
时间:2022-10-03 15:25:14

I have a bunch of hierarchical data stored in an XML file. I am wrapping that up behind hand-crafted classes using TinyXML. Given an XML fragment that describes a source signature as a set of (frequency, level) pairs a bit like this:



i am extracting the pairs with this:


std::vector< std::pair<double, double> > signature() const
    std::vector< std::pair<double, double> > sig;
    for (const TiXmlElement* sig_el = node()->FirstChildElement ("sig");
        sig_el = sig_el->NextSiblingElement("sig"))
        const double level = boost::lexical_cast<double> (sig_el->FirstChildElement("level")->GetText());
        const double freq =  boost::lexical_cast<double> (sig_el->FirstChildElement("freq")->GetText());
        sig.push_back (std::make_pair (freq, level));
    return sig;

where node() is pointing at the <source> node.


Question: would I get a neater, more elegant, more maintainable or in any other way better piece of code using an XPath library instead?


Update: I have tried it using TinyXPath two ways. Neither of them actually work, which is a big point against them obviously. Am I doing something fundamentally wrong? If this is what it is going to look like with XPath, I don't think it is getting me anything.


std::vector< std::pair<double, double> > signature2() const
    std::vector< std::pair<double, double> > sig;
    TinyXPath::xpath_processor source_proc (node(), "sig");
    const unsigned n_nodes = source_proc.u_compute_xpath_node_set();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i != n_nodes; ++i)
        TiXmlNode* s = source_proc.XNp_get_xpath_node (i);
        const double level = TinyXPath::xpath_processor(s, "level/text()").d_compute_xpath();
        const double freq =  TinyXPath::xpath_processor(s, "freq/text()").d_compute_xpath();
        sig.push_back (std::make_pair (freq, level));
    return sig;

std::vector< std::pair<double, double> > signature3() const
    std::vector< std::pair<double, double> > sig;
    int i = 1;
    while (TiXmlNode* s = TinyXPath::xpath_processor (node(), 
        ("sig[" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i++) + "]/*").c_str()).
        const double level = TinyXPath::xpath_processor(s, "level/text()").d_compute_xpath();
        const double freq =  TinyXPath::xpath_processor(s, "freq/text()").d_compute_xpath();
        sig.push_back (std::make_pair (freq, level));
    return sig;

As a secondary issue, if so, which XPath library should I be using?


4 个解决方案



In general I tend to prefer XPath based solutions for their concision and versatility but, honestly, in your case, I don't think using XPath will bring a lot to your signature.


Here is why:


Code elegance
Your code is nice and compact and it will not get any better with an XPath expression.


Memory footprint
Unless your input XML configuration file is huge (a kind of oxymoron) and the DOM parsing would entail a large memory footprint, for which there is no proof that using XPath would be a decisive cure, I would stick with DOM.


Execution Speed
On such a simple XML tree, execution speed should be comparable. If there would be a difference, it would probably be in TinyXml's advantage because of the collocation of the freq and level tags under a given node.


Libraries and external references That's the decisive point.
The leading XPath engine in the C++ world is XQilla. It supports XQuery (therefore both XPath 1.0 and 2.0) and is backed by Oracle because it's developed by the group responsible for Berkeley DB products (including precisely Berkeley DB XML – which uses XQilla).
The problem for C++ developers wishing to use XQilla is that they have several alternatives

图书馆和外部引用是决定性的一点。在c++世界中领先的XPath引擎是XQilla。它支持XQuery(因此同时支持XPath 1.0和2.0),并且得到了Oracle的支持,因为它是由负责Berkeley DB产品的团队开发的(包括使用XQilla的Berkeley DB XML)。希望使用XQilla的c++开发人员的问题是,他们有几个替代方案

  1. use Xerces 2 and XQilla 2.1 litter your code with casts.
  2. 使用Xerces 2和XQilla 2.1使用强制类型转换丢弃代码。
  3. use XQilla 2.2+ and use Xerces 3 (no casts needed here)
  4. 使用XQilla 2.2+并使用Xerces 3(这里不需要强制类型转换)
  5. use TinyXPath nicely integrated with TinyXml but for which there however are a number of limitations (no support for namespaces for instance)
  6. 使用TinyXPath与TinyXml很好地集成,但是有很多限制(例如不支持名称空间)
  7. mix Xerces and tinyXml
  8. Xerces和tinyXml

In summary, in your case switching to XPath just for the sake of it, would bring little benefit if any.


Yet, XPath is a very powerful tool in today's developer toolbox and no one can ignore it. If you just wish to practice on a simple example, yours is as good as any. Then, I'd keep in mind the points above and probably use TinyXPath anyway.




You need XPath if you need the flexibility to make runtime changes to the values extracted.


But, if you're unlikely to need this kind of flexibility, or a recompile to expand what you're extracting isn't a problem and things are not being changed to often or if users never need to update the expressions. Or if what you have works fine for you, you don't need XPath and there are lots of applications that don't use it.


As to whether it's more readable, well yes it sure can be. But if you're just pulling out a few values I'd question the need to pull in another library.


I would certainly document what you currently have a bit better as those not familiar with tinyxml or xml libraries may not be sure what it's doing but it's not hard to understand as it is.


I'm not sure what sort of overhead XPath adds, but I suspect it may add some. For most, I guess they won't notice any difference at all and it may not be a concern to you or most people, but be aware of it in case it's something you're concerned about.


If you do want to use an xpath library then all I can say is that I've used the one that came with Xerces-C++ and it wasn't too hard to learn. I have used TinyXML before and someone here has mentioned TinyXPath. I have no experience with it but it's available.

