
时间:2022-08-22 21:25:53

I'm looking for a simple, clean and memory-efficient way to create and apply a reflection effect (you know the one, popularized by the famed iPhone UI) to the bitmap images I've loaded into a Flex app at runtime. The source images will be of varying types (JPGs, PNGs, etc.), but an acceptable solution can assume each image is already loaded and being stored as BitmapData.

我正在寻找一种简单,干净且内存有效的方法来创建和应用反射效果(您知道由着名的iPhone UI推广的那个)到我在运行时加载到Flex应用程序中的位图图像。源图像将具有不同类型(JPG,PNG等),但是可接受的解决方案可以假设每个图像已经加载并存储为BitmapData。

What I'd like to be able to do is apply, optionally, a reflection effect to some views of the BitmapData, but still keep the source BitmapData intact, since not all views of it will require the reflection effect. Insights greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.


4 个解决方案


You can use this class:



It's probably not perfect, but at least will give you a quick start. Then update & modify to your needs if you fancy.




Chet Haase posted the answer I was looking for, with accompanying source code and demo video. Hope it helps others looking for a flexible solution.

Chet Haase发布了我正在寻找的答案,附带源代码和演示视频。希望它能帮助其他人寻找灵活的解决方案。


Possibly an easier way, but offhand I'd say just display a second copy of the image inverted and made transparent:


<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"
            private function onCC():void {
                var m:Matrix = new Matrix(1,0,0,-1,flipImage.transform.matrix.tx, flipImage.transform.matrix.ty + flipImage.height);
                flipImage.transform.matrix = m;
                flipImage.alpha = 0.3;
    <mx:VBox verticalGap="0">
        <mx:Image source="http://*.com/Content/Img/*-logo-250.png">

        <mx:Image id="flipImage" source="http://*.com/Content/Img/*-logo-250.png">



You can always use scaleX = -1;

你总是可以使用scaleX = -1;

this will flip your image horizontally. but it flips using the left side as axle, so you have to adjust the x position of the image to be image.x = image.x + image.widht;

这将水平翻转图像。但它使用左侧作为轴翻转,因此您必须将图像的x位置调整为image.x = image.x + image.widht;


You can use this class:



It's probably not perfect, but at least will give you a quick start. Then update & modify to your needs if you fancy.




Chet Haase posted the answer I was looking for, with accompanying source code and demo video. Hope it helps others looking for a flexible solution.

Chet Haase发布了我正在寻找的答案,附带源代码和演示视频。希望它能帮助其他人寻找灵活的解决方案。


Possibly an easier way, but offhand I'd say just display a second copy of the image inverted and made transparent:


<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"
            private function onCC():void {
                var m:Matrix = new Matrix(1,0,0,-1,flipImage.transform.matrix.tx, flipImage.transform.matrix.ty + flipImage.height);
                flipImage.transform.matrix = m;
                flipImage.alpha = 0.3;
    <mx:VBox verticalGap="0">
        <mx:Image source="http://*.com/Content/Img/*-logo-250.png">

        <mx:Image id="flipImage" source="http://*.com/Content/Img/*-logo-250.png">



You can always use scaleX = -1;

你总是可以使用scaleX = -1;

this will flip your image horizontally. but it flips using the left side as axle, so you have to adjust the x position of the image to be image.x = image.x + image.widht;

这将水平翻转图像。但它使用左侧作为轴翻转,因此您必须将图像的x位置调整为image.x = image.x + image.widht;