() {
    if (is_null($this->MyField)) {
        $this->setMyField('my default value');
    return $this->MyField;



I usually just set the default value for specific field in my entity:


 * @var int
 * @ORM\Column(type="integer", nullable=true)
protected $development_time = 0;

This will work for new records or if just updating existing ones.




As Brian asked:


empty_data appears to only set the field to 1 when it is submitted with no value. What about when you want the form to default to displaying 1 in the input when no value is present?


you can set the default value with empty_value


$builder->add('myField', 'number', ['empty_value' => 'Default value'])



Can be use during the creation easily with :


->add('myfield', 'text', array(
     'label' => 'Field',
     'data' => 'Default value'



you can set the default value with empty_data


$builder->add('myField', 'number', ['empty_data' => 'Default value'])



I've contemplated this a few times in the past so thought I'd jot down the different ideas I've had / used. Something might be of use, but none are "perfect" Symfony2 solutions.


Constructor In the Entity you can do $this->setBar('default value'); but this is called every time you load the entity (db or not) and is a bit messy. It does however work for every field type as you can create dates or whatever else you need.


If statements within get's I wouldn't, but you could.


return ( ! $this->hasFoo() ) ? 'default' : $this->foo;

Factory / instance. Call a static function / secondary class which provides you a default Entity pre-populated with data. E.g.


function getFactory() {
    $obj = new static();

   return $obj;

Not really ideal given you'll have to maintain this function if you add extra fields, but it does mean you're separating the data setters / default and that which is generated from the db. Similarly you can have multiple getFactories should you want different defaulted data.

如果你添加了额外的字段,你将不得不维护这个函数,但它确实意味着你要分离数据setter /默认值和由db生成的数据。类似地,如果需要不同的默认数据,也可以有多个getfactory。

Extended / Reflection entities Create a extending Entity (e.g. FooCreate extends Foo) which gives you the defaulted data at create time (through the constructor). Similar to the Factory / instance idea just a different approach - I prefer static methods personally.


Set Data before build form In the constructors / service, you know if you have a new entity or if it was populated from the db. It's plausible therefore to call set data on the different fields when you grab a new entity. E.g.


if( ! $entity->isFromDB() ) {
     $entity->setDate( date('Y-m-d');
$form = $this->createForm(...)

Form Events When you create the form you set default data when creating the fields. You override this use PreSetData event listener. The problem with this is that you're duplicating the form workload / duplicating code and making it harder to maintain / understand.

在创建字段时,创建表单时设置默认数据。您可以覆盖这个use PreSetData事件监听器。这样做的问题是,您正在复制表单工作负载/复制代码,使其更难维护/理解。

Extended forms Similar to Form events, but you call the different type depending on if it's a db / new entity. By this I mean you have FooType which defines your edit form, BarType extends FooType this and sets all the data to the fields. In your controller you then simply choose which form type to instigate. This sucks if you have a custom theme though and like events, creates too much maintenance for my liking.

扩展的表单类似于表单事件,但如果是db / new实体,则调用不同类型。我的意思是,你有一个FooType定义了你的编辑表单,BarType扩展了FooType,并将所有数据设置为字段。在您的控制器中,您只需选择要发起的表单类型。如果您有一个定制的主题,并且喜欢事件,这就很糟糕了,因为我喜欢的东西太多了。

Twig You can create your own theme and default the data using the value option too when you do it on a per-field basis. There is nothing stopping you wrapping this into a form theme either should you wish to keep your templates clean and the form reusable. e.g.


form_widget(form.foo, {attr: { value : default } });

JS It'd be trivial to populate the form with a JS function if the fields are empty. You could do something with placeholders for example. This is a bad, bad idea though.


Forms as a service For one of the big form based projects I did, I created a service which generated all the forms, did all the processing etc. This was because the forms were to be used across multiple controllers in multiple environments and whilst the forms were generated / handled in the same way, they were displayed / interacted with differently (e.g. error handling, redirections etc). The beauty of this approach was that you can default data, do everything you need, handle errors generically etc and it's all encapsulated in one place.


Conclusion As I see it, you'll run into the same issue time and time again - where is the defaulted data to live?


