
时间:2022-09-20 13:40:50

All browsers I've come to work with allow accessing an element with id="myDiv" by simply writing:

我开始使用的所有浏览器只需编写以下内容即可访问id =“myDiv”的元素:


See here: http://jsfiddle.net/L91q54Lt/


Anyway, this method seems to be quite poorly documented, and in fact, the sources I come across don't even give it a mention and instead assume that one would use



or maybe



to access a DOM element even when its ID is known in advance (i.e. not calculated at runtime). I can tell that the latter approaches have the advantage of keeping the code safe if someone inadvertedly attempts to redefine myDiv in a wider scope (not such a brilliant idea though...), overwrites it with some different value and goes on without noticing the *.


But other that that? Are there any concerns in using the short form above other than code design, or what else am I missing here?


3 个解决方案



Anyway, this method seems to be quite poorly documented, and In fact, the sources I come across don't even give it a mention [...]


Reliance on implicitly-declared global variables aside, the lack of documentation is a great reason not to use it.


The apparent promotion of id values into global variables isn't standards compliant (the HTML5 spec for the ID attribute doesn't mention it) and, therefore, you shouldn't assume future browsers will implement it.


EDIT: It turns out this behaviour is standards compliant - In HTML5, window should support property access to "Named Elements":

编辑:事实证明这种行为符合标准 - 在HTML5中,窗口应该支持对“命名元素”的属性访问:

Named objects with the name name, for the purposes of the above algorithm, are those that are either:


  • child browsing contexts of the active document whose name is name,
  • 子浏览名称为name的活动文档的上下文
  • a, applet, area, embed, form, frameset, img, or object elements that have a name content attribute whose value is name, or
  • a,applet,area,embed,form,frameset,img或具有名称内容属性,其值为name的对象元素,或者
  • HTML elements that have an id content attribute whose value is name.
  • 具有id内容属性,其值为name的HTML元素。

Source: HTML 5 spec, 'Named access on window object", emphasis mine.

来源:HTML 5规范,'窗口对象上的命名访问',强调我的。

Based on this, standards compliance is not a reason to avoid this pattern. However, the spec itself advises against its use:


As a general rule, relying on this will lead to brittle code. Which IDs end up mapping to this API can vary over time, as new features are added to the Web platform, for example. Instead of this, use document.getElementById() or document.querySelector().




Great question. As Einstein probably didn’t say, things should be as simple as possible, and no simpler.


the latter approaches have the advantage of keeping the code safe if someone inadvertedly attempts to redefine myDiv in a wider scope (not such a brilliant idea though...), overwrites it with some different value and goes on without noticing the *


That’s the main reason why this is a bad idea, and it’s quite enough. Global variables aren’t safe to rely on. They can be overwritten at any time, by any script that ends up running on the page.


In addition to that, just typing in myDiv isn’t a “short form” of document.getElementById(). It’s a reference to a global variable.document.getElementById() will happily return null if the element doesn’t exist, whilst attempting to access a non-existent global variable will throw a reference error, so you’d need to wrap your references to the global in a try/catch block to be safe.

除此之外,只输入myDiv不是document.getElementById()的“简短形式”。它是对全局变量的引用。如果元素不存在,则会愉快地返回null,而尝试访问不存在的全局变量将引发引用错误,因此您需要包装引用到try / catch块中的全局是安全的。

This is one reason why jQuery is so popular: if you do $("#myDiv").remove(), and there is no element with an id of myDiv, no error will be thrown — the code will just silently do nothing, which is often exactly what you want when doing DOM manipulation.

这就是为什么jQuery如此受欢迎的一个原因:如果你做$(“#myDiv”)。remove(),并且没有id为myDiv的元素,就不会抛出任何错误 - 代码只会默默地做什么,这通常是您在进行DOM操作时所需要的。



There are a few reasons:


You don't want your code and your markup that coupled.


