
时间:2022-10-03 15:15:08

Why does the SQL Standard accept this? Which are the benefits?

为什么SQL Standard接受这个?哪些好处?

If have those tables:


create table prova_a (a number, b number);
alter table prova_a add primary key (a,b);
create table prova_b (a number, b number);
alter table prova_b add foreign key (a,b) references prova_a(a,b) ;
insert into prova_a  values (1,2);

You can insert this without error:


insert into prova_b  values (123,null);
insert into prova_b  values (null,123);

Note1: This comes from this answer.


Note2: This can be avoid, setting not null on both columns.


Remarks: I'm not asking about avoid, I'm interested on which are the beneficts.



  • Oracle documentation: The relational model permits the value of foreign keys to match either the referenced primary or unique key value, or be null. If any column of a composite foreign key is null, then the non-null portions of the key do not have to match any corresponding portion of a parent key.


  • SQL Server documentation: A FOREIGN KEY constraint can contain null values; however, if any column of a composite FOREIGN KEY constraint contains null values, verification of all values that make up the FOREIGN KEY constraint is skipped.

    SQL Server文档:FOREIGN KEY约束可以包含空值;但是,如果复合FOREIGN KEY约束的任何列包含空值,则会跳过对构成FOREIGN KEY约束的所有值的验证。

5 个解决方案


I know some DBMSs simply don't enforce referential integrity when it comes to foreign keys with foreign key constraints. SQLite comes to mind. It's talked about here.


Other DBMSs are different, I know that MS SQL Server will complain if you attempt something like that.

其他DBMS是不同的,我知道如果你尝试类似的东西,MS SQL Server会抱怨。

SQLite has its uses but it is not meant to be used in high-concurrency situations. If you are seeing this behavior in a different DBMS, check their documentation to see if they did something similar. Most should be enforcing integrity however.



at least do your DEV work with a reasonably standard RDBMS, even if you are doing your production system with something like SQLite (which is an excellent database- it runs in your Ipod touch!) It will flush out all these mistakes- like Lint really. If you run your code with SQL Server Express, which you can download for free, you'll get plenty of errors such as...

至少你的DEV使用一个合理标准的RDBMS,即使你正在使用像SQLite这样的生产系统(这是一个优秀的数据库 - 它在你的Ipod触摸中运行!)它将清除所有这些错误 - 如Lint真的。如果你使用SQL Server Express运行你的代码,你可以免费下载,你会得到很多错误,如...

Msg 8111, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable column in table 'prova_a'.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 2
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.


Oracle and SQL Server both allow NULL foreign keys, and it is easily understandable why this is necessary. Think of a tree, for instance, where every row has a parent key that references the primary key of the same table. There has to be a root node in the tree that does not have a parent, and the parent key will be null. A more tangible example: think of employees and managers. Some people in the company, and if it is only the CEO, will not have a manager. Were it not possible to set the manager id on the employee table to NULL, you would have to create a "No Manager" employee - something that is just wrong, because it has no real-life correspondence.

Oracle和SQL Server都允许使用NULL外键,并且很容易理解为什么这是必要的。例如,可以考虑一棵树,其中每一行都有一个引用同一个表的主键的父键。树中必须有一个没有父节点的根节点,父键将为空。一个更切实的例子:想想员工和经理。公司中的一些人,如果只是CEO,就不会有经理。如果不能将employee表上的manager ID设置为NULL,则必须创建一个“No Manager”员工 - 这是错误的,因为它没有真实的对应关系。

Now that we know this, it is obvious why your composite keys behave like they do. Logically, if part of the composite is NULL, the entire key is null. A string concatenation returns NULL if one of the pieces is NULL. There cannot be a match, and the constraint is not enforced in these cases.



The SQL standard doesn't accept this; you've found a DBMS that doesn't enforce referential integrity. Uninstall it now if you're smart. At a bare minimum, don't use it for production purposes.


Earlier SQL standards (SQL86) had no referential integrity and SQL89 level 2 fixed that.



Try adding this declaration:


alter table prova_b add primary key (a,b);

alter table prova_b add primary key(a,b);

This will forbid NULLS in prova_b. It will also forbid duplicate entries. In Oracle and SQL server, it will also create an index. This index will speed up lookups and joins, at the cost of slowing down inserts a tiny bit.


Is this what you want to do?


As to why standard SQL lets you do something you consider stupid, that's a philosophical question. Most tools allow some stupid choices. Tools that try to forbid all stupid choices generally end up forbidding some really smart choices unintentionally.



I know some DBMSs simply don't enforce referential integrity when it comes to foreign keys with foreign key constraints. SQLite comes to mind. It's talked about here.


Other DBMSs are different, I know that MS SQL Server will complain if you attempt something like that.

其他DBMS是不同的,我知道如果你尝试类似的东西,MS SQL Server会抱怨。

SQLite has its uses but it is not meant to be used in high-concurrency situations. If you are seeing this behavior in a different DBMS, check their documentation to see if they did something similar. Most should be enforcing integrity however.



at least do your DEV work with a reasonably standard RDBMS, even if you are doing your production system with something like SQLite (which is an excellent database- it runs in your Ipod touch!) It will flush out all these mistakes- like Lint really. If you run your code with SQL Server Express, which you can download for free, you'll get plenty of errors such as...

至少你的DEV使用一个合理标准的RDBMS,即使你正在使用像SQLite这样的生产系统(这是一个优秀的数据库 - 它在你的Ipod触摸中运行!)它将清除所有这些错误 - 如Lint真的。如果你使用SQL Server Express运行你的代码,你可以免费下载,你会得到很多错误,如...

Msg 8111, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable column in table 'prova_a'.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 2
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.


Oracle and SQL Server both allow NULL foreign keys, and it is easily understandable why this is necessary. Think of a tree, for instance, where every row has a parent key that references the primary key of the same table. There has to be a root node in the tree that does not have a parent, and the parent key will be null. A more tangible example: think of employees and managers. Some people in the company, and if it is only the CEO, will not have a manager. Were it not possible to set the manager id on the employee table to NULL, you would have to create a "No Manager" employee - something that is just wrong, because it has no real-life correspondence.

Oracle和SQL Server都允许使用NULL外键,并且很容易理解为什么这是必要的。例如,可以考虑一棵树,其中每一行都有一个引用同一个表的主键的父键。树中必须有一个没有父节点的根节点,父键将为空。一个更切实的例子:想想员工和经理。公司中的一些人,如果只是CEO,就不会有经理。如果不能将employee表上的manager ID设置为NULL,则必须创建一个“No Manager”员工 - 这是错误的,因为它没有真实的对应关系。

Now that we know this, it is obvious why your composite keys behave like they do. Logically, if part of the composite is NULL, the entire key is null. A string concatenation returns NULL if one of the pieces is NULL. There cannot be a match, and the constraint is not enforced in these cases.



The SQL standard doesn't accept this; you've found a DBMS that doesn't enforce referential integrity. Uninstall it now if you're smart. At a bare minimum, don't use it for production purposes.


Earlier SQL standards (SQL86) had no referential integrity and SQL89 level 2 fixed that.



Try adding this declaration:


alter table prova_b add primary key (a,b);

alter table prova_b add primary key(a,b);

This will forbid NULLS in prova_b. It will also forbid duplicate entries. In Oracle and SQL server, it will also create an index. This index will speed up lookups and joins, at the cost of slowing down inserts a tiny bit.


Is this what you want to do?


As to why standard SQL lets you do something you consider stupid, that's a philosophical question. Most tools allow some stupid choices. Tools that try to forbid all stupid choices generally end up forbidding some really smart choices unintentionally.
