关于apache2 + mod_wsgi的django项目 - TemplateDoesNotExist

时间:2022-09-17 07:52:39

I just installed mod_wsgi on server with apache2. I also installed django.


I created project and app inside project (in fact I uploaded app from my local machine).


The url-view mapping in my app works but when view tries to render any template there is TemplateDoesNotExist exception.


All my templates are in /[project]/[app]/templates/[app] (there are also some sub directories in this directory such "elements" and "errors" with specific templates)

我的所有模板都在/ [project] / [app] / templates / [app]中(此目录中还有一些子目录,例如“elements”和“errors”,带有特定的模板)

Anyway it seems that django/wsgi doesn see the templates in my app - on my local machine {with django developement server) it works ok and django finds templates in my [app]/templates directory.

无论如何,似乎django / wsgi没有看到我的应用程序中的模板 - 在我的本地机器上{与django开发服务器)它工作正常,django在我的[app] / templates目录中找到模板。

I am render templates using this path "[app]/base.html" or "[app]/elements/some_elements.html"

我使用此路径“[app] /base.html”或“[app] /elements/some_elements.html”呈现模板

in my httpd.conf:


WSGIScriptAlias /wsgi /var/src/[project]/[project]/wsgi.py
WSGIPythonPath /var/src/[project]/

<Directory /var/src/[project]>
<Files wsgi.py>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

1 个解决方案



Do you have TEMPLATE_DIRS in settings.py pointing at the correct location for this server?




Do you have TEMPLATE_DIRS in settings.py pointing at the correct location for this server?
