从Inside Python函数调用C ++函数

时间:2022-09-06 21:36:33

In R we can use Rcpp to call a cpp function as the one below:


#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP critcpp(SEXP a, SEXP b){
     NumericMatrix X(a);
     NumericVector crit(b);
     int p = XtX.ncol();
          NumericMatrix critstep(p,p);
     NumericMatrix deltamin(p,p);
     List lst(2);
         for (int i = 0; i < (p-1); i++){
            for (int j = i+1; j < p; j++){
               --some calculations
          lst[0] = critstep;
          lst[1] = deltamin;
          return lst;

I want to do the same thing in python. I have gone through Boost,SWIG etc but it seems complicated to my newbie Python eyes. Can the python wizards here kindly point me in the right direction. I need to call this C++ function from inside a Python function.

我想在python中做同样的事情。我经历过Boost,SWIG等,但我的新手Python眼睛似乎很复杂。这里的蟒蛇巫师能否指出我正确的方向。我需要在Python函数中调用这个C ++函数。

1 个解决方案



Since I think the only real answer is by spending some time in rewriting the function you posted, or by writing a some sort of wrapper for the function (absolutely possible but quite time consuming) I'm answering with a completely different approach...


Without passing by any sort of compiled conversion, a really faster way (from a programming time point of view, not in efficiency) may be directly calling the R interpreter with the module of the function you posted from within python, through the python rpy2 module, as described here. It requires the panda module, to handle the data frames from R.

没有经过任何类型的编译转换,一个非常快的方法(从编程时间的角度来看,而不是效率)可能是通过python rpy2模块直接使用你在python中发布的函数模块调用R解释器,如这里所述。它需要熊猫模块来处理来自R的数据帧。

The module to use (in python) are:


import numpy as np  # for handling numerical arrays
import scipy as sp  # a good utility
import pandas as pd  # for data frames
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr  # for importing your module
import rpy2.robjects as ro  # for calling R interpreter from within python
import pandas.rpy.common as com  # for storing R data frames in pandas data frames.

In your code you should import your module by calling importr



and you can send directly commands to R by issuing:


ro.r('x = your.function( blah blah )')
x_rpy = ro.r('x')
# => rpy2.robjects.your-object-type

you can store your data in a data frame by:


py_df = com.load_data('variable.name')

and push back a data frame through:


r_df = com.convert_t_r_dataframe(py_df)
ro.globalenv['df'] = r_df

This is for sure a workaround for your question, but it may be considered as a reasonable solution for certain applications, even if I do not suggest it for "production".




Since I think the only real answer is by spending some time in rewriting the function you posted, or by writing a some sort of wrapper for the function (absolutely possible but quite time consuming) I'm answering with a completely different approach...


Without passing by any sort of compiled conversion, a really faster way (from a programming time point of view, not in efficiency) may be directly calling the R interpreter with the module of the function you posted from within python, through the python rpy2 module, as described here. It requires the panda module, to handle the data frames from R.

没有经过任何类型的编译转换,一个非常快的方法(从编程时间的角度来看,而不是效率)可能是通过python rpy2模块直接使用你在python中发布的函数模块调用R解释器,如这里所述。它需要熊猫模块来处理来自R的数据帧。

The module to use (in python) are:


import numpy as np  # for handling numerical arrays
import scipy as sp  # a good utility
import pandas as pd  # for data frames
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr  # for importing your module
import rpy2.robjects as ro  # for calling R interpreter from within python
import pandas.rpy.common as com  # for storing R data frames in pandas data frames.

In your code you should import your module by calling importr



and you can send directly commands to R by issuing:


ro.r('x = your.function( blah blah )')
x_rpy = ro.r('x')
# => rpy2.robjects.your-object-type

you can store your data in a data frame by:


py_df = com.load_data('variable.name')

and push back a data frame through:


r_df = com.convert_t_r_dataframe(py_df)
ro.globalenv['df'] = r_df

This is for sure a workaround for your question, but it may be considered as a reasonable solution for certain applications, even if I do not suggest it for "production".
