使用Matplotlib进行绘图会产生-90个旋转图 - Python

时间:2022-09-10 22:22:14

I've had this kind of "problem" when plotting with Matplotlib frequently (Same data saved generate different images - Python). As an example, I created a vector field with a numpy array like this:

当经常使用Matplotlib绘图时,我遇到了这种“问题”(保存相同的数据会生成不同的图像 - Python)。作为一个例子,我创建了一个带有numpy数组的向量字段,如下所示:

def generate_divergent_free_component(sigma, x_dim, y_dim, steps):
    divergent_free_vector_field_x = numpy.zeros((steps, steps), float)
    divergent_free_vector_field_y = numpy.zeros((steps, steps), float)

    u0 = numpy.random.uniform()
    x0 = 1.0 + sigma * u0
    y0 = sigma * u0

    dx = x_dim/float(steps)
    dy = y_dim/float(steps)

    for x, y in product(range(steps), range(steps)):
        x_norm = -x_dim/2.0 + x * dx
        y_norm = -y_dim/2.0 + y * dy
        exp0 = -(math.pow(x_norm - x0, 2) + math.pow(y_norm - y0, 2)) / 2.0

        divergent_free_vector_field_x[x, y] = -(x_norm - x0) * math.exp(exp0)
        divergent_free_vector_field_y[x, y] = -(y_norm - y0) * math.exp(exp0)

    return divergent_free_vector_field_x, divergent_free_vector_field_y

I made some tests and it seems to me that ndarrays follow row-major order and I am iterating over them following this pattern.


However, when plotting with Matplotlib, I get the image rotated 90 degrees counter-clock wise.


def plot_streamlines(file_path, x_dim, y_dim, steps, vector_field_x, vector_field_y, scalar_field=None):

    y, x = numpy.mgrid[-x_dim/2:x_dim/2:steps*1j, -y_dim/2:y_dim/2:steps*1j]


    # x, y : 1d arrays, an evenly spaced grid.
    # u, v : 2d arrays
    # x and y-velocities. Number of rows should match length of y, and the number of columns should match x.
    plt.streamplot(x, y, vector_field_x, vector_field_y, cmap=plt.cm.autumn)
    plt.savefig(file_path + '.png')

As an example, I got this image:


使用Matplotlib进行绘图会产生-90个旋转图 -  Python

But I was expecting (and another programs such as Matlab) the image like this (I just rotated it in my computer now, but I was expecting that point that I circled as the following image shows):


使用Matplotlib进行绘图会产生-90个旋转图 -  Python

So I'm wondering if Matplotlib works or expects column-major order or something like this... I'm just trying to understand how this properly works.


Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you in advance.


1 个解决方案



The problem appears to be that plt.streamplot wants the divergent_free_vector_field arrays to be indexed [y, x], instead of [x, y].


A good test would be to use different step sizes in x and y. You should get an AssertionError on the grid shape when you try to plot, because it's expecting the number of rows to be same as the size of y, and the number of columns to be the same as the size of x.


Try changing it to this:


divergent_free_vector_field_x = numpy.zeros((steps_y, steps_x), float)
divergent_free_vector_field_y = numpy.zeros((steps_y, steps_x), float)
divergent_free_vector_field_x[y, x] = -(x_norm - x0) * math.exp(exp0)
divergent_free_vector_field_y[y, x] = -(y_norm - y0) * math.exp(exp0)



The problem appears to be that plt.streamplot wants the divergent_free_vector_field arrays to be indexed [y, x], instead of [x, y].


A good test would be to use different step sizes in x and y. You should get an AssertionError on the grid shape when you try to plot, because it's expecting the number of rows to be same as the size of y, and the number of columns to be the same as the size of x.


Try changing it to this:


divergent_free_vector_field_x = numpy.zeros((steps_y, steps_x), float)
divergent_free_vector_field_y = numpy.zeros((steps_y, steps_x), float)
divergent_free_vector_field_x[y, x] = -(x_norm - x0) * math.exp(exp0)
divergent_free_vector_field_y[y, x] = -(y_norm - y0) * math.exp(exp0)