Cocoa Touch Framework中未解析的公共类

时间:2022-09-25 12:28:03

I'm trying to build a framework to export a few classes as an importable "package of sort".


My Framework project is called "MyFramework"... is was created as a Cocoa Touch Framework project in Swift.

My Framework项目名为“MyFramework”...是在Swift中创建的Cocoa Touch Framework项目。

I've added a single swift file called ImplementationTest.swift


It contains the following :


public class ImplementationTest {

    public init(){
        print("Init called");


    public func echo(request: String){
        print ("Echo called with "+request);


The framework builds fine and I get a MyFramework.framework folder. I add that framework to a new swift application project and added it as Linked Framework and Library as well as Embedded Binaries.

框架构建正常,我得到一个MyFramework.framework文件夹。我将该框架添加到一个新的swift应用程序项目中,并将其添加为Linked Framework和Library以及Embedded Binaries。

I can "import MyFramework" just fine. But if I try "var test=ImplementationTest()", I get the following error : use of unresolved identifier "ImplementationTest"

我可以“导入MyFramework”就好了。但是如果我尝试“var test = ImplementationTest()”,我会收到以下错误:使用未解析的标识符“ImplementationTest”

If I try "var test=MyFramework.ImplementationTest()" I get : module 'MyFramework' has no member name "ImplementationTest"

如果我尝试“var test = MyFramework.ImplementationTest()”,我得到:模块'MyFramework'没有成员名称“ImplementationTest”

Am I doing this wrong ? Can my framework only have one single exported class ? and should it be named the same name as the framework itself ?


1 个解决方案



Check after you build the framework if you can access it via in, show finder. If not, then try building it using generic ios device.

如果您可以通过in,show finder访问它,请在构建框架后进行检查。如果没有,那么尝试使用通用ios设备构建它。



Check after you build the framework if you can access it via in, show finder. If not, then try building it using generic ios device.

如果您可以通过in,show finder访问它,请在构建框架后进行检查。如果没有,那么尝试使用通用ios设备构建它。