
时间:2022-09-17 23:05:25

Here is my situation. I have a MySQL MyISAM table containing about 4 million records with a total of 13,3 GB of data. The table contains messages received from an external system. Two of the columns in the table keep track of a timestamp and a boolean whether the message is handled or not.

这是我的情况。我有一个MySQL MyISAM表,包含大约400万条记录,共有13,3 GB的数据。该表包含从外部系统接收的消息。表中的两列跟踪时间戳和布尔值是否处理消息。

When using this query:


SELECT MIN(timestampCB) FROM webshop_cb_onx_message

The result shows up almost instantly.


However, I need to find the earliest timestamp of unhandled messages, like this:


SELECT MIN(timestampCB ) FROM webshop_cb_onx_message WHERE handled = 0

The results of this query show up after about 3 minutes, which is way too slow for the script I'm writing.


Both columns are individually indexed, not together. However, adding an index to the table would take incredibly long considering the amount of data that is in there already.


Does my problem originate from the fact that both columns are separatly indexed, and if so, does anyone have a solution to my issue other than adding another index?


1 个解决方案



It is commonly recommended that if the selectivity of an index over 20% then a full table scan is preferable over an index access. This would mean it is likely that your index on handled won't actually result in using the index but a full table scan given the selectivity.


A composite index of handled, timestampCB may actually improve the performance given its a composite index, even if the selectivity isn't great MySQL would most likely still use it - even if it didn't you could force it's use.

一个处理的复合索引,timestampCB实际上可以提高性能,因为它的复合索引,即使选择性不是很大,MySQL很可能仍然会使用它 - 即使它不能强制它使用它。



It is commonly recommended that if the selectivity of an index over 20% then a full table scan is preferable over an index access. This would mean it is likely that your index on handled won't actually result in using the index but a full table scan given the selectivity.


A composite index of handled, timestampCB may actually improve the performance given its a composite index, even if the selectivity isn't great MySQL would most likely still use it - even if it didn't you could force it's use.

一个处理的复合索引,timestampCB实际上可以提高性能,因为它的复合索引,即使选择性不是很大,MySQL很可能仍然会使用它 - 即使它不能强制它使用它。