
时间:2022-09-07 07:49:26

I have some Objective-C classes, which I am currently using in both a Cocoa application (Mac OS X) and a Cocoa-Touch application (iOS). Currently, when I update those classes, I have to copy those updated .h and .m files to both projects. Not that big of deal, but I'm going to be using them in many more projects.

我有一些Objective-C类,我目前在Cocoa应用程序(Mac OS X)和Cocoa- touch应用程序(iOS)中都使用这些类。目前,当我更新这些类时,我必须将更新后的.h和.m文件复制到两个项目中。没什么大不了的,但我会在更多的项目中使用它们。

So, I want to build these classes into an Objective-C static library. And then link against that library in all other projects.


Is there a way to build a static library such that it works with both Cocoa and cocoa-touch applications?

是否有一种方法可以构建一个静态库,使它可以同时使用Cocoa和Cocoa -touch应用程序?

I've tried just building a Cocoa static library with these classes, but I get various errors when I try to link against that library in my Cocoa application, and I'm sure that they are coming from the fact that I am not doing it right.


So, how do I build an Objective-C static library the right way? Do I have to build both a Cocoa-Touch and Cocoa static library? Or can I just do one? How is this done?


Are there any well-done tutorials on this subject?


I have searched the web and cannot seem to find a comprehensive tutorial on this subject, so I've posed the question here, in hopes that a great answer will be posted and this question can serve as a resource for me and for future questioners.


4 个解决方案



For XCode 5. These answers seem a bit out of date. You can see the main steps here http://www.raywenderlich.com/41377/creating-a-status-library-in-ios-tutorial . But Xcode 5 does a lot more work for you and now works nearly as you want it to.

在XCode 5。这些答案似乎有点过时。您可以在这里看到http://www.raywenderlich.com/41377/creating-a- state -library-in-ios教程的主要步骤。但是Xcode 5为您做了更多的工作,现在几乎可以按照您的要求工作。

1.Create new Static Library App in Xcode 如何构建一个Objective-C静态库?


2.You can delete any files it creates and add your own. Add your methods etc. 如何构建一个Objective-C静态库?


3.Little problem with Static Libraries, is that you can only build either for the device or run in the simulator. So we need to create a library that supports ARM and i386 Architectures, to do this we need to create a universal binary (so it will support simulator and on device builds).


Create a new target (File > New > Target). 如何构建一个Objective-C静态库?


4.Select New Target then add a new build phase (Editor > Add Build Phase > Add Run Script Build Phase 如何构建一个Objective-C静态库?


5.Select the build phase and enter the script from this link into run script window. https://gist.github.com/sponno/7228256



6.Now you need to build each architecture (simulator and iOS device)


6.2.Select our libary and then iOS Device, click build or run (Command + B)

6.2。选择我们的libary,然后是iOS设备,单击build或run(命令+ B)

6.3.Then for the Simulator (select the Library Icon very top left of Xcode and then the iOS Simulator) 如何构建一个Objective-C静态库?


7.Now you want to build the BullsEye icon > iOS Device. This will be the aggregate target and will combine our two libraries into a new universal file.

7所示。现在,您需要构建BullsEye图标> iOS设备。这将是聚合目标,并将我们的两个库合并到一个新的通用文件中。

8.Lets see if this all worked. Expanded the folder "Products" in the left tree, right click on the file ending with ".a" and "Show in Finder"

8。让我们看看这是否奏效。展开左边树中的文件夹“Products”,右击以“”结尾的文件。a和"Show in Finder"

9.If this all works you should see the following files in finder. You will see the 如何构建一个Objective-C静态库?


10.The last step is easy, simply drag the "library.a file and the includes folder into your new Xcode project. 如何构建一个Objective-C静态库?



In your new project, you wont have to do anything else, other than import the header files that want to use, but you do not have to change the linking flags, or header search paths. It will just work.


(any feedback appreciated) or please edit my post to improve clarity.


** BONUS POINTS *** Install VVDocumenter https://github.com/onevcat/VVDocumenter-Xcode and use this to document any header.h files that you will share with the library.

**额外积分***安装VVDocumenter https://github.com/onevcat/vdocumenter-xcode并使用此文件记录任何头文件。h文件,你将与图书馆共享。

Now anyone that is using your library can opt+click to bring up context aware help for you classes.





I ended up finding this tutorial and it actually worked really nicely. If anyone would still like to offer assistance, please do and I will most likely upvote it and mark it as the accepted answer.