  • If you store it at db/doctrine level what happens if you don't want to store the default every time?
  • 如果您将它存储在db/doctrine级别,如果您不希望每次都存储默认值,会发生什么情况呢?
  • If you store it at Entity level what happens if you want to re-use that entity elsewhere without any data in it?
  • 如果您将它存储在实体级别上,如果您想要在其他地方重用该实体而没有任何数据,会发生什么情况呢?
  • If you store it at Entity Level and add a new field, do you want the previous versions to have that default value upon editing? Same goes for the default in the DB...
  • 如果您将其存储在实体级别并添加一个新字段,那么您是否希望在编辑时使用以前的版本具有该默认值?DB的默认值也是一样。
  • If you store it at the form level, is that obvious when you come to maintain the code later?
  • 如果您将其存储在表单级别,那么稍后您来维护代码时是否明显?
  • If it's in the constructor what happens if you use the form in multiple places?
  • 如果是在构造函数中如果你在多个地方使用表单会发生什么?
  • If you push it to JS level then you've gone too far - the data shouldn't be in the view never mind JS (and we're ignoring compatibility, rendering errors etc)
  • 如果你把它推到JS级别,那么你就做得太过了——数据不应该在视图中,而不是JS(我们忽略了兼容性、渲染错误等)
  • The service is great if like me you're using it in multiple places, but it's overkill for a simple add / edit form on one site...
  • 如果你像我一样在多个地方使用它,那么这个服务很好,但是在一个网站上添加/编辑表单就太过了……

To that end, I've approached the problem differently each time. For example, a signup form "newsletter" option is easily (and logically) set in the constructor just before creating the form. When I was building forms collections which were linked together (e.g. which radio buttons in different form types linked together) then I've used Event Listeners. When I've built a more complicated entity (e.g. one which required children or lots of defaulted data) I've used a function (e.g. 'getFactory') to create it element as I need it.


I don't think there is one "right" approach as every time I've had this requirement it's been slightly different.


Good luck! I hope I've given you some food for thought at any rate and didn't ramble too much ;)




If you need to set default value and your form relates to the entity, then you should use following approach:


// buildForm() method
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) {
            'data' => isset($options['data']) ? $options['data']->getMyField() : 'my default value'

Otherwise, myField always will be set to default value, instead of getting value from entity.




You can set the default for related field in your model class (in mapping definition or set the value yourself).


Furthermore, FormBuilder gives you a chance to set initial values with setData() method. Form builder is passed to the createForm() method of your form class.


Also, check this link: http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/forms.html#using-a-form-without-a-class

另外,请检查这个链接:http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/forms.html# usinga-withouta -class。



If your form is bound to an entity, just set the default value on the entity itself using the construct method:


public function __construct()
    $this->field = 'default value';



Approach 1 (from http://www.cranespud.com/blog/dead-simple-default-values-on-symfony2-forms/)


Simply set the default value in your entity, either in the variable declaration or the constructor:


class Entity {
    private $color = '#0000FF';


class Entity {
    private $color;

    public function __construct(){
         $this->color = '#0000FF';

Approach 2 from a comment in the above link, and also Dmitriy's answer (not the accepted one) from How to set default value for form field in Symfony2?


Add the default value to the data attribute when adding the field with the FormBuilder, adapted from Dmitriy's answer.


Note that this assumes that the property will and will only have the value null when it's a new, and not an existing, entity.


public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) {
    $builder->add('color', 'text', array(
            'label' => 'Color:',
            'data' => (isset($options['data']) && $options['data']->getColor() !== null) ? $options['data']->getColor() : '#0000FF'



You can set a default value, e.g. for the form message, like this:


$defaultData = array('message' => 'Type your message here');
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($defaultData)
    ->add('name', 'text')
    ->add('email', 'email')
    ->add('message', 'textarea')
    ->add('send', 'submit')

In case your form is mapped to an Entity, you can go like this (e.g. default username):


$user = new User();
$user->setUsername('John Doe');

$form = $this->createFormBuilder($user)



A general solution for any case/approach, mainly by using a form without a class or when we need access to any services to set the default value:


// src/Form/Extension/DefaultFormTypeExtension.php

class DefaultFormTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        if (null !== $options['default']) {
                function (FormEvent $event) use ($options) {
                    if (null === $event->getData()) {

    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
        $resolver->setDefault('default', null);

    public function getExtendedType()
        return FormType::class;

and register the form extension:


    class: App\Form\Extension\DefaultFormTypeExtension
        - { name: form.type_extension, extended_type: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType }

After that, we can use default option in any form field:


$formBuilder->add('user', null, array('default' => $this->getUser()));
$formBuilder->add('foo', null, array('default' => 'bar'));



->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA, function (FormEvent $event) {
     $form = $event->getForm(); 
     $data = $event->getData(); 

     if ($data == null) {
         $form->add('position', IntegerType::class, array('data' => 0));




Just so I understand the problem.


