如何访问UserControl Resources + Infragistics Control(WPF)中的上下文菜单,C#

时间:2022-09-13 08:31:57

I have a context menu situated inside a User Control Resource.



    <ContextMenu x:Key="Menu1">   

        <MenuItem Header="View/Edit Contact" Command="{Binding SearchCommand}" CommandParameter="editcontact"/>
        <MenuItem Header="View/Edit Company" Command="{Binding SearchCommand}" CommandParameter="editprimarycompany"/>         



This resource is bound to a WPF grid.


Now, after the grid is filled with data, I am right clicking on the grid. And I am able to find the context menu.


The problem is how can I know at runtime which menu item has been clicked?


I have tried with this


var t = this.TryFindResource("Menu1") as Style;

var t = this.TryFindResource(“Menu1”)作为Style;

in the grid's SelectedItemsChanged event but it is null.


Please help me and also tell me in which event of grid should I will be able to acess this!


Thanks in advance.


I am using C#,WPF,Infragistics Control(WPF)

我正在使用C#,WPF,Infragistics Control(WPF)

1 个解决方案


Well first of all, why would you cast the Menu1 ContextMenu as a Style? That will always return null because Menu1 is not a Style. Cast it as a ContextMenu.

首先,为什么要将Menu1 ContextMenu转换为样式?这将始终返回null,因为Menu1不是Style。将其转换为ContextMenu。

Secondly, it appears you already have everything in place to determine which menu item has been clicked. You have passed a unique string in the CommandParameter, which you can check at run-time.



Well first of all, why would you cast the Menu1 ContextMenu as a Style? That will always return null because Menu1 is not a Style. Cast it as a ContextMenu.

首先,为什么要将Menu1 ContextMenu转换为样式?这将始终返回null,因为Menu1不是Style。将其转换为ContextMenu。

Secondly, it appears you already have everything in place to determine which menu item has been clicked. You have passed a unique string in the CommandParameter, which you can check at run-time.
