
时间:2022-09-11 19:12:58

I am not a big programming guy but have listen from programmers a lot of times that we should always return values from a function. I want to know the reason.


7 个解决方案



A function needn't return anything... If you look at C(++) function, many of them don't (well, not explicitly):

函数不需要返回任何东西……如果你看看C(++ +)函数,它们中的很多都不是(嗯,不是显式的):

void nonReturningFunction(const int *someParam);
int main()
    int i = 12;
    return 0;
void nonReturningFunction(const int *someParam)
    printf("I print the value of a parameter: %d",someParam);

The latter returns nothing, well, it returns a void. The main function does return something: 0, this is generally a signal to the system to let it know the programme is finished, and it finished well.


The same logic applies to PHP, or any other programming language. Some functions' return value is relevant, another function may not be required to return anything. In general functions return values because they are relevant to the flow of your programme.


Take a class, for example:


    class Foo
        private $foo,$bar;
        public function __construct()
            $this->foo = 'bar';
        public function getFoo()
            return $this->foo;//<-- getter for private variable
        public function getBar()
            return $this->foo;//<-- getter for private variable
        public function setBar($val = null)
            $this->bar = $val;
            return $this;//<-- return instance for fluent interfacing
        public function setFoo($val = null)
            $this->foo = $val;
            return $this;
    $f = new Foo();
    $f->setFoo('foo')->setBar('bar');//<-- fluent interface
    echo $f->getFoo();

If the setter function didn't return anything, you'd have to write:



So in this case, return values are relevant. Another example where they're irrelevant:


function manipulateArray(array &$arr)//<-- pass by reference
$arr = range('Z','A');
var_dump($arr);//array is sorted

as opposed to:


function manipulateArray(array $arr)//<-- pass by copy
    return $arr;
$arr = range('Z','A');
var_dump($arr);//array is not sorted!
$arr = manipulateArray($arr);//<-- requires reassign

Passing by reference is deemed risky in many cases, that's why the latter approach is generally considered to be better. So in many cases the functions needn't return a value, but they do all the same because it makes the code safer overall.
That might be why you're under the impression that functions must always return a value.




This is the heritage of old programming. In older languages like Fortran you always had to return with something with a type i.e. int, float, bool etc. Since C you can return with a "void" type, and that's the default in most C functions if you don't specify a return statement, it returns with void at the end. In Java for example you have to specify a return type and then return with that type. If you don't want to return anything, you use the 'void' type:


//This works
public void boo() {

//This gets you an error
public int boo() {

//This gets you an error too, because you must specify a type for any function in Java
public boo() {

So it's more like what Lix said, if you have something to return with, you do. In most functional programs your functions can return either with data, or true/false marking success or failure. In many systems a function can return an int indicating success or failure like '1' or '-1'. Unix shell programs use this.

这更像是Lix说的,如果你有东西要返回,你就去做。在大多数函数程序中,函数可以返回数据,也可以返回真/假标记成功或失败。在许多系统中,函数可以返回一个int数,表示成功或失败,如“1”或“-1”。Unix shell程序使用这个。

In other languages like PHP you don't need to return anything, but in the background PHP still attaches a 'void' type as returned value to your function, you just don't have to explicitly write it.


Hope this helps




This is done so that there is a definitive ending point for the function. It is mainly to increase readability and to help future programmers to understand what you were trying to do.


There should be no assumption about what a function returns.




There is so many reasons...


That's better for your architecture : a function takes parameters, work with them and returns expected result. In such way you may be able to reuse it and to arrange your code.


That's better for unit testing, you can very easily check if your function return expected result.




Generally speaking in computer programming a function is a reusable unit of code that takes some input (including nothing) and returns a value.


Some languages have similar constructs to functions called procedures and these are reusable pieces of code that take some input (including nothing) and perform some activity but don't return a result.


However some languages may not have the latter as a syntactical construct and mey use functions to implement procedures. So you here you get functions where you ignore the result. Also some languages may not have an requirement to actually force the code to return something from a function (i.e. they implement procedures using functions).


So if you have only the latter as your option, then you could argue like @lix that it's good practise to return things from function. The primary reason is that though the function can be used like a procedure - the caller may call it like function and expect to work with the result. Remember that test code is a primary use case and it might be the only reason for following this convention.


Personally I think convention is the answer. Do whatever works best for you, but try to always do the same, and if you need to diverge - find ways to let the user know.




Also: flexibility. Consider echoing vs returning from inside a function. With, say, a returned true or false from a function, you can modify how things are displayed in views in as many ways as you want. Having a string echoed doesn't give you this flexibility.




Some earlier languages had procedures and functions. Procedures returned nothing (they just did something). Functions returned something. I guess someone decided it was unnecessary to have both since a function could simply be void (as used in C). I just wrote a quick function to store data in the database. Since the data was filtered in several levels the odds of an error was negligible, nonetheless, I included in the function an alert, that would echo on an error, so returning even an error alert wasn't necessary. (This is an in-house site, that wouldn't be for public use) so having the function return anything was completely unnecessary.


Since the question was why we should ALWAYs return a value, it's not about why it's sometimes good to return a value, but what reason exists to demand we should always return a value, and there is no valid reason to ALWAYs return a value from a function.




