jQuery:处理混合的html / js ajax响应

时间:2022-10-09 14:54:11

Having trouble accessing javascript code in a mixed html/js ajax response. jQuery ajax doc states:

无法在混合的html / js ajax响应中访问javascript代码。 jQuery ajax doc说:

If html is specified, any embedded JavaScript inside the retrieved data is executed before the HTML is returned as a string


Which I can confirm by adding a simple snippet to the html reply:


<script type="text/javascript"> alert($(this)); </script>

How then to retain access to the js code vs. one-and-done execution?? Trying to implement a modal login (to prevent data loss on session timeout in form submission screens). Of course I need to be able to access the ajax'd js code to then validate email/password fields and ajax authenticate user credentials on the remote server.

那么如何保持对js代码的访问与一次性完成执行?尝试实现模态登录(以防止表单提交屏幕中的会话超时数据丢失)。当然,我需要能够访问ajax'd js代码然后验证电子邮件/密码字段和ajax在远程服务器上验证用户凭据。

Here's the modal login coffeescript snippet:


# submit form
  success: (data) -> ...
  error: (data) ->
    popAuth(data.responseText) if(data.status == 401)

popAuth = (title) -> 
    href: "/login"
    ajax: { type: "GET" }
    title: title

Perhaps I can add a success callback to popAuth() ajax options to store the returned js code? How about jQuery "live" handler? Unfortunate that this scenario is not as straight forward as one would hope ;-) I have seen $.getScript as an option, but would prefer to not separate html from js since server-side already assembles html + js and the original ajax call pulls it all down in one go. (i.e. avoid creating a dedicated server-side controller to send back js file content bundle)

也许我可以添加成功回调popAuth()ajax选项来存储返回的js代码? jQuery“live”处理程序怎么样?不幸的是,这种情况并不像人们希望的那样直截了当;-)我已经看到$ .getScript作为一个选项,但是我宁愿不将html与js分开,因为服务器端已经组装了html + js并且原来的ajax调用拉了这一切都一气呵成。 (即避免创建专用的服务器端控制器来发送回js文件内容包)

I am of course open to alternative solutions to workaround this issue. For example, I could store login fields and js login validation code on every screen (JVM CRUD application living behind WordPress front end so every screen is basically auth required) in a hidden div, and then pop the modal login window "locally", which I assume would get around the annoying one-and-done js execution of remote ajax content.

我当然愿意接受解决此问题的替代解决方案。例如,我可以在隐藏的div中的每个屏幕上存储登录字段和js登录验证代码(生活在WordPress前端后面的JVM CRUD应用程序,因此每个屏幕基本上都是auth),然后在“本地”弹出模态登录窗口,我假设会绕过恼人的一次性完成js执行远程ajax内容。

Anyway, Ideas appreciated! client-side is both wonderfully simple and...horribly complex ;-)


1 个解决方案



Ok, fending off the veritable deluge of responses, I'll take a stab myself.


As I understand it now, since mixed html/js content is one-and-done executed, we have one chance to capture ajax response js code and bind it to current scope.

正如我现在所理解的那样,由于混合的html / js内容是一次性完成的,我们有一次机会捕获ajax响应js代码并将其绑定到当前范围。

First, in the original ajax call (i.e. form submit that returns a potential 401 not authorized status) set the context of the modal login's ajax setup to $(this), the currently executing scope that contains jquery validation and other shared js code needed for modal login ajax submit to work.


In my case, using fancybox, adding context param it now looks like:


popAuth = (title) -> 
    href: "/login"
    ajax: { type: "GET" }
    context: $(@)
    title: title

Then, since the parent window contains the majority of needed javascript, the only requirement is to create a js file that binds modal login form button click event to validation and $.ajax submission.

然后,由于父窗口包含大部分所需的javascript,唯一的要求是创建一个js文件,将模态登录表单按钮单击事件绑定到验证和$ .ajax提交。

# login.coffee
jQuery ->
  $('#loginSubmit').click (e) ->
    isValid = $('#loginForm').validate().form()
    if isValid
        data: $('#loginForm').serialize()
        success: (data) ->
          location.href = '/foo'
        error: (data) ->
          $('#status > div').html( data.responseText )
        complete: () ->

Done, all good, works ;-)




Ok, fending off the veritable deluge of responses, I'll take a stab myself.


As I understand it now, since mixed html/js content is one-and-done executed, we have one chance to capture ajax response js code and bind it to current scope.

正如我现在所理解的那样,由于混合的html / js内容是一次性完成的,我们有一次机会捕获ajax响应js代码并将其绑定到当前范围。

First, in the original ajax call (i.e. form submit that returns a potential 401 not authorized status) set the context of the modal login's ajax setup to $(this), the currently executing scope that contains jquery validation and other shared js code needed for modal login ajax submit to work.


In my case, using fancybox, adding context param it now looks like:


popAuth = (title) -> 
    href: "/login"
    ajax: { type: "GET" }
    context: $(@)
    title: title

Then, since the parent window contains the majority of needed javascript, the only requirement is to create a js file that binds modal login form button click event to validation and $.ajax submission.

然后,由于父窗口包含大部分所需的javascript,唯一的要求是创建一个js文件,将模态登录表单按钮单击事件绑定到验证和$ .ajax提交。

# login.coffee
jQuery ->
  $('#loginSubmit').click (e) ->
    isValid = $('#loginForm').validate().form()
    if isValid
        data: $('#loginForm').serialize()
        success: (data) ->
          location.href = '/foo'
        error: (data) ->
          $('#status > div').html( data.responseText )
        complete: () ->

Done, all good, works ;-)
