
时间:2022-09-20 22:34:43



next up I'd like to welcome Joshua to ten he's from the ANU College of Medicine biology and the environment

and the title of his three-minute thesis presentation tonight is targeting the route of vision loss

if I asked everyone here to think about the one sense that you couldn't live without

I'm willing to bet that most of you would have immediately thought of your sucked


that's because our vision and what we see play such an integral role into how we perceive the world around us

now the tissue responsible for that is known as the retina


but what if I told you specific part of your retina was too slowly damaged as the age

what if this part of your retina was responsible for your color perception as well as your central vision

and that this damage leads to your visual field looking like this

well this is exactly what happens an age-related macular degeneration or AMD


this disease is the leading cause of blindness in the developed world

this disease cost the extremely economy up to five billion dollars per year

in the most common form of this disease has no cure

AMD is a serious problem

now due to the many factors that are at play therapies are very hard to come by


but I'm researching a potential gene therapy using tiny molecules called micro RNA that are like the gods of gene regulation and have the ability to bypass this problem


because a single micro RNA can bind to multiple targets

so instead of controlling just the one gene we're controlling its entire pathway instead of superficially cutting just the stem of the weed we're ripping out the whole root


so in the case of AMD we know that the inflammatory pathway plays a major role

so we've injected an anti-inflammatory micro RNA into the eye

and what we saw was a decrease in genes responsible for inflammation cell death as well as a

slowing in the damage progression of the retina

but we've now done has identified multiple micro RNA that can each regulate pathways leading to AMD and by injecting a cocktail of these molecules

we can slow the progression of the zees and hopefully halt vision loss now


I want everyone to look at this image again

imagine living the rest of your life with vision like this

so the next time you're with your loved ones study their faces their every feature commit that to memory cherish that image

because one in seven of you will lose that ability if nothing is done about this disease


with the use of micro RNA my hope and my goal is that for millions of people this image can become clear


thank you


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