
时间:2022-08-27 00:09:57

I need to store a random number into an array and then be able to compare the array sums at a later time. So far I have this:


public class Die {
    private int dieValue = 0;
    private Random randomNumbers = new Random();
    public Die() {

public void rollDie() {
    dieValue = randomNumbers.nextInt(6*1);
public void displayDie() {
    int[] die = new int[3];
    for(int counter = 0; counter<die.length; counter++ ) {
        die[counter] = dieValue;
    System.out.print("Your Dies are: " + die[1] + " and " + die[2] + " and " 
    + die[3]);
    dieValue = die[1] + die[2] + die[3];

This gives me an error saying the array index is out of bounds, and i'm not sure how to properly code this.. any tips would be great!


4 个解决方案



In Java, arrays start at index 0, so an array of size 3 (like you've made) will have indices 0,1,2. The out of bounds is because you're trying to used indices 1,2,3 (3 does not exist).


Also, you're saying that you need to access the values at a later time, so you should probably declare the array outwith the method, so that it persists after the method finishes (just now, due to the scope of the variable, it will disappear after displayDie() finishes.)




When you are trying to access the first value stored in an array the index should be 0, in you code above you try to access the 3 values as die[1], die[2], and die[3], but you need to be accessing them as die[0], die[1], and die[2].

当您尝试访问存储在数组中的第一个值时,索引应为0,在上面的代码中,您尝试以die [1],die [2]和die [3]的形式访问3个值,但是您需要将它们作为die [0],die [1]和die [2]访问它们。



Indexes for the die array in the displayDie() method are off, array index in Java starts from 0. First value will be die[0] instead of die[1].

displayDie()方法中die数组的索引关闭,Java中的数组索引从0开始。第一个值将是die [0]而不是die [1]。



Last line you have


dieValue = die[1] + die[2] + die[3];

and suppose to be


dieValue = die[0] + die[1] + die[2];

because there's not die[3] that's why you get the error


What you can do and will be better to loop the array


for(int i=0; i< die.length; i++){
   dieValue +=die[i];



In Java, arrays start at index 0, so an array of size 3 (like you've made) will have indices 0,1,2. The out of bounds is because you're trying to used indices 1,2,3 (3 does not exist).


Also, you're saying that you need to access the values at a later time, so you should probably declare the array outwith the method, so that it persists after the method finishes (just now, due to the scope of the variable, it will disappear after displayDie() finishes.)




When you are trying to access the first value stored in an array the index should be 0, in you code above you try to access the 3 values as die[1], die[2], and die[3], but you need to be accessing them as die[0], die[1], and die[2].

当您尝试访问存储在数组中的第一个值时,索引应为0,在上面的代码中,您尝试以die [1],die [2]和die [3]的形式访问3个值,但是您需要将它们作为die [0],die [1]和die [2]访问它们。



Indexes for the die array in the displayDie() method are off, array index in Java starts from 0. First value will be die[0] instead of die[1].

displayDie()方法中die数组的索引关闭,Java中的数组索引从0开始。第一个值将是die [0]而不是die [1]。



Last line you have


dieValue = die[1] + die[2] + die[3];

and suppose to be


dieValue = die[0] + die[1] + die[2];

because there's not die[3] that's why you get the error


What you can do and will be better to loop the array


for(int i=0; i< die.length; i++){
   dieValue +=die[i];