
时间:2022-09-24 18:48:01

I'm having a JSON Collection


$scope.person = [
        "Id": 1
        "Name": "John"
        "Id": 2
        "Name": "Jack"
        "Id": 3
        "Name": "Watson"

I'm having two HTML Select with same JSON Collection. I Selected a Person Watson in the First Select "Person", then I need to update the Same in the Second HTML Select "Copy Person". But I Can't able to update.

我有两个带有相同JSON Collection的HTML Select。我在第一个选择“人物”中选择了一个人沃森,然后我需要在第二个HTML中更新相同的选择“复制人”。但我无法更新。

I bind the JSON Object as a Value in the HTML Select instead of Id or Name

我将JSON对象绑定为HTML Select中的值,而不是Id或Name

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML Select using AngularJS</title>
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.8/angular.min.js"></script>

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl"> 

    <div class="md-block">
        <select ng-model="selected.person">
            <option ng-repeat="key in person | orderBy:Id" value="{{key}}">({{key.Name}})</option>
    <hr />
    <div class="md-block">
        <label>Copy Person</label>
        <select ng-model="selected.copy_person">
            <option ng-repeat="key in person | orderBy:Id" value="{{key}}">({{key.Name}})</option>


    var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

    app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {

        $scope.person = [
                 "Id": 1,
                 "Name": "John"
                "Id": 2,
                "Name": "Jack"
                "Id": 3,
                "Name": "Watson"

        $scope.selected = {
            person: null,

        $scope.$watchCollection('selected.person', function (newData, oldDaata) {
            var obj = JSON.parse(newData);
            if ((obj != undefined) && (obj != null) && (obj.Id != undefined) && (obj.Id != null) && (obj.Id != "0")) {
                var name = obj.Name;
                $scope.selected.copy_person = obj;


Here I used $scope.$watchCollection to update the Copy Person

这里我用$ scope。$ watchCollection来更新Copy Person

$scope.$watchCollection('selected.person', function (newData, oldDaata) {
    var obj = JSON.parse(newData);
    if ((obj != undefined) && (obj != null) && (obj.Id != undefined) && (obj.Id != null) && (obj.Id != "0")) {
        var name = obj.Name;
        $scope.selected.copy_person = obj;


My Code fails to update in the Second Select. Kindly assist me how to update...


2 个解决方案



This is the code you must use, ng-options is made for this:


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>HTML Select using AngularJS</title>
        <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.8/angular.min.js"></script>
        <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
            <div class="md-block">
                <select ng-model="selected.person" ng-options="p as p.Name for p in person">
            <hr />
            <div class="md-block">
                <label>Copy Person</label>
                <select ng-model="selected.copy_person" ng-options="p as p.Name for p in person">
        var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
        app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {
            $scope.person = [
                     "Id": 1,
                     "Name": "John"
                    "Id": 2,
                    "Name": "Jack"
                    "Id": 3,
                    "Name": "Watson"
            $scope.selected = {
                person: null,
            $scope.$watchCollection('selected.person', function (newData, oldDaata) {
                var obj = newData;
                if ((obj != undefined) && (obj != null) && (obj.Id != undefined) && (obj.Id != null) && (obj.Id != "0")) {
                    var name = obj.Name;
                    $scope.selected.copy_person = obj;



Dont use ng-repeat for create the second select, do something like that:


<div class="md-block">
        <select ng-model="selected.person">
            <option ng-repeat="key in person | orderBy:Id" value="{{key}}">({{key.Name}})</option>
    <hr />
    <div class="md-block">
        <label>Copy Person</label>
        <select ng-model="selected.copy_person" ng-options="obj.Name for obj in person track by obj.Name">

This is exactly why you should not use ngRepeat with to render select options. In many cases, ngRepeat can be used on elements instead of ngOptions to achieve a similar result. However, ngOptions provides more benefits:


  • more flexibility in how the 's model is assigned via the select as part of the comprehension expression
  • 通过select作为理解表达式的一部分,可以更灵活地分配模型
  • reduced memory consumption by not creating a new scope for each repeated instance
  • 通过不为每个重复实例创建新范围来减少内存消耗
  • increased render speed by creating the options in a documentFragment instead of individually. You should use ngOptions instead.
  • 通过在documentFragment中创建选项而不是单独创建选项来提高渲染速度。您应该使用ngOptions。

If you don't want to use the better way, ng-options, you can add ng-selected attribute with a condition check logic for the option directive to to make the pre-select work!




This is the code you must use, ng-options is made for this:


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>HTML Select using AngularJS</title>
        <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.8/angular.min.js"></script>
        <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
            <div class="md-block">
                <select ng-model="selected.person" ng-options="p as p.Name for p in person">
            <hr />
            <div class="md-block">
                <label>Copy Person</label>
                <select ng-model="selected.copy_person" ng-options="p as p.Name for p in person">
        var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
        app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {
            $scope.person = [
                     "Id": 1,
                     "Name": "John"
                    "Id": 2,
                    "Name": "Jack"
                    "Id": 3,
                    "Name": "Watson"
            $scope.selected = {
                person: null,
            $scope.$watchCollection('selected.person', function (newData, oldDaata) {
                var obj = newData;
                if ((obj != undefined) && (obj != null) && (obj.Id != undefined) && (obj.Id != null) && (obj.Id != "0")) {
                    var name = obj.Name;
                    $scope.selected.copy_person = obj;



Dont use ng-repeat for create the second select, do something like that:


<div class="md-block">
        <select ng-model="selected.person">
            <option ng-repeat="key in person | orderBy:Id" value="{{key}}">({{key.Name}})</option>
    <hr />
    <div class="md-block">
        <label>Copy Person</label>
        <select ng-model="selected.copy_person" ng-options="obj.Name for obj in person track by obj.Name">

This is exactly why you should not use ngRepeat with to render select options. In many cases, ngRepeat can be used on elements instead of ngOptions to achieve a similar result. However, ngOptions provides more benefits:


  • more flexibility in how the 's model is assigned via the select as part of the comprehension expression
  • 通过select作为理解表达式的一部分,可以更灵活地分配模型
  • reduced memory consumption by not creating a new scope for each repeated instance
  • 通过不为每个重复实例创建新范围来减少内存消耗
  • increased render speed by creating the options in a documentFragment instead of individually. You should use ngOptions instead.
  • 通过在documentFragment中创建选项而不是单独创建选项来提高渲染速度。您应该使用ngOptions。

If you don't want to use the better way, ng-options, you can add ng-selected attribute with a condition check logic for the option directive to to make the pre-select work!
