
时间:2022-10-15 23:40:34

So I'm new to JUnit, and we have to use it for a homework assignment. Our professor gave us a project that has one test class, BallTest.java. When I right click > Run as > JUnit Test, I get a popup error that says 'No JUnit tests found'. I know the question has been answered here(No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 4'), but closing eclipse, restarting, cleaning, and building doesn't seem to work. Below are screenshots of my run configuration, build path, and the class I'm trying to test.

所以我是JUnit的新手,我们必须把它用于家庭作业。我们的教授给我们的项目有一个测试类BallTest.java。当我右键单击>作为> JUnit测试运行时,会弹出一个错误,显示“没有发现JUnit测试”。我知道这里已经回答了这个问题(没有使用测试运行器“JUnit 4”找到的测试),但是关闭eclipse、重新启动、清理和构建似乎都不起作用。下面是我的运行配置、构建路径和我要测试的类的屏幕截图。




import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; 
import org.junit.runner.Result; 
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; 

public class BallTest {

Ball ball;

 * @throws java.lang.Exception
public void setUp() throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Setting up ...");
    Point2D p = new Point2D(0,0);
    ball = new Ball(p);

 * @throws java.lang.Exception
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Tearing down ...");
    ball = null;

 * Test method for {@link Ball#getCoordinates()}.
public void testGetCoordinates() {
    assertNotNull(ball); // don't need Assert. because of the import statement above.
    Assert.assertEquals(ball.getCoordinates().getX(), 0);
    Assert.assertEquals(ball.getCoordinates().getY(), 0);

 * Test method for {@link Ball#setCoordinates(Point2D)}.
public void testSetCoordinates() {
    Point2D p = new Point2D(99,99);
    Assert.assertEquals(ball.getCoordinates().getX(), 99);
    Assert.assertEquals(ball.getCoordinates().getY(), 99);

 * Test method for {@link Ball#Ball(Point2D)}.
public void testBall() {
    Point2D p = new Point2D(49,30);
    ball = new Ball(p);
    Assert.assertEquals(ball.getCoordinates().getX(), 49);
    Assert.assertEquals(ball.getCoordinates().getY(), 30);

    //fail("Not yet implemented");

public static void main (String[] args) {
         Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(BallTest.class);
         for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { 


12 个解决方案



This fixed it:


Right click on the folder named 'Test' > Build Path > Use as Source Folder.


I don't fully understand why though, can someone comment on that?




If none of the other answers work for you, here's what worked for me.


Restart eclipse


I had source folder configured correctly, and unit tests correctly annotated but was still getting "No JUnit tests found", for one project. After a restart it worked. I was using STS 3.6.2 based of eclipse Luna 4.4.1

我已经正确地配置了源文件夹,单元测试被正确地注释了,但是仍然得到一个项目“没有发现JUnit测试”。重新启动后,它工作了。我使用的是基于eclipse Luna 4.4.1的STS 3.6.2。



right click -> build path -> remove from build path and then again add it -> Right click on the folder named 'Test' > Build Path > Use as Source Folder.




It looks like you're missing the runner definition on your test class, that could be the cause:


import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
public class BallTest {



I had the same problem and solved like this: I deleted @Test annotation and retyped it. It just worked, I have no idea why.




Any solution didn't work for me until I change the name of the my test method. When name of test method starts with "test" is OK. I am new in android programing and it was for me big surprise.




I think you have created your test classes outside the src folder. You can solve above problem by two way:


  1. Add your package name in java build path->source


  2. Move your package/class in src folder


I have the same problem and solved in this way both solutions working fine.




  1. Right click your project ->Properties->Java Build Path and go to Source Tab then add your test src folder.
  2. 右键单击您的项目->属性->Java构建路径,然后进入Source选项卡,然后添加您的test src文件夹。
  3. Select Project menu and unselect 'Build Automatically' option if selected
  4. 选择“项目”菜单,选择“自动构建”选项
  5. Select Clean and then select 'Build Automatically' option
  6. 选择Clean,然后选择“Build automatic”选项
  7. Restart Eclipse and run your junit.
  8. 重新启动Eclipse并运行您的junit。



I solved the problem by configuring the build path. Right click on the project(or any of the subfolders)-> Build path -> Configure build path. Once the property window opens up, click on the 'Source' tab and add your src and tst folders. But this alone did not work for me. Strangely, I had to retype the annotations.(Project->clean or restart might also have worked though).




The run configuration for a test class can create another cause (and solution) for this problem.


If you go to Run (or Debug) Configurations (using cmd-3 or clicking on the small dropdown buttons in the toolbar) you can see a configuration created for every test class you've worked with. I found that one of my classes that wouldn't launch had a run configuration where the Test Method field had somehow gotten inadvertently populated. I had to clear that to get it to work. When cleared it shows (all methods) in light text.