By using a specific call to access a div, you don't have to worry about the global space being corrupted. Add a library that declares myDiv in global space and you're in a world of pain that will be hard to fix.


You can access elements, by ID, that aren't part of the DOM


They can be in a fragment, a frame, or an element that has been detached and not re-attached to the DOM yet.


EDIT: Example of accessing a non-attached elements by ID


var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.id = "span-test";
var span2 = frag.getElementById("span-test");
alert(span === span2);



Anyway, this method seems to be quite poorly documented, and In fact, the sources I come across don't even give it a mention [...]


Reliance on implicitly-declared global variables aside, the lack of documentation is a great reason not to use it.


The apparent promotion of id values into global variables isn't standards compliant (the HTML5 spec for the ID attribute doesn't mention it) and, therefore, you shouldn't assume future browsers will implement it.


EDIT: It turns out this behaviour is standards compliant - In HTML5, window should support property access to "Named Elements":

编辑:事实证明这种行为符合标准 - 在HTML5中,窗口应该支持对“命名元素”的属性访问:

Named objects with the name name, for the purposes of the above algorithm, are those that are either:


  • child browsing contexts of the active document whose name is name,
  • 子浏览名称为name的活动文档的上下文
  • a, applet, area, embed, form, frameset, img, or object elements that have a name content attribute whose value is name, or
  • a,applet,area,embed,form,frameset,img或具有名称内容属性,其值为name的对象元素,或者
  • HTML elements that have an id content attribute whose value is name.
  • 具有id内容属性,其值为name的HTML元素。

Source: HTML 5 spec, 'Named access on window object", emphasis mine.

来源:HTML 5规范,'窗口对象上的命名访问',强调我的。

Based on this, standards compliance is not a reason to avoid this pattern. However, the spec itself advises against its use:


As a general rule, relying on this will lead to brittle code. Which IDs end up mapping to this API can vary over time, as new features are added to the Web platform, for example. Instead of this, use document.getElementById() or document.querySelector().




Great question. As Einstein probably didn’t say, things should be as simple as possible, and no simpler.


the latter approaches have the advantage of keeping the code safe if someone inadvertedly attempts to redefine myDiv in a wider scope (not such a brilliant idea though...), overwrites it with some different value and goes on without noticing the *


That’s the main reason why this is a bad idea, and it’s quite enough. Global variables aren’t safe to rely on. They can be overwritten at any time, by any script that ends up running on the page.


In addition to that, just typing in myDiv isn’t a “short form” of document.getElementById(). It’s a reference to a global variable.document.getElementById() will happily return null if the element doesn’t exist, whilst attempting to access a non-existent global variable will throw a reference error, so you’d need to wrap your references to the global in a try/catch block to be safe.

除此之外,只输入myDiv不是document.getElementById()的“简短形式”。它是对全局变量的引用。如果元素不存在,则会愉快地返回null,而尝试访问不存在的全局变量将引发引用错误,因此您需要包装引用到try / catch块中的全局是安全的。

This is one reason why jQuery is so popular: if you do $("#myDiv").remove(), and there is no element with an id of myDiv, no error will be thrown — the code will just silently do nothing, which is often exactly what you want when doing DOM manipulation.

这就是为什么jQuery如此受欢迎的一个原因:如果你做$(“#myDiv”)。remove(),并且没有id为myDiv的元素,就不会抛出任何错误 - 代码只会默默地做什么,这通常是您在进行DOM操作时所需要的。



There are a few reasons:


You don't want your code and your markup that coupled.


By using a specific call to access a div, you don't have to worry about the global space being corrupted. Add a library that declares myDiv in global space and you're in a world of pain that will be hard to fix.


You can access elements, by ID, that aren't part of the DOM


They can be in a fragment, a frame, or an element that has been detached and not re-attached to the DOM yet.


EDIT: Example of accessing a non-attached elements by ID


var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.id = "span-test";
var span2 = frag.getElementById("span-test");
alert(span === span2);