yii2 gridview没有使用hasMany retionship显示所有左连接值

时间:2022-10-05 09:10:28

Model Search :


$query = Countries::find()->joinWith(['states']);
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
    'query' => $query,           

    'defaultOrder' => ['doc_date'=>SORT_DESC],

if (!($this->load($params) && $this->validate())) {           
    return $dataProvider;

Model :

public function getStates()
    return $this->hasMany(States::className(), ['state_id' => 'state_id']);

I need result like


Id      Country     State
1       India       State 1
2       India       State 2
3       India       State 3
4       USA         USA State1
5       USA         USA State2

When I'm using gridview I'm getting following result


Id      Country     State
1       India       State 1
4       USA         USA State1

Please give solutions to fix this issue.


4 个解决方案


What you're seeing is the intended behavior: normally you wouldn't want your ActiveRecord query to contain duplicate primary records, so Yii filters out any duplicates caused by JOINs. You can see this behavior defined here: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/framework/db/ActiveQuery.php#L220


Since what you want is essentially to display the raw results as generated by the SQL with a JOIN (one row for each combination of Country and State), I think the most pragmatic solution would be to use the SqlDataProvider instead of the ActiveDataProvider.


This should return exactly what you want:


$query = Countries::find()->joinWith(['states'], false)->select(*);

$dataProvider = new SqlDataProvider([
    'sql' => $query->createCommand()->getRawSql(),           


If you explicitly specify the selected columns using the select() method, you can achieve the same result, without messing with raw sql queries




The answer given by laszlovl works good, but needs to change the 'query' key value by 'sql' like below:


$query = Countries::find()->joinWith(['states'], false)->select(*);

$dataProvider = new SqlDataProvider([
    'sql' => $query->createCommand()->getRawSql(),           

From the Yii 2 Docs we can find that $sql property get the SQL statement to be used for fetching data rows. The default value of this property is "null"

从Yii 2 Docs中我们可以发现$ sql属性获取用于获取数据行的SQL语句。此属性的默认值为“null”


well groupBy helped me


check this out (hope it will help)


    $query = Post::find();
    $query->innerJoinWith(['userVotePosts'], true);

    $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
        'query' => $query


What you're seeing is the intended behavior: normally you wouldn't want your ActiveRecord query to contain duplicate primary records, so Yii filters out any duplicates caused by JOINs. You can see this behavior defined here: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/framework/db/ActiveQuery.php#L220


Since what you want is essentially to display the raw results as generated by the SQL with a JOIN (one row for each combination of Country and State), I think the most pragmatic solution would be to use the SqlDataProvider instead of the ActiveDataProvider.


This should return exactly what you want:


$query = Countries::find()->joinWith(['states'], false)->select(*);

$dataProvider = new SqlDataProvider([
    'sql' => $query->createCommand()->getRawSql(),           


If you explicitly specify the selected columns using the select() method, you can achieve the same result, without messing with raw sql queries




The answer given by laszlovl works good, but needs to change the 'query' key value by 'sql' like below:


$query = Countries::find()->joinWith(['states'], false)->select(*);

$dataProvider = new SqlDataProvider([
    'sql' => $query->createCommand()->getRawSql(),           

From the Yii 2 Docs we can find that $sql property get the SQL statement to be used for fetching data rows. The default value of this property is "null"

从Yii 2 Docs中我们可以发现$ sql属性获取用于获取数据行的SQL语句。此属性的默认值为“null”


well groupBy helped me


check this out (hope it will help)


    $query = Post::find();
    $query->innerJoinWith(['userVotePosts'], true);

    $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
        'query' => $query