I'll add that strangely — maybe there was something else going on — it also seemed not to work for me until I fixed the "Name" field as well so that it included only the class name like the other JUnit run configurations.




Came across this problem while upgrading projects across eclipse versions. For e.g. junits running well in Mars2.0 did not run on Neon. The following worked for me.


  1. Delete .settings folder. Import project into eclipse.
  2. 删除.settings文件夹。项目导入eclipse。
  3. Remove source folders. Then again use the folders as source folders. e.g - remove src/main/java from build path as source folder. -> Ok -> Again make this folder as source folder. Repeat it for main/resources, test/java, test/resources
  4. 删除源文件夹。然后再次使用文件夹作为源文件夹。e。从构建路径中删除src/main/java作为源文件夹。-> Ok ->再次将此文件夹作为源文件夹。对主/资源、测试/java、测试/资源重复此操作



I was using @RunWith(Parameterized.class) but missed to add the @Parameters annotation in the public static parameters method. After adding the annotation it worked.

我正在使用@RunWith(Parameterized.class),但是没有在public static parameters方法中添加@Parameters注释。添加注释后,它工作了。



This fixed it:


Right click on the folder named 'Test' > Build Path > Use as Source Folder.


I don't fully understand why though, can someone comment on that?




If none of the other answers work for you, here's what worked for me.


Restart eclipse


I had source folder configured correctly, and unit tests correctly annotated but was still getting "No JUnit tests found", for one project. After a restart it worked. I was using STS 3.6.2 based of eclipse Luna 4.4.1

我已经正确地配置了源文件夹,单元测试被正确地注释了,但是仍然得到一个项目“没有发现JUnit测试”。重新启动后,它工作了。我使用的是基于eclipse Luna 4.4.1的STS 3.6.2。



right click -> build path -> remove from build path and then again add it -> Right click on the folder named 'Test' > Build Path > Use as Source Folder.




It looks like you're missing the runner definition on your test class, that could be the cause:


import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
public class BallTest {



I had the same problem and solved like this: I deleted @Test annotation and retyped it. It just worked, I have no idea why.




Any solution didn't work for me until I change the name of the my test method. When name of test method starts with "test" is OK. I am new in android programing and it was for me big surprise.




I think you have created your test classes outside the src folder. You can solve above problem by two way:


  1. Add your package name in java build path->source


  2. Move your package/class in src folder


I have the same problem and solved in this way both solutions working fine.




  1. Right click your project ->Properties->Java Build Path and go to Source Tab then add your test src folder.
  2. 右键单击您的项目->属性->Java构建路径,然后进入Source选项卡,然后添加您的test src文件夹。
  3. Select Project menu and unselect 'Build Automatically' option if selected
  4. 选择“项目”菜单,选择“自动构建”选项
  5. Select Clean and then select 'Build Automatically' option
  6. 选择Clean,然后选择“Build automatic”选项
  7. Restart Eclipse and run your junit.
  8. 重新启动Eclipse并运行您的junit。



I solved the problem by configuring the build path. Right click on the project(or any of the subfolders)-> Build path -> Configure build path. Once the property window opens up, click on the 'Source' tab and add your src and tst folders. But this alone did not work for me. Strangely, I had to retype the annotations.(Project->clean or restart might also have worked though).




The run configuration for a test class can create another cause (and solution) for this problem.


If you go to Run (or Debug) Configurations (using cmd-3 or clicking on the small dropdown buttons in the toolbar) you can see a configuration created for every test class you've worked with. I found that one of my classes that wouldn't launch had a run configuration where the Test Method field had somehow gotten inadvertently populated. I had to clear that to get it to work. When cleared it shows (all methods) in light text.


I'll add that strangely — maybe there was something else going on — it also seemed not to work for me until I fixed the "Name" field as well so that it included only the class name like the other JUnit run configurations.




Came across this problem while upgrading projects across eclipse versions. For e.g. junits running well in Mars2.0 did not run on Neon. The following worked for me.


  1. Delete .settings folder. Import project into eclipse.
  2. 删除.settings文件夹。项目导入eclipse。
  3. Remove source folders. Then again use the folders as source folders. e.g - remove src/main/java from build path as source folder. -> Ok -> Again make this folder as source folder. Repeat it for main/resources, test/java, test/resources
  4. 删除源文件夹。然后再次使用文件夹作为源文件夹。e。从构建路径中删除src/main/java作为源文件夹。-> Ok ->再次将此文件夹作为源文件夹。对主/资源、测试/java、测试/资源重复此操作



I was using @RunWith(Parameterized.class) but missed to add the @Parameters annotation in the public static parameters method. After adding the annotation it worked.

我正在使用@RunWith(Parameterized.class),但是没有在public static parameters方法中添加@Parameters注释。添加注释后,它工作了。