You want to adjust the way the form is built based on data in your entity. If the entity is being created then use some default value. If the entity is existing use the database value.


Personally, I think @MolecularMans's solution is the way to go. I would actually set the default values in the constructor or in the property statement. But you don't seem to like that approach.

就我个人而言,我认为@ ularmans的解决方案是可行的。实际上,我将在构造函数或属性语句中设置默认值。但你似乎不喜欢这种方式。

Instead you can follow this: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/form/dynamic_form_modification.html


You hang a listener on your form type and you can then examine your entity and adjust the builder->add statements accordingly based on havine a new or existing entity. You still need to specify your default values somewhere though you could just code them in your listener. Or pass them into the form type.


Seems like a lot of work though. Better to just pass the entity to the form with it's default values already set.




If you're using a FormBuilder in symfony 2.7 to generate the form, you can also pass the initial data to the createFormBuilder method of the Controler

如果您使用symfony 2.7中的FormBuilder生成表单,您也可以将初始数据传递给Controler的createFormBuilder方法。

$values = array(
    'name' => "Bob"

$formBuilder = $this->createFormBuilder($values);
$formBuilder->add('name', 'text');



My solution:


$defaultvalue = $options['data']->getMyField();
$builder->add('myField', 'number', array(
            'data' => !empty($defaultvalue) ? $options['data']->getMyField() : 0
        )) ;



Often, for init default values of form i use fixtures. Of cause this way is not easiest, but very comfortable.




class LoadSurgeonPlanData implements FixtureInterface
    public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
        $surgeonPlan = new SurgeonPlan();

        $surgeonPlan->setName('Free trial');


Yet, symfony type field have the option data.




$builder->add('token', 'hidden', array(
    'data' => 'abcdef',



There is a very simple way, you can set defaults as here :


$defaults = array('sortby' => $sortby,'category' => $category,'page' => 1);

$form = $this->formfactory->createBuilder('form', $defaults)



If you set 'data' in your creation form, this value will be not modified when edit your entity.


My solution is :


public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) {
    // In my example, data is an associated array
    $data = $builder->getData();

    $builder->add('myfield', 'text', array(
     'label' => 'Field',
     'data' => array_key_exits('myfield', $data) ? $data['myfield'] : 'Default value',





Don't use:


'data' => 'Default value'

Read here: https://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/forms/types/form.html#data


"The data option always overrides the value taken from the domain data (object) when rendering. This means the object value is also overriden when the form edits an already persisted object, causing it to lose its persisted value when the form is submitted."


Use the following:


Lets say, for this example, you have an Entity Foo, and there is a field "active" (in this example is CheckBoxType, but process is the same to every other type), which you want to be checked by default


In your FooFormType class add:


use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvents;
public function buildForm( FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options )

    $builder->add('active', CheckboxType::class, array(
        'label' => 'Active',

        function(FormEvent $event){                 
            $foo = $event->getData();
            // Set Active to true (checked) if form is "create new" ($foo->active = null)
            if(is_null($foo->getActive())) $data->setActive(true);
public function configureOptions( OptionsResolver $resolver )
        'data_class' => 'AppBundle:Foo',



Default values are set by configuring corresponding entity. Before binding the entity to form set its color field to "#0000FF":


// controller action
$project = new Project();
$form = $this->createForm(new ProjectType(), $project);



If that field is bound to an entity (is a property of that entity) you can just set a default value for it.


An example:


public function getMyField() {
    if (is_null($this->MyField)) {
        $this->setMyField('my default value');
    return $this->MyField;



I usually just set the default value for specific field in my entity:


 * @var int
 * @ORM\Column(type="integer", nullable=true)
protected $development_time = 0;

This will work for new records or if just updating existing ones.




As Brian asked:


empty_data appears to only set the field to 1 when it is submitted with no value. What about when you want the form to default to displaying 1 in the input when no value is present?


you can set the default value with empty_value


$builder->add('myField', 'number', ['empty_value' => 'Default value'])