
时间:2022-10-14 20:47:00

I have an application written with a basic HTML/CSS/Javascript front end, and sending AJAX requests using EXTJS to .NET ASHX handlers. One particular request can take a long time to execute, and it appears to be getting cut off at exactly 30 seconds. How do I go about adjusting this timeout value?

我有一个用基本的HTML/CSS/Javascript前端编写的应用程序,并使用EXTJS向. net ASHX处理程序发送AJAX请求。一个特定的请求可能需要很长时间才能执行,并且在30秒内被切断。如何调整这个超时值?

Here is what I've tried/discovered.


  1. It functions the same in multiple browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox), so I assume it is a configuration on the server side.
  2. 它在多个浏览器(Chrome, IE, Firefox)中的功能是一样的,所以我假设它是服务器端的配置。
  3. I've looked through the IIS configuration and found a timeout that appears to be for session timeouts and it's set to 120 (minutes I presume).
  4. 我查看了IIS配置,发现一个超时似乎是针对会话超时的,它被设置为120分钟(我猜是120分钟)。
  5. The request works fine when a smaller data set is requested, so there are no other known programming bugs causing this specific issue.
  6. 当请求一个较小的数据集时,请求可以正常工作,因此没有其他已知的编程错误导致这个特定的问题。

2 个解决方案



You have to change two things in internet manager.


First: InetMgr->Default Web Site -> Right side panel -> Advanced Settings -> Connection Limits -> Connection Time-out (Seconds) to be changed to desired number of seconds.




InetMgr -> Application Pools -> Default App Pool (just select it) -> Right side panel -> Advanced Settings -> Process Model (sub heading) -> Ping Maximum Response time & ping period (both) -> change seconds to desired number of seconds.

InetMgr ->应用程序池->默认应用程序池(只是选择它)->右侧面板->高级设置->进程模型(子标题)-> Ping最大响应时间和Ping周期(两者都)->改变秒到所需的秒数。

Thats all... :)


Let me know if you are having problem still..




Some more digging around in the EXTJS documentation shed light on the problem: The default timeout for an EXTJS AJAX request is 30 seconds, and can be overridden with the timeout property. http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-3.3.1/docs/

在EXTJS文档中进行更多的挖掘可以揭示这个问题:EXTJS AJAX请求的默认超时为30秒,可以使用timeout属性覆盖。http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-3.3.1/docs/

Also worth nothing that this * question/answer tipped me off. It relates to JQuery but I figured EXTJS couldn't be much different: Chrome timeout Ajax request after 120 seconds?




You have to change two things in internet manager.


First: InetMgr->Default Web Site -> Right side panel -> Advanced Settings -> Connection Limits -> Connection Time-out (Seconds) to be changed to desired number of seconds.




InetMgr -> Application Pools -> Default App Pool (just select it) -> Right side panel -> Advanced Settings -> Process Model (sub heading) -> Ping Maximum Response time & ping period (both) -> change seconds to desired number of seconds.

InetMgr ->应用程序池->默认应用程序池(只是选择它)->右侧面板->高级设置->进程模型(子标题)-> Ping最大响应时间和Ping周期(两者都)->改变秒到所需的秒数。

Thats all... :)


Let me know if you are having problem still..




Some more digging around in the EXTJS documentation shed light on the problem: The default timeout for an EXTJS AJAX request is 30 seconds, and can be overridden with the timeout property. http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-3.3.1/docs/

在EXTJS文档中进行更多的挖掘可以揭示这个问题:EXTJS AJAX请求的默认超时为30秒,可以使用timeout属性覆盖。http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-3.3.1/docs/

Also worth nothing that this * question/answer tipped me off. It relates to JQuery but I figured EXTJS couldn't be much different: Chrome timeout Ajax request after 120 seconds?
