
时间:2022-09-26 09:47:16

i am working on a Cakephp 2.x .

我正在开发一个Cakephp 2.x.

I have a loader/spinner on my view page which is waiting for a response from user's mobile device. Unfortunately i'm compeletly blank on how to get the request from mobile device, and update the page content real time.


here is the function


var cancelled = true;

 $.modal.prompt('Enter message :', function(value)
  success : function(data) {
     //i am starting the spinner here .. 
   here i want to get the value from an android device soon as i receive the value i want to stop the spinner
   error : function() {
    }, function()

how can i do this?


1 个解决方案



You can do it in three ways:


1- Using webSocket it's really real time, you should create a webSocket connection through client with javascript and server with any webSocket server such as node.js or ratchet. disadvantage of webSocket is some old browsers doesn't support it.

1-使用webSocket它是非常实时的,您应该通过客户端使用javascript和服务器与任何webSocket服务器(如node.js或ratchet)创建webSocket连接。 webSocket的缺点是一些旧的浏览器不支持它。

2- using Long polling,it creates connection to server like AJAX does, but keep-alive connection open for some time (not long though), during connection open client can receive data from server. Client have to reconnect periodically after connection is closed due to timeouts. On server side it still treated like HTTP request same as AJAX. in client side you can use a javascript library like strophe and on server side can ejabberd for long pulling server.


3- using AJAX in intervals ,you can send a request in intervals to check if any response recieved from user's mobile device in server or not. but it is not really real time.




You can do it in three ways:


1- Using webSocket it's really real time, you should create a webSocket connection through client with javascript and server with any webSocket server such as node.js or ratchet. disadvantage of webSocket is some old browsers doesn't support it.

1-使用webSocket它是非常实时的,您应该通过客户端使用javascript和服务器与任何webSocket服务器(如node.js或ratchet)创建webSocket连接。 webSocket的缺点是一些旧的浏览器不支持它。

2- using Long polling,it creates connection to server like AJAX does, but keep-alive connection open for some time (not long though), during connection open client can receive data from server. Client have to reconnect periodically after connection is closed due to timeouts. On server side it still treated like HTTP request same as AJAX. in client side you can use a javascript library like strophe and on server side can ejabberd for long pulling server.


3- using AJAX in intervals ,you can send a request in intervals to check if any response recieved from user's mobile device in server or not. but it is not really real time.