如果您确实想使用xpath库,那么我只能说,我使用了xerces - c++自带的库,学习起来并不难。我以前使用过TinyXML,这里有人提到了TinyXPath。我没有使用它的经验,但它是可用的。

I also found this link useful when first learning about XPath expressions. http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/default.asp




XPath was made for this, so of course your code will be "better" if you use it.


I can't recommend a specific c++ XPath library, but even though using one will be the correct decision most of the time, do a cost/benefit analysis before adding one. Maybe YAGNI.

我不能推荐一个特定的c++ XPath库,但即使在大多数情况下使用一个库是正确的决定,在添加一个库之前,也要做一个成本/收益分析。也许YAGNI。



This XPath expression:



selects all children elements (just the pair freq and level) of the $pN-th sig child of the top element of the XML document.

选择XML文档顶部元素的$pN-th sig子元素(只有一对freq和level)的所有子元素。

The string $pN should be substituted with a specific positive integer, for example:



selects these two elements:



Using an XPath expression as this is obviously much shorter and understandable that the provided C++ code.


Another advantage is that the same XPath expression can be used from a C# or Java or ... program, without having to modify it in any way -- thus adhering to XPath results in very high degree of portability.




In general I tend to prefer XPath based solutions for their concision and versatility but, honestly, in your case, I don't think using XPath will bring a lot to your signature.


Here is why:


Code elegance
Your code is nice and compact and it will not get any better with an XPath expression.


Memory footprint
Unless your input XML configuration file is huge (a kind of oxymoron) and the DOM parsing would entail a large memory footprint, for which there is no proof that using XPath would be a decisive cure, I would stick with DOM.


Execution Speed
On such a simple XML tree, execution speed should be comparable. If there would be a difference, it would probably be in TinyXml's advantage because of the collocation of the freq and level tags under a given node.


Libraries and external references That's the decisive point.
The leading XPath engine in the C++ world is XQilla. It supports XQuery (therefore both XPath 1.0 and 2.0) and is backed by Oracle because it's developed by the group responsible for Berkeley DB products (including precisely Berkeley DB XML – which uses XQilla).
The problem for C++ developers wishing to use XQilla is that they have several alternatives

图书馆和外部引用是决定性的一点。在c++世界中领先的XPath引擎是XQilla。它支持XQuery(因此同时支持XPath 1.0和2.0),并且得到了Oracle的支持,因为它是由负责Berkeley DB产品的团队开发的(包括使用XQilla的Berkeley DB XML)。希望使用XQilla的c++开发人员的问题是,他们有几个替代方案

  1. use Xerces 2 and XQilla 2.1 litter your code with casts.
  2. 使用Xerces 2和XQilla 2.1使用强制类型转换丢弃代码。
  3. use XQilla 2.2+ and use Xerces 3 (no casts needed here)
  4. 使用XQilla 2.2+并使用Xerces 3(这里不需要强制类型转换)
  5. use TinyXPath nicely integrated with TinyXml but for which there however are a number of limitations (no support for namespaces for instance)
  6. 使用TinyXPath与TinyXml很好地集成,但是有很多限制(例如不支持名称空间)
  7. mix Xerces and tinyXml
  8. Xerces和tinyXml

In summary, in your case switching to XPath just for the sake of it, would bring little benefit if any.


Yet, XPath is a very powerful tool in today's developer toolbox and no one can ignore it. If you just wish to practice on a simple example, yours is as good as any. Then, I'd keep in mind the points above and probably use TinyXPath anyway.




You need XPath if you need the flexibility to make runtime changes to the values extracted.


But, if you're unlikely to need this kind of flexibility, or a recompile to expand what you're extracting isn't a problem and things are not being changed to often or if users never need to update the expressions. Or if what you have works fine for you, you don't need XPath and there are lots of applications that don't use it.


As to whether it's more readable, well yes it sure can be. But if you're just pulling out a few values I'd question the need to pull in another library.


I would certainly document what you currently have a bit better as those not familiar with tinyxml or xml libraries may not be sure what it's doing but it's not hard to understand as it is.


I'm not sure what sort of overhead XPath adds, but I suspect it may add some. For most, I guess they won't notice any difference at all and it may not be a concern to you or most people, but be aware of it in case it's something you're concerned about.


If you do want to use an xpath library then all I can say is that I've used the one that came with Xerces-C++ and it wasn't too hard to learn. I have used TinyXML before and someone here has mentioned TinyXPath. I have no experience with it but it's available.

如果您确实想使用xpath库,那么我只能说,我使用了xerces - c++自带的库,学习起来并不难。我以前使用过TinyXML,这里有人提到了TinyXPath。我没有使用它的经验,但它是可用的。

I also found this link useful when first learning about XPath expressions. http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/default.asp




XPath was made for this, so of course your code will be "better" if you use it.


I can't recommend a specific c++ XPath library, but even though using one will be the correct decision most of the time, do a cost/benefit analysis before adding one. Maybe YAGNI.

我不能推荐一个特定的c++ XPath库,但即使在大多数情况下使用一个库是正确的决定,在添加一个库之前,也要做一个成本/收益分析。也许YAGNI。



This XPath expression:



selects all children elements (just the pair freq and level) of the $pN-th sig child of the top element of the XML document.

选择XML文档顶部元素的$pN-th sig子元素(只有一对freq和level)的所有子元素。

The string $pN should be substituted with a specific positive integer, for example:



selects these two elements:



Using an XPath expression as this is obviously much shorter and understandable that the provided C++ code.


Another advantage is that the same XPath expression can be used from a C# or Java or ... program, without having to modify it in any way -- thus adhering to XPath results in very high degree of portability.
