
时间:2022-09-25 10:19:53

I am just trying out some things in c# and i came across this where i have created an object for the same class in the class itself


class Class1
        public int test1 { get; set; }
        Class1 x = new Class1();

and then i have tried to create object from an other class which is throwing an error


An unhandled exception of type 'System.*Exception' occurred in Test.exe


class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Class1 x = new Class1();

i have googled and i havent found any related links to c# but i found it in c++ where they say a Class1 is an incomplete type, as it has not been defined yet, rather it's being defined. I would like to know whether its the same case for c# also

我已经google了,我没有找到任何相关的链接到c#,但我发现它在c ++,他们说Class1是一个不完整的类型,因为它尚未定义,而是它被定义。我想知道c#是否也是一样的情况

4 个解决方案


Class1 creates a Class1, which creates another Class1, which creates another Class1, which ...


So each constructor call gets added to the execution stack until it overflows.


Since you don't specify what you want to do with the instance there's no way to know what the right answer is.


For good geek humor, Google recursion



It's pretty straightforward, your problem is every time you create a Class1, that object creates its own Class1. Hence, you're going to recurse until you blow up.


You can debug it and watch what happens. Set a breakpoint within Class1 somewhere and watch it get hit over and over.



A class can contain an object of itself, but you can't instantiate that object in constructor or at the time of declaration. This will cause infinite recursion and * exception.


You can have a separate method to instantiate like:


class Class1
    public int test1 { get; set; }
    private Class1 x;

    public void CreateClass1()
        x = new Class1();

and then call it like:


Class1 obj = new Class1();


Just don't create instance of Class1 during creation of Class1 instance. Put a placeholder instead:


class Class1
    public int test1 { get; set; }
    public Class1 AnotherClass1;

And provide reference to another (already created instance) either after creation or during creation as constructor argument:


static void Main(string[] args)
    Class1 x = new Class1();
    x.AnotherClass1 = new Class1();


Class1 creates a Class1, which creates another Class1, which creates another Class1, which ...


So each constructor call gets added to the execution stack until it overflows.


Since you don't specify what you want to do with the instance there's no way to know what the right answer is.


For good geek humor, Google recursion



It's pretty straightforward, your problem is every time you create a Class1, that object creates its own Class1. Hence, you're going to recurse until you blow up.


You can debug it and watch what happens. Set a breakpoint within Class1 somewhere and watch it get hit over and over.



A class can contain an object of itself, but you can't instantiate that object in constructor or at the time of declaration. This will cause infinite recursion and * exception.


You can have a separate method to instantiate like:


class Class1
    public int test1 { get; set; }
    private Class1 x;

    public void CreateClass1()
        x = new Class1();

and then call it like:


Class1 obj = new Class1();


Just don't create instance of Class1 during creation of Class1 instance. Put a placeholder instead:


class Class1
    public int test1 { get; set; }
    public Class1 AnotherClass1;

And provide reference to another (already created instance) either after creation or during creation as constructor argument:


static void Main(string[] args)
    Class1 x = new Class1();
    x.AnotherClass1 = new Class1();