从fwrite参数获取数据数组的内容 - 用objective-c打印出数据

时间:2022-09-06 20:51:54

I have some code that reads this:


int SaveTemplateToFile(char* Name, FTR_DATA Template )
    //NSLog(@"trying to save template to file");

    FILE *fp;
    fp = fopen( Name, "w+b");
    if( fp == NULL ) return FALSE;

    int Result = fwrite( Template.pData, 1, Template.dwSize, fp ) == Template.dwSize ? TRUE : FALSE;

    return Result;

I understand that this will write out the data retrieved from Template.pData into a file named whatever is stored in the Name variable. This is what the .tmpl's contents reads:


从fwrite参数获取数据数组的内容 - 用objective-c打印出数据


I am simply trying to store this data into a variable so that I can send this data to my webserver database and store it in a blob file for retrieval at a later time. This will also allow me to get rid of the fwrite function which I wont need since im storing everything onto the sebserver instead of storing it locally.


I am currently finding trouble reading this data. I am getting a crash when trying to output this data array, I also present what the datatype structure looks like:


从fwrite参数获取数据数组的内容 - 用objective-c打印出数据

Where DGTVOID is of typedef void DGTVOID.

其中DGTVOID是typedef void DGTVOID。

How can I correctly read the contents of template? I was thinking if I understood what datatype it is, then I would be able to retrieve the data correcty.


Update 1

Thanks to Paulw11 I am able access a very small portion of the data using %s instead of %@ which originally lead to a crash. Here is what is being printed now, a few funky upside down question marks:


从fwrite参数获取数据数组的内容 - 用objective-c打印出数据

Is there a way to output the contents of this datastream from Template.pData without having to save the data onto the direction first as a file?


1 个解决方案



I think the first thing you should do is convert your buffer to an NSData instance -

我认为您应该做的第一件事是将缓冲区转换为NSData实例 -

NSData template = [NSData dataWithBytes:Template.pData length:Template.dwSize];

Once you have that then you can Base64 encode the data for transmission over a web request -

一旦你有了,那么你可以通过Base64对数据进行编码,以便通过网络请求进行传输 -

NSString *templateStr = [template base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0];

If you are targeting a version earlier than iOS7 then you can use the deprecated method


NSString *templateStr = [template base64Encoding];



I think the first thing you should do is convert your buffer to an NSData instance -

我认为您应该做的第一件事是将缓冲区转换为NSData实例 -

NSData template = [NSData dataWithBytes:Template.pData length:Template.dwSize];

Once you have that then you can Base64 encode the data for transmission over a web request -

一旦你有了,那么你可以通过Base64对数据进行编码,以便通过网络请求进行传输 -

NSString *templateStr = [template base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0];

If you are targeting a version earlier than iOS7 then you can use the deprecated method


NSString *templateStr = [template base64Encoding];