
时间:2022-09-12 13:38:58

I want to use the Hough transform to detect lines in my image.But instead of plotting the lines I want to delete each line detected in my original image.


image = im2bw(image);
[H,T,R] = hough(BW);
P  = houghpeaks(H,100,'threshold',ceil(0.3*max(H(:))));
lines = houghlines(BW,T,R,P,'FillGap',5,'MinLength',7);

Now after this I have got all the lines. But I want to delete all these lines from my original image, keeping rest of the image as before. Is there some way I can do this?


Edit I am uploading an image.I want to delete all the lines and keep the circular part.This is just an example image.Basically my objective is to delete the line segments and keep rest of the image Hough变换用于检测和删除线。


2 个解决方案



The issue you have is that your lines are thicker than one pixel. The lines from the hough transform seem to be one pixel thick and that doesn't help.


I propose that you delete the lines that you get from the Hough transform first. This will sort of divide the hockey rink of whatever it is into segments that will be easier to process.


Then you label each segment with bwlabel. For each object, find the endpoints and fit a line between the endpoints. If the line and the object have more pixels in common than a certain threshold, then we say that the object is a line and we delete it from the image.


You may have to play around with the Hough transform's threshold value.


This technique has some flaws though. It will delete a filled square, rectangle or circle but you haven't got any of those so you should be ok.





This is your code that I modified a bit. I removed the gradient because it it easier to work with solid objects. The gradient gave very thin lines. I also work on the complement image because the bw functions work with 1 as forgound rather than 0 as in your original image.


image = imcomplement(org_image_bw);
[H,T,R] = hough(image);
P  = houghpeaks(H,100,'threshold',ceil(0.27*max(H(:))));
lines = houghlines(image,T,R,P,'FillGap',5,'MinLength',7);

Loop through the lines you have got and delete them


processed_image = image;
for k = 1:length(lines)
   xy = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2];

    % // Use the question of a line y = kx + m to calulate x,y

    % // Calculate the maximum number of elements in a line
   numOfElems = max(max(xy(:,1))-min(xy(:,1)),max(xy(:,2))-min(xy(:,2)) ) ;

   % // Cater for the special case where the equation of a line is
   % // undefined, i.e. there is only one x value.
   % // We use linspace rather than the colon operator because we want
   % // x and y to have the same length and be evenly spaced.
   if (diff(xy(:,1)) == 0)           
       y = round(linspace(min(xy(:,2)),max(xy(:,2)),numOfElems));
       x = round(linspace(min(xy(:,1)),max(xy(:,1)),numOfElems));      

       k = diff(xy(:,2)) ./ diff(xy(:,1)); % // the slope
       m = xy(1,2) - k.*xy(1,1); % // The crossing of the y-axis

       x = round(linspace(min(xy(:,1)), max(xy(:,1)), numOfElems));
       y = round(k.*x + m); % // the equation of a line

   processed_image(y,x) = 0; % // delete the line

This is what the image looks after we have deleted the detected lines. Please note that the original hockey rink and been divided into multiple objects.



Label the remaining objects


L = bwlabel(processed_image);

Run through each object and find the end points. Then fit a line to it. If, let's say 80% the fitted line covers the object, then it is a line.


A fitted line could look like this. The diagonal blue line represents the fitted line and covers most of the object (the white area). We therefore say that the object is a line.



% // Set the threshold
th = 0.8;

% // Loop through the objects
for objNr=1:max(L(:))
   [objy, objx] = find(L==objNr);

   % Find the end points
   endpoints = [min(objx) min(objy) ...
       ;max(objx) max(objy)];

   % Fit a line to it. y = kx + m
   numOfElems = max(max(endpoints(:,1))-min(endpoints(:,1)),max(endpoints(:,2))-min(endpoints(:,2)) ) ;

   % // Cater for the special case where the equation of a line is
   % // undefined, i.e. there is only one x value
   if (diff(endpoints(:,1)) == 0)           
       y = round(linspace(min(endpoints(:,2)),max(endpoints(:,2)),numOfElems));
       x = round(linspace(min(endpoints(:,1)),max(endpoints(:,1)),numOfElems));      
       k = diff(endpoints(:,2)) ./ diff(endpoints(:,1)); % the slope
       m = endpoints(1,2) - k.*endpoints(1,1); % The crossing of the y-axis           
       x = round(linspace(min(endpoints(:,1)), max(endpoints(:,1)), numOfElems));

       y = round(k.*x + m);
       % // Set any out of boundary items to the boundary
       y(y>size(L,1)) = size(L,1);

   % // Convert x and y to an index for easy comparison with the image
   % // We sort them so that we are comparing the same pixels
   fittedInd = sort(sub2ind(size(L),y,x)).';
   objInd = sort(sub2ind(size(L),objy,objx));