A function needn't return anything... If you look at C(++) function, many of them don't (well, not explicitly):

函数不需要返回任何东西……如果你看看C(++ +)函数,它们中的很多都不是(嗯,不是显式的):

void nonReturningFunction(const int *someParam);
int main()
    int i = 12;
    return 0;
void nonReturningFunction(const int *someParam)
    printf("I print the value of a parameter: %d",someParam);

The latter returns nothing, well, it returns a void. The main function does return something: 0, this is generally a signal to the system to let it know the programme is finished, and it finished well.


The same logic applies to PHP, or any other programming language. Some functions' return value is relevant, another function may not be required to return anything. In general functions return values because they are relevant to the flow of your programme.


Take a class, for example:


    class Foo
        private $foo,$bar;
        public function __construct()
            $this->foo = 'bar';
        public function getFoo()
            return $this->foo;//<-- getter for private variable
        public function getBar()
            return $this->foo;//<-- getter for private variable
        public function setBar($val = null)
            $this->bar = $val;
            return $this;//<-- return instance for fluent interfacing
        public function setFoo($val = null)
            $this->foo = $val;
            return $this;
    $f = new Foo();
    $f->setFoo('foo')->setBar('bar');//<-- fluent interface
    echo $f->getFoo();

If the setter function didn't return anything, you'd have to write:



So in this case, return values are relevant. Another example where they're irrelevant:


function manipulateArray(array &$arr)//<-- pass by reference
$arr = range('Z','A');
var_dump($arr);//array is sorted

as opposed to:


function manipulateArray(array $arr)//<-- pass by copy
    return $arr;
$arr = range('Z','A');
var_dump($arr);//array is not sorted!
$arr = manipulateArray($arr);//<-- requires reassign

Passing by reference is deemed risky in many cases, that's why the latter approach is generally considered to be better. So in many cases the functions needn't return a value, but they do all the same because it makes the code safer overall.
That might be why you're under the impression that functions must always return a value.




This is the heritage of old programming. In older languages like Fortran you always had to return with something with a type i.e. int, float, bool etc. Since C you can return with a "void" type, and that's the default in most C functions if you don't specify a return statement, it returns with void at the end. In Java for example you have to specify a return type and then return with that type. If you don't want to return anything, you use the 'void' type:


//This works
public void boo() {

//This gets you an error
public int boo() {

//This gets you an error too, because you must specify a type for any function in Java
public boo() {

So it's more like what Lix said, if you have something to return with, you do. In most functional programs your functions can return either with data, or true/false marking success or failure. In many systems a function can return an int indicating success or failure like '1' or '-1'. Unix shell programs use this.

这更像是Lix说的,如果你有东西要返回,你就去做。在大多数函数程序中,函数可以返回数据,也可以返回真/假标记成功或失败。在许多系统中,函数可以返回一个int数,表示成功或失败,如“1”或“-1”。Unix shell程序使用这个。

In other languages like PHP you don't need to return anything, but in the background PHP still attaches a 'void' type as returned value to your function, you just don't have to explicitly write it.


Hope this helps




This is done so that there is a definitive ending point for the function. It is mainly to increase readability and to help future programmers to understand what you were trying to do.


There should be no assumption about what a function returns.




There is so many reasons...


That's better for your architecture : a function takes parameters, work with them and returns expected result. In such way you may be able to reuse it and to arrange your code.


That's better for unit testing, you can very easily check if your function return expected result.




Generally speaking in computer programming a function is a reusable unit of code that takes some input (including nothing) and returns a value.


Some languages have similar constructs to functions called procedures and these are reusable pieces of code that take some input (including nothing) and perform some activity but don't return a result.


However some languages may not have the latter as a syntactical construct and mey use functions to implement procedures. So you here you get functions where you ignore the result. Also some languages may not have an requirement to actually force the code to return something from a function (i.e. they implement procedures using functions).


So if you have only the latter as your option, then you could argue like @lix that it's good practise to return things from function. The primary reason is that though the function can be used like a procedure - the caller may call it like function and expect to work with the result. Remember that test code is a primary use case and it might be the only reason for following this convention.


Personally I think convention is the answer. Do whatever works best for you, but try to always do the same, and if you need to diverge - find ways to let the user know.




Also: flexibility. Consider echoing vs returning from inside a function. With, say, a returned true or false from a function, you can modify how things are displayed in views in as many ways as you want. Having a string echoed doesn't give you this flexibility.




Some earlier languages had procedures and functions. Procedures returned nothing (they just did something). Functions returned something. I guess someone decided it was unnecessary to have both since a function could simply be void (as used in C). I just wrote a quick function to store data in the database. Since the data was filtered in several levels the odds of an error was negligible, nonetheless, I included in the function an alert, that would echo on an error, so returning even an error alert wasn't necessary. (This is an in-house site, that wouldn't be for public use) so having the function return anything was completely unnecessary.


Since the question was why we should ALWAYs return a value, it's not about why it's sometimes good to return a value, but what reason exists to demand we should always return a value, and there is no valid reason to ALWAYs return a value from a function.
