调用非对象上的成员函数bind_param() [duplicate]

时间:2022-06-02 19:26:57

This question already has an answer here:


I am trying to bind a variable in this prepared statement, but i keep receiving the error:


Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object

The function is called, and variables are passed to it. When i change the function to just echo the variable, the variable prints on the page fine, but if i try to bind it here i receive the error. can anyone help?



function check($username){
$DBH = getDBH();
$qSelect = $DBH->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?");
$qSelect->bind_param("s", $username);

i know the function is not completely written here, but that shouldn't be a problem. I don't understand why i am receiving this error.


6 个解决方案



as the error-message says, $qSelect seems to be not an object. try to debug this by using var_dump($qSelect); right after your prepare-call. also check if getDBH() returns what you need.


sounds like the prepare-call fails (don't know why) and so it returns false - false is not an object, so you can't call bind_param() on that.

听起来好像prepare-call失败(不知道为什么),因此返回false - false不是对象,因此不能在该对象上调用bind_param()。

EDIT: you havn't given the info, but it looks like you're using PHP's PDO. In that case, take a look at the documentation.


If the database server successfully prepares the statement, PDO::prepare() returns a PDOStatement object. If the database server cannot successfully prepare the statement, PDO::prepare() returns FALSE or emits PDOException (depending on error handling).

如果数据库服务器成功地准备语句,则PDO: prepare()返回一个PDOStatement对象。如果数据库服务器无法成功地准备语句,则PDO: prepare()返回FALSE或引发PDOException(取决于错误处理)。

You should configure your server to return those PDO-Exceptions, which would tell you why the prepare call fails.

您应该配置服务器以返回这些pdo - exception,这将告诉您为什么准备调用失败。



Well, one reason prepare() can fail is -


if the sql statement sent to it is not valid in the current DB. 

prepare() will then return false.


Eg - if the table name is not correct or one or more field in the query does not exist.




i'm using the mysqli approach as well and got the same error when I created another instance of mysqli before closing the first instance. So its important to use close() before starting the same piece of code. For example:


$DBH = getDBH();
$qSelect = $DBH->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?");
$qSelect->bind_param("s", $username);
$qSelect->close();  // <--- use close before calling the same function( wich contains $DBH code) again;



It appears that prepare is quite dumb. It doesn't rely query entirely into the MySQL side, by this, I mean, if in your query, you have a table that happens to have the same name of a keyword, say "user", "order", ..., it just doesn't recognize it as a table, but rather as what the keyword commands actually do, so the query turns out to be a mess and the prepare just fail.


To fix this is simple, you have to type it in the "correct" way adding "`" in both sides of the table name. Example:


`user`, `order`, `...`

It's correct, yet, I find it silly from prepare to have this behavior.




Check the permissions of the user in database. User without "insert" permission causes "Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object" message error too, when trying to insert.




Only for try to help people without experience in PHP like me.


In my case this error occured because I had an error in SQL sintax. The console stack trace don't show this problem.

在我的例子中,这个错误是因为我在SQL sintax中有一个错误。控制台堆栈跟踪没有显示这个问题。

When I fixed the SQL the proccess gone ok.




as the error-message says, $qSelect seems to be not an object. try to debug this by using var_dump($qSelect); right after your prepare-call. also check if getDBH() returns what you need.


sounds like the prepare-call fails (don't know why) and so it returns false - false is not an object, so you can't call bind_param() on that.

听起来好像prepare-call失败(不知道为什么),因此返回false - false不是对象,因此不能在该对象上调用bind_param()。

EDIT: you havn't given the info, but it looks like you're using PHP's PDO. In that case, take a look at the documentation.


If the database server successfully prepares the statement, PDO::prepare() returns a PDOStatement object. If the database server cannot successfully prepare the statement, PDO::prepare() returns FALSE or emits PDOException (depending on error handling).

如果数据库服务器成功地准备语句,则PDO: prepare()返回一个PDOStatement对象。如果数据库服务器无法成功地准备语句,则PDO: prepare()返回FALSE或引发PDOException(取决于错误处理)。

You should configure your server to return those PDO-Exceptions, which would tell you why the prepare call fails.

您应该配置服务器以返回这些pdo - exception,这将告诉您为什么准备调用失败。



Well, one reason prepare() can fail is -


if the sql statement sent to it is not valid in the current DB. 

prepare() will then return false.


Eg - if the table name is not correct or one or more field in the query does not exist.




i'm using the mysqli approach as well and got the same error when I created another instance of mysqli before closing the first instance. So its important to use close() before starting the same piece of code. For example:


$DBH = getDBH();
$qSelect = $DBH->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?");
$qSelect->bind_param("s", $username);
$qSelect->close();  // <--- use close before calling the same function( wich contains $DBH code) again;



It appears that prepare is quite dumb. It doesn't rely query entirely into the MySQL side, by this, I mean, if in your query, you have a table that happens to have the same name of a keyword, say "user", "order", ..., it just doesn't recognize it as a table, but rather as what the keyword commands actually do, so the query turns out to be a mess and the prepare just fail.


To fix this is simple, you have to type it in the "correct" way adding "`" in both sides of the table name. Example:


`user`, `order`, `...`

It's correct, yet, I find it silly from prepare to have this behavior.




Check the permissions of the user in database. User without "insert" permission causes "Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object" message error too, when trying to insert.




Only for try to help people without experience in PHP like me.


In my case this error occured because I had an error in SQL sintax. The console stack trace don't show this problem.

在我的例子中,这个错误是因为我在SQL sintax中有一个错误。控制台堆栈跟踪没有显示这个问题。

When I fixed the SQL the proccess gone ok.