   % // Calculate the similarity. Intersect returns unique entities so we
   % // use unique on fittedInd
   fitrate = numel(intersect(fittedInd,objInd)) ./ numel(unique(fittedInd));
   if (fitrate >= th)
       L(objInd) = 0;
       processed_image(objInd) = 0;
       % // figure(1),imshow(processed_image)

Display the result


figure,imshow(processed_image);title('Processed image');

Complete example

image = imcomplement(org_image_bw);

[H,T,R] = hough(image);
P  = houghpeaks(H,100,'threshold',ceil(0.27*max(H(:))));
lines = houghlines(image,T,R,P,'FillGap',5,'MinLength',7);

processed_image = image;
    for k = 1:length(lines)
       xy = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2];

        % // Use the question of a line y = kx + m to calulate x,y

        %Calculate the maximum number of elements in a line
        numOfElems = max(max(xy(:,1))-min(xy(:,1)),max(xy(:,2))-min(xy(:,2)) ) ;

       % // Cater for the special case where the equation of a line is
       % // undefined, i.e. there is only one x value.
       % // We use linspace rather than the colon operator because we want
       % // x and y to have the same length and be evenly spaced.
       if (diff(xy(:,1)) == 0)           
           y = round(linspace(min(xy(:,2)),max(xy(:,2)),numOfElems));
           x = round(linspace(min(xy(:,1)),max(xy(:,1)),numOfElems));      

           k = diff(xy(:,2)) ./ diff(xy(:,1)); % the slope
           m = xy(1,2) - k.*xy(1,1); % The crossing of the y-axis

           x = round(linspace(min(xy(:,1)), max(xy(:,1)), numOfElems));
           y = round(k.*x + m); % // the equation of a line

       processed_image(y,x) = 0; % // delete the line

    % // Label the remaining objects
    L = bwlabel(processed_image);

    % // Run through each object and find the end points.
    % // Then fit a line to it. If, let's say 80% the fitted line covers
    % // the object, then it is a line.

    % // Set the threshold
    th = 0.8;

    % // Loop through the objects
    for objNr=1:max(L(:))
       [objy, objx] = find(L==objNr);

       % Find the end points
       endpoints = [min(objx) min(objy) ...
           ;max(objx) max(objy)];

       % Fit a line to it. y = kx + m
       numOfElems = max(max(endpoints(:,1))-min(endpoints(:,1)),max(endpoints(:,2))-min(endpoints(:,2)) ) ;

       % Cater for the special case where the equation of a line is
       % undefined, i.e. there is only one x value
       if (diff(endpoints(:,1)) == 0)           
           y = round(linspace(min(endpoints(:,2)),max(endpoints(:,2)),numOfElems));
           x = round(linspace(min(endpoints(:,1)),max(endpoints(:,1)),numOfElems));      
           k = diff(endpoints(:,2)) ./ diff(endpoints(:,1)); % the slope
           m = endpoints(1,2) - k.*endpoints(1,1); % The crossing of the y-axis           
           x = round(linspace(min(endpoints(:,1)), max(endpoints(:,1)), numOfElems));

           y = round(k.*x + m);
           % // Set any out of boundary items to the boundary
           y(y>size(L,1)) = size(L,1);

       % // Convert x and y to an index for easy comparison with the image
       % // We sort them so that we are comparing the same pixels
       fittedInd = sort(sub2ind(size(L),y,x)).';
       objInd = sort(sub2ind(size(L),objy,objx));

       % Calculate the similarity. Intersect returns unique entities so we
       % use unique on fittedInd
       fitrate = numel(intersect(fittedInd,objInd)) ./ numel(unique(fittedInd));
       if (fitrate >= th)
           L(objInd) = 0;
           processed_image(objInd) = 0;
           % // figure(1),imshow(processed_image)

   % // Display the result 
   figure,imshow(processed_image);title('Processed image');



You could use J. E. Bresenham's algorightm. It is implemented by A. Wetzler in the following matlab function, which I tested myself.

你可以使用J. E. Bresenham的algorightm。它由A. Wetzler在下面的matlab函数中实现,我自己测试过。

The algorithm will give you the pixel coordinates of where the line would be, given that you will provide the start and end point of the line, which is already given in lines in your code above.


Here is the code I used, which uses the matlab function referenced above:


%This is your code above ========
image = im2bw(image);
[H,T,R] = hough(BW);
P  = houghpeaks(H,100,'threshold',ceil(0.3*max(H(:))));
lines = houghlines(BW,T,R,P,'FillGap',5,'MinLength',7);
% =========

% Proposed solution:

% This will work for as many lines as you detected

for k=1:length(lines)

    % Call Bresenham's algorithm
    [x, y] = bresenham(lines(k).point1(1), lines(k).point1(2), ...
                       lines(k).point2(1), lines(k).point2(2));

    % This is where you replace the line, here I use 0, but you can use
    % whatever you want. However, note that if you use BW, you should only
    % replace with 0 or 1, because is a logical image. If you want to use 
    % the original image, well, you know what to do.
    BW(y, x) = 0;

    % And now watch the lines disapear!  (you can remove this line)
    imagesc(BW), drawnow; pause(1);

Remember, download the matlab function first.




