
时间:2022-09-10 18:31:38

I'm currently working on building a game which is on a planet, the way in which I'm planning to store the data is in 6 2dimensional arrays, which are heightmaps around the sphere (on the faces of a cube). The problem I have is this, given a normalised vector which points outwards from the centre of the sphere how can I determine these two things:


  1. The plane which it intersects
  2. 它相交的平面

  3. The x/y coordinates I should look up in my 2d array to get the height.
  4. x / y坐标我应该在我的2d数组中查找以获得高度。

My current solution is this (using XNA):


  1. Construct a ray pointing out from [0,0] along the direction vector supplied. Loop through each surface and do a ray/plane intersection (which is a method supplied by the XNA framework) to get the distance to the intersection point. Select the closest plane (shortest distance to intersection)
  2. 构造一条沿着提供的方向向量从[0,0]指向的光线。遍历每个表面并执行光线/平面交叉(这是XNA框架提供的方法)以获得到交叉点的距离。选择最近的平面(到交叉点的最短距离)

  3. Take the 3D point, and convert it to a 2D point which can be used as an array lookup to find the radius (this is the bit I cannot work out the maths for, or find any references to through google).
  4. 取3D点,并将其转换为2D点,可用作数组查找以查找半径(这是我无法计算数学的位,或通过谷歌找到任何引用)。

A helpful constraint is that the sphere/cube system is around the origin.


So, the problem which needs solving is this: Given a direction vector, how do I determine where it intersects the surrounding cube. Using this result how do I then get the correct value in a 2D array which is "painted" on the face of this cube?


3 个解决方案


Look at the magnitude of each of the 3 components of the direction. The one with the largest magnitude tells you which face of the cube you hit (and its sign tells you if it's the + or - face.)

看看方向的3个组成部分的大小。幅度最大的那个告诉你你击中的立方体的哪个面(它的符号告诉你它是+或 - 面。)

The other two coordinates give you your 2D mapping values. We need to normalize them, though. If your XYZ direction has X as the highest magnitude, then your 2D face coordinates are just U=Y/X and V=Z/X. These both range from -1 to 1.

另外两个坐标为您提供2D映射值。不过,我们需要对它们进行标准化。如果XYZ方向的X值最大,则2D面部坐标只是U = Y / X和V = Z / X.这些都在-1到1之间。

Be careful of flips from positive to negative sides, you may need to flip the 2D U and/or V values to match your coordinate system.

要注意从正面到负面的翻转,您可能需要翻转2D U和/或V值以匹配您的坐标系。


if (x*x >= y*y) && (x*x >= z*z) : 
    return ( (x>0) ? X_AXIS_POS : X_AXIS_NEG, y/abs(x), z/abs(x))
if (y*y >= z*z) && (y*y >= x*x) : 
    return ( (y>0) ? Y_AXIS_POS : Y_AXIS_NEG, x/abs(y), z/abs(y))
return ( (z>0) ? Z_AXIS_POS : Z_AXIS_NEG, x/abs(z), y/abs(z))


If I'm understanding you correctly, you're trying to pull a pixel off the square and onto the surface of sphere. So I assume you've successfully found the pixel on the cube. Now you scale the vector so it's touching the sphere. So you have an x,y,z on the sphere.


Spheres are usually texture mapped from a sheet. You can either find a reference to how it's done in XNA (or look at the texture sheet and try to figure it out), or you can do this: make a texture sheet that has increasing red gradient along the x axis and increasing green gradient along y. Map into onto the sphere. See what happens.



Look at the magnitude of each of the 3 components of the direction. The one with the largest magnitude tells you which face of the cube you hit (and its sign tells you if it's the + or - face.)

看看方向的3个组成部分的大小。幅度最大的那个告诉你你击中的立方体的哪个面(它的符号告诉你它是+或 - 面。)

The other two coordinates give you your 2D mapping values. We need to normalize them, though. If your XYZ direction has X as the highest magnitude, then your 2D face coordinates are just U=Y/X and V=Z/X. These both range from -1 to 1.

另外两个坐标为您提供2D映射值。不过,我们需要对它们进行标准化。如果XYZ方向的X值最大,则2D面部坐标只是U = Y / X和V = Z / X.这些都在-1到1之间。

Be careful of flips from positive to negative sides, you may need to flip the 2D U and/or V values to match your coordinate system.

要注意从正面到负面的翻转,您可能需要翻转2D U和/或V值以匹配您的坐标系。


if (x*x >= y*y) && (x*x >= z*z) : 
    return ( (x>0) ? X_AXIS_POS : X_AXIS_NEG, y/abs(x), z/abs(x))
if (y*y >= z*z) && (y*y >= x*x) : 
    return ( (y>0) ? Y_AXIS_POS : Y_AXIS_NEG, x/abs(y), z/abs(y))
return ( (z>0) ? Z_AXIS_POS : Z_AXIS_NEG, x/abs(z), y/abs(z))


If I'm understanding you correctly, you're trying to pull a pixel off the square and onto the surface of sphere. So I assume you've successfully found the pixel on the cube. Now you scale the vector so it's touching the sphere. So you have an x,y,z on the sphere.


Spheres are usually texture mapped from a sheet. You can either find a reference to how it's done in XNA (or look at the texture sheet and try to figure it out), or you can do this: make a texture sheet that has increasing red gradient along the x axis and increasing green gradient along y. Map into onto the sphere. See what happens.
