
时间:2022-09-22 13:05:56

I have a very simple server php code like this


function listenForClients()
      $this->serviceConnection = socket_create(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
      socket_bind($this->serviceConnection, "\tmp\mysock", 0);
      socket_listen($this->serviceConnection, 10000000);

      while($clientSocket = socket_accept($this->serviceConnection))
           $clientMessage = socket_read($clientSocket, 1024);

Then I have a very simple client that does this


for ( $counter = 0; $counter <= 1000; $counter ++) {    
   $fp = fsockopen("unix///tmp/mysock", 0, $errno, $errstr);

   if (!$fp){
      echo  "Error: Could not open socket connection at " . $counter . "\n";
      fputs ($fp, "hello", strlen("hello"));

For some reason, after a random number of connections (around 300-500) fsockopen will return with a warning Resource temporarily unavailable. In the beginning I was getting the warning at around 20-30 connections. But once I increased the backlog parameter in socket_listen it got a bit better to around 300-500. How do I overcome this?


What is the way to build a php server socket to accept a lot of incoming connections per second (sustained).



The full error:


PHP Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to unix:///tmp/mysock:0 (Resource temporarily unavailable) in test.php on line 22

PHP警告:fsockopen():无法连接到第22行的test.php中的unix:/// tmp / mysock:0(资源暂时不可用)

2 个解决方案


Check your ulimit. Are you overflowing your file descriptor table?

EDIT: the backlog value you have in accept() is bogus. Most OS-es have the max incoming connection queue size on the scale of dozens, not thousands.



I've just been looking at this issue (got here through Google) and I've found that a solution to get rid of the error:


PHP Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to unix:///tmp/mysock:0 (Resource temporarily unavailable) in test.php on line 22

..is to not use fsockopen() in the writer thread; try something like this instead:


if (! ($cSock = socket_create(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0))) {
    exit("Failed to create socket");
} else if (! socket_connect($cSock, IPC_SOCK)) {
    exit("Failed to connect socket");
} else {
    $bw = socket_write($cSock, $msg);
    if ($bw === false) {
        exit("Socket write failed, %s", array(socket_strerror(socket_last_error())));
    } else {
        exit("Wrote $bw bytes to socket");

Better late than never ? ;-)

迟到总比不到好 ? ;-)


Check your ulimit. Are you overflowing your file descriptor table?

EDIT: the backlog value you have in accept() is bogus. Most OS-es have the max incoming connection queue size on the scale of dozens, not thousands.



I've just been looking at this issue (got here through Google) and I've found that a solution to get rid of the error:


PHP Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to unix:///tmp/mysock:0 (Resource temporarily unavailable) in test.php on line 22

..is to not use fsockopen() in the writer thread; try something like this instead:


if (! ($cSock = socket_create(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0))) {
    exit("Failed to create socket");
} else if (! socket_connect($cSock, IPC_SOCK)) {
    exit("Failed to connect socket");
} else {
    $bw = socket_write($cSock, $msg);
    if ($bw === false) {
        exit("Socket write failed, %s", array(socket_strerror(socket_last_error())));
    } else {
        exit("Wrote $bw bytes to socket");

Better late than never ? ;-)

迟到总比不到好 ? ;-)