The issue you have is that your lines are thicker than one pixel. The lines from the hough transform seem to be one pixel thick and that doesn't help.


I propose that you delete the lines that you get from the Hough transform first. This will sort of divide the hockey rink of whatever it is into segments that will be easier to process.


Then you label each segment with bwlabel. For each object, find the endpoints and fit a line between the endpoints. If the line and the object have more pixels in common than a certain threshold, then we say that the object is a line and we delete it from the image.


You may have to play around with the Hough transform's threshold value.


This technique has some flaws though. It will delete a filled square, rectangle or circle but you haven't got any of those so you should be ok.





This is your code that I modified a bit. I removed the gradient because it it easier to work with solid objects. The gradient gave very thin lines. I also work on the complement image because the bw functions work with 1 as forgound rather than 0 as in your original image.


image = imcomplement(org_image_bw);
[H,T,R] = hough(image);
P  = houghpeaks(H,100,'threshold',ceil(0.27*max(H(:))));
lines = houghlines(image,T,R,P,'FillGap',5,'MinLength',7);

Loop through the lines you have got and delete them


processed_image = image;
for k = 1:length(lines)
   xy = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2];

    % // Use the question of a line y = kx + m to calulate x,y

    % // Calculate the maximum number of elements in a line
   numOfElems = max(max(xy(:,1))-min(xy(:,1)),max(xy(:,2))-min(xy(:,2)) ) ;

   % // Cater for the special case where the equation of a line is
   % // undefined, i.e. there is only one x value.
   % // We use linspace rather than the colon operator because we want
   % // x and y to have the same length and be evenly spaced.
   if (diff(xy(:,1)) == 0)           
       y = round(linspace(min(xy(:,2)),max(xy(:,2)),numOfElems));
       x = round(linspace(min(xy(:,1)),max(xy(:,1)),numOfElems));      

       k = diff(xy(:,2)) ./ diff(xy(:,1)); % // the slope
       m = xy(1,2) - k.*xy(1,1); % // The crossing of the y-axis

       x = round(linspace(min(xy(:,1)), max(xy(:,1)), numOfElems));
       y = round(k.*x + m); % // the equation of a line

   processed_image(y,x) = 0; % // delete the line

This is what the image looks after we have deleted the detected lines. Please note that the original hockey rink and been divided into multiple objects.



Label the remaining objects


L = bwlabel(processed_image);

Run through each object and find the end points. Then fit a line to it. If, let's say 80% the fitted line covers the object, then it is a line.


A fitted line could look like this. The diagonal blue line represents the fitted line and covers most of the object (the white area). We therefore say that the object is a line.



% // Set the threshold
th = 0.8;

% // Loop through the objects
for objNr=1:max(L(:))
   [objy, objx] = find(L==objNr);

   % Find the end points
   endpoints = [min(objx) min(objy) ...
       ;max(objx) max(objy)];

   % Fit a line to it. y = kx + m
   numOfElems = max(max(endpoints(:,1))-min(endpoints(:,1)),max(endpoints(:,2))-min(endpoints(:,2)) ) ;

   % // Cater for the special case where the equation of a line is
   % // undefined, i.e. there is only one x value
   if (diff(endpoints(:,1)) == 0)           
       y = round(linspace(min(endpoints(:,2)),max(endpoints(:,2)),numOfElems));
       x = round(linspace(min(endpoints(:,1)),max(endpoints(:,1)),numOfElems));      
       k = diff(endpoints(:,2)) ./ diff(endpoints(:,1)); % the slope
       m = endpoints(1,2) - k.*endpoints(1,1); % The crossing of the y-axis           
       x = round(linspace(min(endpoints(:,1)), max(endpoints(:,1)), numOfElems));

       y = round(k.*x + m);
       % // Set any out of boundary items to the boundary
       y(y>size(L,1)) = size(L,1);

   % // Convert x and y to an index for easy comparison with the image
   % // We sort them so that we are comparing the same pixels
   fittedInd = sort(sub2ind(size(L),y,x)).';
   objInd = sort(sub2ind(size(L),objy,objx));

   % // Calculate the similarity. Intersect returns unique entities so we
   % // use unique on fittedInd
   fitrate = numel(intersect(fittedInd,objInd)) ./ numel(unique(fittedInd));
   if (fitrate >= th)
       L(objInd) = 0;
       processed_image(objInd) = 0;
       % // figure(1),imshow(processed_image)

Display the result


figure,imshow(processed_image);title('Processed image');

