如何在oracle sqlplus中更清晰地显示表数据?

时间:2022-10-10 20:15:53

I want to be able to display the resulting data from a select in a pretty way, not all columns under others.


Here is the way sqlplus displays my table data:


如何在oracle sqlplus中更清晰地显示表数据?

But I want to show them as:


Name   |    Address    |    Phone    |
name1  |    address1   |    phone1   |
name2  |    address2   |    phone2   |
name3  |    address3   |    phone3   |

Not each column under the other


3 个解决方案



I usually start with something like:


set lines 256
set trimout on
set tab off

Have a look at help set if you have the help information installed. And then select name,address rather than select * if you really only want those two columns.

如果安装了帮助信息,请查看帮助设置。然后选择name,address,而不是select *,如果你只想要这两列的话。



If you mean you want to see them like this:


----------- ---------- -------------- ---------
          1 HSBC       Nugegoda Road      43434
          2 HNB Bank   Colombo Road      223423

then in SQL Plus you can set the column widths like this (for example):

然后在SQL Plus中,您可以设置列宽度如下(例如):

column name format a10
column address format a20
column telephone format 999999999

You can also specify the line size and page size if necessary like this:


set linesize 100 pagesize 50

You do this by typing those commands into SQL Plus before running the query. Or you can put these commands and the query into a script file e.g. myscript.sql and run that. For example:

在运行查询之前,您可以将这些命令输入到SQL Plus中。或者,您可以将这些命令和查询放入脚本文件,例如myscript。sql和运行。例如:

column name format a10
column address format a20
column telephone format 999999999

select name, address, telephone
from mytable;



In case you have a dump made with sqlplus and the output is garbled as someone did not set those 3 values before, there's a way out.


Just a couple hours ago DB admin send me that ugly looking output of query executed in sqlplus (I dunno, maybe he hates me...). I had to find a way out: this is an awk script to parse that output to make it at least more readable. It's far not perfect, but I did not have enough time to polish it properly. Anyway, it does the job quite well.

就在几个小时前,DB admin给我发送了在sqlplus中执行的那个难看的查询输出(我不知道,也许他讨厌我…)。我必须找到一种方法:这是一个awk脚本,用于解析输出,使其至少更具可读性。它远不完美,但我没有足够的时间去好好润色它。不管怎样,它做得很好。

awk ' function isDashed(ln){return ln ~ /^---+/};function addLn(){ln2=ln1; ln1=ln0;ln0=$0};function isLoaded(){return l==1||ln2!=""}; function printHeader(){hdr=hnames"\n"hdash;if(hdr!=lastHeader){lastHeader=hdr;print hdr};hnames="";hdash=""};function isHeaderFirstLn(){return isDashed(ln0) && !isDashed(ln1) && !isDashed(ln2) }; function isDataFirstLn(){return isDashed(ln2)&&!isDashed(ln1)&&!isDashed(ln0)}                         BEGIN{_d=1;h=1;hnames="";hdash="";val="";ln2="";ln1="";ln0="";fheadln=""}                                 { addLn();  if(!isLoaded()){next}; l=1;             if(h==1){if(!isDataFirstLn()){if(_d==0){hnames=hnames" "ln1;_d=1;}else{hdash=hdash" "ln1;_d=0}}else{_d=0;h=0;val=ln1;printHeader()}}else{if(!isHeaderFirstLn()){val=val" "ln1}else{print val;val="";_d=1;h=1;hnames=ln1}}   }END{if(val!="")print val}'

In case anyone else would like to try improve this script, below are the variables: hnames -- column names in the header, hdash - dashed below the header, h -- whether I'm currently parsing header (then ==1), val -- the data, _d - - to swap between hnames and hdash, ln0 - last line read, ln1 - line read previously (it's the one i'm actually working with), ln2 - line read before ln1

以防别人想尝试改善这个脚本,下面的变量:hnames列名的头,hdash头下面的虚线,h,无论我现在解析报头(= = 1),val——数据,_d——交换hnames和hdash之间ln0——最后一行读,ln1行读之前(这是我实际使用),ln2 ln1之前行阅读

Happy parsing!


Oh, almost forgot... I use this to prettify sqlplus output myself:


[oracle@ora ~]$ cat prettify_sql 
set lines 256
set trimout on
set tab off
set pagesize 100
set colsep " | "

colsep is optional, but it makes output look like sqlite which is easier to parse using scripts.


