Python -在matplotlib中与极散点图的坐标变换。

时间:2022-09-10 22:26:47

I have to associate an HTML clickable map on some polar plots generated with matplotlib, so I need a method to convert the Data coordinates to the pixel coordinates of the figure.


The code, adapted from How to get pixel coordinates for Matplotlib-generated scatterplot?, is:


# Creates 6 points on a ray of the polar plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='polar'))
points, = ax.plot([1,1,1,1,1,1],[0,1,2,3,4,5], 'ro')

x, y = points.get_data()
xy_pixels = ax.transData.transform(np.vstack([x,y]).T)
xpix, ypix = xy_pixels.T
width, height = fig.canvas.get_width_height()
ypix = height - ypix

for xp, yp in zip(xpix, ypix):
    print('{x:0.2f}\t{y:0.2f}'.format(x=xp, y=yp))

which gives


328.00  240.00
354.80  207.69
381.60  175.38
408.40  143.06
435.20  110.75
461.99  78.44

Only the first point, placed in the center of the graph, is correct. The other ones appear to be shifted, as if the figure were stretched horizontally. This figure represents the points as drawn by matplotlib (red) and the ones I drew following the coordinates:


Python -在matplotlib中与极散点图的坐标变换。

What could be going on? Thanks for your help!


Update 03 Aug 2017


The "stretching" is even weirder: I tried to plot an octahedron inscribed in a circle of radius 3 with this command:


points, = ax.plot([math.pi/4,math.pi/2,3*math.pi/4,math.pi,5*math.pi/4,3*math.pi/2,7*math.pi/4,2*math.pi],[3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3], 'ro')

and the same routine gave as a result


495.01  110.70
328.00  57.14
160.99  110.70
91.81   240.00
160.99  369.30
328.00  422.86
495.01  369.30
564.19  240.00

While the 4 points along the x and y axes are placed correctly, the other 4 corresponding to i*pi/2 + pi/4 angles (where i=0,1,2,3) suffer from the "stretching". Indeed this can be seen even by looking at their coordinates: for i=0,2,4,6 it should be true that |x[(i+4)%8]-x[i]| = |y[(i+4)%8]-y[i]|, while this does not appear to be the case.

当x轴和y轴上的4点被正确放置时,另4点对应于i*pi/2 + /4角(i=0,1,2,3)受到“拉伸”的影响。实际上,这可以通过观察它们的坐标来观察:对于i=0、2、4、6,它应该是真的,|x[(i+4)%8]-x[i]| = |y[(i+4)%8]-y[i]|,而这似乎并不是这样。

1 个解决方案



This is a very tricky problem, turns out it's already been solved here:


Inconsistent figure coordinates in matplotlib with equal aspect ratio


The problem is that when setting the aspect to equal the dimensions and positions of the axes can only be determined by matplotlib once something is drawn onto the canvas. Before plotting the data, it cannot know where the axes would reside in the final figure.


The easiest solution is to call



right after the plot command but before doing any transformation works. In this way, the figure gets drawn to the canvas, applying the equal aspect; and from this point on, the correct transformations are available.




This is a very tricky problem, turns out it's already been solved here:


Inconsistent figure coordinates in matplotlib with equal aspect ratio


The problem is that when setting the aspect to equal the dimensions and positions of the axes can only be determined by matplotlib once something is drawn onto the canvas. Before plotting the data, it cannot know where the axes would reside in the final figure.


The easiest solution is to call



right after the plot command but before doing any transformation works. In this way, the figure gets drawn to the canvas, applying the equal aspect; and from this point on, the correct transformations are available.