(using the tutorial as a starting point)


now create a second target in the library xcodeproj for the other OS.


configure each target's sdk settings using an xcconfig file (one for each OS). reuse these xcconfig files in your other libs. this also allows for easy global control of build settings.


configure link and dependency references in your targets (apps) as usual, but select the correct target library.


add an aggregate target to the library project for simple meta-compilation/easy maintenance.


-- or --


do it all by introducing a scripting layer or creating a custom build tool.




I also found this "Building a Static Library with Jenkins" that is really good. Talks about how to properly setup a static lib, how to get Jenkins to automatically build it and then place the resulting .a and .h files into somewhere you can grab them from.


Combine that with CocoaPods or Maven (I haven't done this yet) and you could have a pretty nice little ecosystem.




For XCode 5. These answers seem a bit out of date. You can see the main steps here http://www.raywenderlich.com/41377/creating-a-status-library-in-ios-tutorial . But Xcode 5 does a lot more work for you and now works nearly as you want it to.

在XCode 5。这些答案似乎有点过时。您可以在这里看到http://www.raywenderlich.com/41377/creating-a- state -library-in-ios教程的主要步骤。但是Xcode 5为您做了更多的工作,现在几乎可以按照您的要求工作。

1.Create new Static Library App in Xcode 如何构建一个Objective-C静态库?


2.You can delete any files it creates and add your own. Add your methods etc. 如何构建一个Objective-C静态库?


3.Little problem with Static Libraries, is that you can only build either for the device or run in the simulator. So we need to create a library that supports ARM and i386 Architectures, to do this we need to create a universal binary (so it will support simulator and on device builds).


Create a new target (File > New > Target). 如何构建一个Objective-C静态库?


4.Select New Target then add a new build phase (Editor > Add Build Phase > Add Run Script Build Phase 如何构建一个Objective-C静态库?


5.Select the build phase and enter the script from this link into run script window. https://gist.github.com/sponno/7228256



6.Now you need to build each architecture (simulator and iOS device)


6.2.Select our libary and then iOS Device, click build or run (Command + B)

6.2。选择我们的libary,然后是iOS设备,单击build或run(命令+ B)

6.3.Then for the Simulator (select the Library Icon very top left of Xcode and then the iOS Simulator) 如何构建一个Objective-C静态库?


7.Now you want to build the BullsEye icon > iOS Device. This will be the aggregate target and will combine our two libraries into a new universal file.

7所示。现在,您需要构建BullsEye图标> iOS设备。这将是聚合目标,并将我们的两个库合并到一个新的通用文件中。

8.Lets see if this all worked. Expanded the folder "Products" in the left tree, right click on the file ending with ".a" and "Show in Finder"

8。让我们看看这是否奏效。展开左边树中的文件夹“Products”,右击以“”结尾的文件。a和"Show in Finder"

9.If this all works you should see the following files in finder. You will see the 如何构建一个Objective-C静态库?


10.The last step is easy, simply drag the "library.a file and the includes folder into your new Xcode project. 如何构建一个Objective-C静态库?



In your new project, you wont have to do anything else, other than import the header files that want to use, but you do not have to change the linking flags, or header search paths. It will just work.


(any feedback appreciated) or please edit my post to improve clarity.


** BONUS POINTS *** Install VVDocumenter https://github.com/onevcat/VVDocumenter-Xcode and use this to document any header.h files that you will share with the library.

**额外积分***安装VVDocumenter https://github.com/onevcat/vdocumenter-xcode并使用此文件记录任何头文件。h文件,你将与图书馆共享。

Now anyone that is using your library can opt+click to bring up context aware help for you classes.





I ended up finding this tutorial and it actually worked really nicely. If anyone would still like to offer assistance, please do and I will most likely upvote it and mark it as the accepted answer.




(using the tutorial as a starting point)


now create a second target in the library xcodeproj for the other OS.


configure each target's sdk settings using an xcconfig file (one for each OS). reuse these xcconfig files in your other libs. this also allows for easy global control of build settings.


configure link and dependency references in your targets (apps) as usual, but select the correct target library.


add an aggregate target to the library project for simple meta-compilation/easy maintenance.


-- or --


do it all by introducing a scripting layer or creating a custom build tool.




I also found this "Building a Static Library with Jenkins" that is really good. Talks about how to properly setup a static lib, how to get Jenkins to automatically build it and then place the resulting .a and .h files into somewhere you can grab them from.


Combine that with CocoaPods or Maven (I haven't done this yet) and you could have a pretty nice little ecosystem.