EDIT: A little preview of parsed and non-parsed output


如何在oracle sqlplus中更清晰地显示表数据?



I usually start with something like:


set lines 256
set trimout on
set tab off

Have a look at help set if you have the help information installed. And then select name,address rather than select * if you really only want those two columns.

如果安装了帮助信息,请查看帮助设置。然后选择name,address,而不是select *,如果你只想要这两列的话。



If you mean you want to see them like this:


----------- ---------- -------------- ---------
          1 HSBC       Nugegoda Road      43434
          2 HNB Bank   Colombo Road      223423

then in SQL Plus you can set the column widths like this (for example):

然后在SQL Plus中,您可以设置列宽度如下(例如):

column name format a10
column address format a20
column telephone format 999999999

You can also specify the line size and page size if necessary like this:


set linesize 100 pagesize 50

You do this by typing those commands into SQL Plus before running the query. Or you can put these commands and the query into a script file e.g. myscript.sql and run that. For example:

在运行查询之前,您可以将这些命令输入到SQL Plus中。或者,您可以将这些命令和查询放入脚本文件,例如myscript。sql和运行。例如:

column name format a10
column address format a20
column telephone format 999999999

select name, address, telephone
from mytable;



In case you have a dump made with sqlplus and the output is garbled as someone did not set those 3 values before, there's a way out.


Just a couple hours ago DB admin send me that ugly looking output of query executed in sqlplus (I dunno, maybe he hates me...). I had to find a way out: this is an awk script to parse that output to make it at least more readable. It's far not perfect, but I did not have enough time to polish it properly. Anyway, it does the job quite well.

就在几个小时前,DB admin给我发送了在sqlplus中执行的那个难看的查询输出(我不知道,也许他讨厌我…)。我必须找到一种方法:这是一个awk脚本,用于解析输出,使其至少更具可读性。它远不完美,但我没有足够的时间去好好润色它。不管怎样,它做得很好。

awk ' function isDashed(ln){return ln ~ /^---+/};function addLn(){ln2=ln1; ln1=ln0;ln0=$0};function isLoaded(){return l==1||ln2!=""}; function printHeader(){hdr=hnames"\n"hdash;if(hdr!=lastHeader){lastHeader=hdr;print hdr};hnames="";hdash=""};function isHeaderFirstLn(){return isDashed(ln0) && !isDashed(ln1) && !isDashed(ln2) }; function isDataFirstLn(){return isDashed(ln2)&&!isDashed(ln1)&&!isDashed(ln0)}                         BEGIN{_d=1;h=1;hnames="";hdash="";val="";ln2="";ln1="";ln0="";fheadln=""}                                 { addLn();  if(!isLoaded()){next}; l=1;             if(h==1){if(!isDataFirstLn()){if(_d==0){hnames=hnames" "ln1;_d=1;}else{hdash=hdash" "ln1;_d=0}}else{_d=0;h=0;val=ln1;printHeader()}}else{if(!isHeaderFirstLn()){val=val" "ln1}else{print val;val="";_d=1;h=1;hnames=ln1}}   }END{if(val!="")print val}'

In case anyone else would like to try improve this script, below are the variables: hnames -- column names in the header, hdash - dashed below the header, h -- whether I'm currently parsing header (then ==1), val -- the data, _d - - to swap between hnames and hdash, ln0 - last line read, ln1 - line read previously (it's the one i'm actually working with), ln2 - line read before ln1

以防别人想尝试改善这个脚本,下面的变量:hnames列名的头,hdash头下面的虚线,h,无论我现在解析报头(= = 1),val——数据,_d——交换hnames和hdash之间ln0——最后一行读,ln1行读之前(这是我实际使用),ln2 ln1之前行阅读

Happy parsing!


Oh, almost forgot... I use this to prettify sqlplus output myself:


[oracle@ora ~]$ cat prettify_sql 
set lines 256
set trimout on
set tab off
set pagesize 100
set colsep " | "

colsep is optional, but it makes output look like sqlite which is easier to parse using scripts.


EDIT: A little preview of parsed and non-parsed output


如何在oracle sqlplus中更清晰地显示表数据?