Complete example

image = imcomplement(org_image_bw);

[H,T,R] = hough(image);
P  = houghpeaks(H,100,'threshold',ceil(0.27*max(H(:))));
lines = houghlines(image,T,R,P,'FillGap',5,'MinLength',7);

processed_image = image;
    for k = 1:length(lines)
       xy = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2];

        % // Use the question of a line y = kx + m to calulate x,y

        %Calculate the maximum number of elements in a line
        numOfElems = max(max(xy(:,1))-min(xy(:,1)),max(xy(:,2))-min(xy(:,2)) ) ;

       % // Cater for the special case where the equation of a line is
       % // undefined, i.e. there is only one x value.
       % // We use linspace rather than the colon operator because we want
       % // x and y to have the same length and be evenly spaced.
       if (diff(xy(:,1)) == 0)           
           y = round(linspace(min(xy(:,2)),max(xy(:,2)),numOfElems));
           x = round(linspace(min(xy(:,1)),max(xy(:,1)),numOfElems));      

           k = diff(xy(:,2)) ./ diff(xy(:,1)); % the slope
           m = xy(1,2) - k.*xy(1,1); % The crossing of the y-axis

           x = round(linspace(min(xy(:,1)), max(xy(:,1)), numOfElems));
           y = round(k.*x + m); % // the equation of a line

       processed_image(y,x) = 0; % // delete the line

    % // Label the remaining objects
    L = bwlabel(processed_image);

    % // Run through each object and find the end points.
    % // Then fit a line to it. If, let's say 80% the fitted line covers
    % // the object, then it is a line.

    % // Set the threshold
    th = 0.8;

    % // Loop through the objects
    for objNr=1:max(L(:))
       [objy, objx] = find(L==objNr);

       % Find the end points
       endpoints = [min(objx) min(objy) ...
           ;max(objx) max(objy)];

       % Fit a line to it. y = kx + m
       numOfElems = max(max(endpoints(:,1))-min(endpoints(:,1)),max(endpoints(:,2))-min(endpoints(:,2)) ) ;

       % Cater for the special case where the equation of a line is
       % undefined, i.e. there is only one x value
       if (diff(endpoints(:,1)) == 0)           
           y = round(linspace(min(endpoints(:,2)),max(endpoints(:,2)),numOfElems));
           x = round(linspace(min(endpoints(:,1)),max(endpoints(:,1)),numOfElems));      
           k = diff(endpoints(:,2)) ./ diff(endpoints(:,1)); % the slope
           m = endpoints(1,2) - k.*endpoints(1,1); % The crossing of the y-axis           
           x = round(linspace(min(endpoints(:,1)), max(endpoints(:,1)), numOfElems));

           y = round(k.*x + m);
           % // Set any out of boundary items to the boundary
           y(y>size(L,1)) = size(L,1);

       % // Convert x and y to an index for easy comparison with the image
       % // We sort them so that we are comparing the same pixels
       fittedInd = sort(sub2ind(size(L),y,x)).';
       objInd = sort(sub2ind(size(L),objy,objx));

       % Calculate the similarity. Intersect returns unique entities so we
       % use unique on fittedInd
       fitrate = numel(intersect(fittedInd,objInd)) ./ numel(unique(fittedInd));
       if (fitrate >= th)
           L(objInd) = 0;
           processed_image(objInd) = 0;
           % // figure(1),imshow(processed_image)

   % // Display the result 
   figure,imshow(processed_image);title('Processed image');



You could use J. E. Bresenham's algorightm. It is implemented by A. Wetzler in the following matlab function, which I tested myself.

你可以使用J. E. Bresenham的algorightm。它由A. Wetzler在下面的matlab函数中实现,我自己测试过。

The algorithm will give you the pixel coordinates of where the line would be, given that you will provide the start and end point of the line, which is already given in lines in your code above.


Here is the code I used, which uses the matlab function referenced above:


%This is your code above ========
image = im2bw(image);
[H,T,R] = hough(BW);
P  = houghpeaks(H,100,'threshold',ceil(0.3*max(H(:))));
lines = houghlines(BW,T,R,P,'FillGap',5,'MinLength',7);
% =========

% Proposed solution:

% This will work for as many lines as you detected

for k=1:length(lines)

    % Call Bresenham's algorithm
    [x, y] = bresenham(lines(k).point1(1), lines(k).point1(2), ...
                       lines(k).point2(1), lines(k).point2(2));

    % This is where you replace the line, here I use 0, but you can use
    % whatever you want. However, note that if you use BW, you should only
    % replace with 0 or 1, because is a logical image. If you want to use 
    % the original image, well, you know what to do.
    BW(y, x) = 0;

    % And now watch the lines disapear!  (you can remove this line)
    imagesc(BW), drawnow; pause(1);

Remember, download the matlab function first.
