HDOJ 1043 Eight(A* 搜索)

时间:2022-09-09 12:12:56



<1> 搜索算法: A*算法, Heuristic函数:曼哈顿距离

<2> 剪枝技巧: 如果8数码问题中的初始状态的逆序数为奇数(除了’x’),则不存在解;否则,存在解;


#include <queue>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; const int MAX_N = + ;
int map[];
bool close[MAX_N];
char dir[MAX_N], direction[] = "udlr";
int open[MAX_N], pa[MAX_N], f[MAX_N];
const int FACT[] = {, , , , , , , , };
const int MOVE[][] = {{, -}, {, }, {-, }, {, }}; struct Node
int id;
int f, g, h;
int flags; // 表示该状态被松弛次数
Node() {}
Node(int a_id, int a_g, int a_h, int a_flags)
id = a_id, g = a_g, h = a_h, flags = a_flags;
f = g + h;
friend bool operator<(const Node &lhs, const Node &rhs);
bool operator<(const Node &lhs, const Node &rhs) { return lhs.f > rhs.f; }
priority_queue<Node> find_min; int StateToCanto()
int state_num = ;
for (int i = ; i < ; ++i)
int temp = map[i] - ; for (int j = ; j < i; ++j)
temp -= (map[j] < map[i]);
state_num += temp * FACT[ - i];
return state_num;
} int StateToId()
int ans = ; for (int i = ; i < ; ++i)
ans = ans * + map[i];
return ans;
} void IdToState(int num)
int i = ;
while (num)
map[i--] = num % ;
num /= ;
} int Heuristic()
int sum = ;
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
int k = i * + j;
if (map[k] == ) continue;
sum += abs(i - (map[k] - ) / ) + abs(j - (map[k] - ) % );
return sum;
} inline bool inversionNumberCheck()
int cnt = ;
for (int i = ; i < ; ++i)
if (map[i] == ) continue;
for (int k = i - ; k >= ; --k)
if (map[k] == ) continue;
if (map[k] > map[i])
return cnt & ;
} void FindX(int &x, int &y)
for (int i = ; i < ; ++i)
if (map[i] == )
y = i / ;
x = i % ;
} int A_star()
int state_canto, state_id; state_canto = StateToCanto();
state_id = StateToId();
open[state_canto] += ;
Node start(state_id, , Heuristic(), open[state_canto]);
f[state_canto] = start.f;
pa[state_canto] = -;
dir[state_canto] = ''; if (state_id == )
return state_canto; while (!find_min.empty())
Node parent = find_min.top();
Node child;
int p_x, p_y, c_x, c_y, parent_canto;
find_min.pop(); IdToState(parent.id);
parent_canto = StateToCanto();
if (parent.flags != open[parent_canto]) // 一个状态可能被松弛多次,检测parent是否为该状态最后一次松弛的状态
close[StateToCanto()] = ; // To do FindX(p_x, p_y);
for (int i = ; i < ; ++i)
int temp_swap, child_state_conto; c_x = p_x;
c_y = p_y;
c_x += MOVE[i][];
c_y += MOVE[i][]; if (c_x < || c_x >= || c_y < || c_y >= )
temp_swap = map[p_x + p_y * ];
map[p_x + p_y * ] = map[c_x + c_y * ];
map[c_x + c_y * ] = temp_swap;
child_state_conto = StateToCanto(); if (close[child_state_conto] == )
temp_swap = map[p_x + p_y * ];
map[p_x + p_y * ] = map[c_x + c_y * ];
map[c_x + c_y * ] = temp_swap; continue;
} child.id = StateToId();
if (child.id == )
pa[child_state_conto] = parent_canto;
dir[child_state_conto] = direction[i];
return child_state_conto;
} child.h = Heuristic();
child.g = parent.g + ;
child.f = child.g + child.h;
child.flags = open[child_state_conto] + ;
pa[child_state_conto] = parent_canto;
dir[child_state_conto] = direction[i];
if (open[child_state_conto] == || f[child_state_conto] > child.f)
f[child_state_conto] = child.f;
open[child_state_conto] = child.flags;
temp_swap = map[p_x + p_y * ];
map[p_x + p_y * ] = map[c_x + c_y * ];
map[c_x + c_y * ] = temp_swap;
return -;
} void Find(int i)
if (pa[i] == -)
printf("%c", dir[i]);
} void PrintPath()
int end_canto; for (int i = ; i < ; ++i)
map[i] = i + ;
end_canto = StateToCanto(); Find(end_canto);
} int main()
int ans = ; while (scanf("%s", &map[]) != EOF)
map[] = (map[] == 'x' ? : (map[] -= ''));
for (int i = ; i < ; ++i)
scanf("%s", &map[i]);
map[i] = (map[i] == 'x' ? : (map[i] -= ''));
} if (inversionNumberCheck())
memset(open, , sizeof(open));
memset(close, , sizeof(close));
memset(pa, , sizeof(pa));
memset(f, , sizeof(f));
memset(dir, , sizeof(dir));
ans = A_star();
if (ans == -)
PrintPath(); while (find_min.empty())
return ;

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