jQuery datepicker不能处理AJAX添加的html元素

时间:2022-11-02 21:07:55

I have a jQuery datepicker function bound to the "birthday" input html element, written in the page header:

我有一个jQuery datepicker函数绑定到“birthday”输入html元素,写在页面头中:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        $( "#birthday" ).datepicker();

Next, I have some AJAX functionality - it adds new input html element to the page. That element is:


<input type="text" id="birthday" value="" class="detail-textbox1" />

Clicking on that birthday element does not pop up the date picker below the text field. I expected this, as the element is added after the page is loaded, thus it isn't in relation with the function provided in the header.


How can I make it work? I tried moving the script from the header to the body, but nothing seems to work. Thanks.


P.S. If I create an input html element with id="birthday" in the page body, everythig works as expected. It appears that only the elements added through AJAX are dysfunctional.


6 个解决方案



I'm a bit late to the party, but for thoroughness - and with the .live() function being deprecated from jQuery 1.7 onwards - I thought I'd provide an updated solution based on my experiences, and from all the help I got from other answers on *!

我有点晚了,但是为了彻底——并且使用.live()函数从jQuery 1.7开始——我认为我将根据我的经验提供一个更新的解决方案,并且从其他的关于*的答案中得到的帮助!

I had a situation where I needed to add the datepicker functionality to input fields that were being added to the DOM through AJAX calls at random, and I couldn't modify the script making the AJAX calls to attach the datepicker functionality, so I opted for the new shiny .on() function with its delegation features:


// do this once the DOM's available...

    // this line will add an event handler to the selected inputs, both
    // current and future, whenever they are clicked...
    // this is delegation at work, and you can use any containing element
    // you like - I just used the "body" tag for convenience...
    $("body").on("click", ".my_input_element", function(){

        // as an added bonus, if you are afraid of attaching the "datepicker"
        // multiple times, you can check for the "hasDatepicker" class...
        if (!$(this).hasClass("hasDatepicker"))

I hope this helps someone, and thanks for all the answers so far that led me to this solution that worked for me! :)




You need to use .live() so that any newly added elements have the event handler attached: http://api.jquery.com/live/


$('#birthday').bind('load', function() {



.live() documentation states, that it is a bit out of date. With new versions of jquery (1.7+) use .on().




Boris, JK: This was super helpful for me. I have also found that you can use the following for AJAX html if you want to use Datepicker's date range selection:

鲍里斯,JK:这对我非常有帮助。我还发现,如果您想使用Datepicker的日期范围选择,可以使用以下的AJAX html:

$('#groundtransporation').live('focus', function() {
var gt = $( "#rentalPickUp, #rentalDropOff" ).datepicker({
  defaultDate: "+1w",
  changeMonth: true,
  numberOfMonths: 2,
  onSelect: function( selectedDate ) {
    var option = this.id == "rentalPickUp" ? "minDate" : "maxDate",
      instance = $( this ).data( "datepicker" ),
      date = $.datepicker.parseDate(
        instance.settings.dateFormat ||
        selectedDate, instance.settings );
    gt.not( this ).datepicker( "option", option, date );



I got another case. My script is copying last table elements including datepicker.


The jquery will not working because the copied element has mark that it "hasDatepicker".


To activate datepicker in new element, remove that class name and the initiate it, like this.


$("#yournewelementid").attr("class","your-class-name"); $("#yournewelementid").datepicker();

$(" # yournewelementid ").attr(“类”、“your-class-name”);$(" # yournewelementid ").datepicker();



your issue is always happens when elements don't exist when you try to initialize it.

When you use $(function(){/** some code **/}); elements must exsit on the document, it means that has to be on the html so you could can create a function to initialize the component or initialize it on the success event after been add it to the document.

Is important to first add the external html load in the ajax request to the document before you try to initialize it or it won't be initialize at all.



美元。ajax({ url:“ajax_html。html”数据类型:“html”}).done(函数(html){ $(“#选择器”). html(html)init();});

function init(){

init()函数{ $(“.birthday”).datepicker({ });}



You could initialize the date picker for the newly added element within your ajax success callback:

您可以在ajax success回调中初始化新添加元素的日期选择器:



    success: function(response) {
        if(response.success) {



I'm a bit late to the party, but for thoroughness - and with the .live() function being deprecated from jQuery 1.7 onwards - I thought I'd provide an updated solution based on my experiences, and from all the help I got from other answers on *!

我有点晚了,但是为了彻底——并且使用.live()函数从jQuery 1.7开始——我认为我将根据我的经验提供一个更新的解决方案,并且从其他的关于*的答案中得到的帮助!

I had a situation where I needed to add the datepicker functionality to input fields that were being added to the DOM through AJAX calls at random, and I couldn't modify the script making the AJAX calls to attach the datepicker functionality, so I opted for the new shiny .on() function with its delegation features:


// do this once the DOM's available...

    // this line will add an event handler to the selected inputs, both
    // current and future, whenever they are clicked...
    // this is delegation at work, and you can use any containing element
    // you like - I just used the "body" tag for convenience...
    $("body").on("click", ".my_input_element", function(){

        // as an added bonus, if you are afraid of attaching the "datepicker"
        // multiple times, you can check for the "hasDatepicker" class...
        if (!$(this).hasClass("hasDatepicker"))

I hope this helps someone, and thanks for all the answers so far that led me to this solution that worked for me! :)




You need to use .live() so that any newly added elements have the event handler attached: http://api.jquery.com/live/


$('#birthday').bind('load', function() {



.live() documentation states, that it is a bit out of date. With new versions of jquery (1.7+) use .on().




Boris, JK: This was super helpful for me. I have also found that you can use the following for AJAX html if you want to use Datepicker's date range selection:

鲍里斯,JK:这对我非常有帮助。我还发现,如果您想使用Datepicker的日期范围选择,可以使用以下的AJAX html:

$('#groundtransporation').live('focus', function() {
var gt = $( "#rentalPickUp, #rentalDropOff" ).datepicker({
  defaultDate: "+1w",
  changeMonth: true,
  numberOfMonths: 2,
  onSelect: function( selectedDate ) {
    var option = this.id == "rentalPickUp" ? "minDate" : "maxDate",
      instance = $( this ).data( "datepicker" ),
      date = $.datepicker.parseDate(
        instance.settings.dateFormat ||
        selectedDate, instance.settings );
    gt.not( this ).datepicker( "option", option, date );



I got another case. My script is copying last table elements including datepicker.


The jquery will not working because the copied element has mark that it "hasDatepicker".


To activate datepicker in new element, remove that class name and the initiate it, like this.


$("#yournewelementid").attr("class","your-class-name"); $("#yournewelementid").datepicker();

$(" # yournewelementid ").attr(“类”、“your-class-name”);$(" # yournewelementid ").datepicker();



your issue is always happens when elements don't exist when you try to initialize it.

When you use $(function(){/** some code **/}); elements must exsit on the document, it means that has to be on the html so you could can create a function to initialize the component or initialize it on the success event after been add it to the document.

Is important to first add the external html load in the ajax request to the document before you try to initialize it or it won't be initialize at all.



美元。ajax({ url:“ajax_html。html”数据类型:“html”}).done(函数(html){ $(“#选择器”). html(html)init();});

function init(){

init()函数{ $(“.birthday”).datepicker({ });}



You could initialize the date picker for the newly added element within your ajax success callback:

您可以在ajax success回调中初始化新添加元素的日期选择器:



    success: function(response) {
        if(response.success) {