Spring-Data JPA:在删除边缘时对图形进行建模,使“列违反非空”

时间:2022-09-11 16:27:55

I have a set of entities that that build some sort of graph. This is modelled by a class Entity with two fields modelling the relationships between entities.


@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
@JoinColumn(name = "fromId")
private Set<EntityRelation> outEdges;

@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = "toId")
private Set<EntityRelation> inEdges;

All outEdges are supposed to belong to the entity when it is saved, the inEdges are "inferred" from these. Problem is then after removing an out-edge I always get an error ERROR: null value in column "fromid" violates not-null constraint where fromid is a field of EntityRelation.


For performance reasons, I don't want to have direct relations form Entity to Entity.


To fix this, I used a new Spring-Data JPA method (in the corresponding Repository class) to explicitly remove everything an entity points to (like

为了解决这个问题,我使用了一个新的Spring-Data JPA方法(在相应的Repository类中)来显式删除实体指向的所有内容(如

@Query(value = "delete from entityrelation where fromid = ?1", nativeQuery = true)
int deleteEntityRelations(String entityId);

But this somehow misses the whole point, since I want JPA to take responsibility of that.


what is wrong here? I really got stuck, since all posts I could find suggest that it should simply work with orphan-delete.


In the SQL-Trace you can see that an org.hibernate.SQL - update EntityRelation set fromId=null where fromId=? and id=? is issued automatically (which then triggers the error).

在SQL-Trace中你可以看到一个org.hibernate.SQL - 更新EntityRelation设置fromId = null其中fromId =?和id =?自动发出(然后触发错误)。

thanks and regards fricke


2 个解决方案


This is a known issue of hibernate. In certain scenarios (and you found one of them) it violates constraints on foreign key relations. There are various options (but I'm afraid you might not like any of them)


  • remove the constraint. I know, I know ..

    删除约束。我知道我知道 ..

  • make the constraint deferred. Not sure if this feature is available in other databases but Oracle.


  • limit the expectations to JPA. Seriously, it looks like you expecting more from it then it will give you. I highly recommend reading this article before proceeding with any project using any kind of ORM.



Please note that even though setting hbm2ddl.auto to UPDATE, it doesn't remove the not-null type constrains when the nullable in entity is set to FALSE. I would suggest that check the history of the class for any changes to entity relationship or column mapping for nullable constraint.



This is a known issue of hibernate. In certain scenarios (and you found one of them) it violates constraints on foreign key relations. There are various options (but I'm afraid you might not like any of them)


  • remove the constraint. I know, I know ..

    删除约束。我知道我知道 ..

  • make the constraint deferred. Not sure if this feature is available in other databases but Oracle.


  • limit the expectations to JPA. Seriously, it looks like you expecting more from it then it will give you. I highly recommend reading this article before proceeding with any project using any kind of ORM.



Please note that even though setting hbm2ddl.auto to UPDATE, it doesn't remove the not-null type constrains when the nullable in entity is set to FALSE. I would suggest that check the history of the class for any changes to entity relationship or column mapping for nullable constraint.
